Sabtu, 23 Mei 2009
Judul : Dyah Pitaloka - Senja di Langit Majapahit Penulis : Hermawan Aksan Penerbit : C-Publishing Cetakan : I, Des 2005 Tebal : 326 hal ; 17.5 cm
Dyah Pitaloka, putri Prabu Linggabuana, raja negeri Sunda kerap diganggu mimpi buruk dalam tidurnya. Dalam mimpinya ia melihat matahari yang menggantung di atas cakrawala pelan-pelan terbelah menjadi dua dan mencebur bersama-sama ke dalam laut yang mendadak berwarna merah darah. Mimpi buruk itu terus mengganggunya semenjak utusan dari Majapahit datang ke Negeri Sunda.
Dimasa itu Majapahit dibawah pimpinan Raja Hayam Wuruk, telah menjadi kerajaan yang besar dan disegani diseluruh Nusantara. Peran Patih Gajah Mada dengan sumpah Palapa-nya yang terkenal membuat hampir seluruh Nusantara takluk dibawah kekuasaan Majapahit. Hanya ada satu negeri yang hingga saat itu masih merdeka dari pengaruh Majapahit, padahal negeri itu hanya dibatasi oleh sebatang aliran sungai Cipamali. Negeri Sunda! Negeri Sunda inilah yang membuat sumpah Palapa Gajah Mada belum juga tergenapi. Tak terhitung sudah berapa kali Gajah Mada berniat untuk menyerang negeri Sunda dengan pasukannya, namun selalu urung karena ia merasa ada semacam wibawa tak kasat mata yang membuatnya segan terhadap Negeri Sunda yang jika ditilik dari sejarah memang telah ada terlebih dahulu dibanding Majapahit, bahkan pendiri Majapahit sendiri memiliki darah sunda dari ayahnya. Sayangnya Gajah Mada tak mempercayai adanya hubngan darah ini sehingga ambisinya untuk menaklukkan negeri Sunda tak pernah padam.
Raja Hayam Wuruk yang saat itu hendak mencari seorang istri mengutus para juru lukisnya ke segenap penjuru nusantara untuk melukis putri- putri dari berbagai kerajaan yang kelak akan dipilihnya untuk menjadi permaisuri. Kecantikan Dyah Pitaloka di Negeri Sunda tak luput dari incaran juru lukis Majapahit. Diantara ratusan lukisan dari berbagai penjuru Nusantara, Hayam Wuruk terpikat oleh lukisan Dyah Pitaloka dan memilihnya untuk dijadikan permaisurinya. Hayam Wuruk segera mengirim utusannya untuk menyatakan niatnya. Mulanya Dyah Pitaloka tak berkenan dengan cara yang dilakukan oleh Hayam Wuruk untuk mencari permaisuri, harga dirinya sebagai seorang putri negeri Sunda terasa terlecehkan, namun ia tak kuasa melawan kehendak ayahnya, Prabu Linggabuana yang menyetujui lamaran Hayam Wuruk. Untuk itu Prabu Linggabuana dan Dyah Pitaloka diundang untuk segera berangkat menuju Majapahit guna melaksanakan pesta pernikahan.
Jika Prabu Hayam Wuruk hanya berniat mencari seorang permaisuri, lain halnya dengan Gajah Mada. Bagi dirinya pernikahan Dyah Pitaloka dengan Hayam Wuruk dilihatnya sebagai kesempatan untuk menggenapan Sumpah Palapa-nya. Dengan cerdiknya Gajah Mada mempengaruhi Hayam Wuruk agar memandang pernikahannya dengan Dyah Pitaloka sebagai suatu pengakuan kedaulatan negeri Sunda terhadap Majapahit. Dengan demikian Dyah Pitaloka dianggap sebagai "upeti" dari Negeri Sunda.
Prabu Hayam Wuruk yang rencanya akan menjemput Dyah Pitaloka dan rombongannya di Tegal Bubat akhirnya gagal. Gajah Mada merubah rencana yang telah terususun rapih. Rombongan Prabu Linggabuana dan Dyah Pitaloka yang telah tiba di Tegal Bubat heran karena Prabu Hayam Wuruk dan rombongan yang akan menjemputnya tak kunjung tiba. Dua ksatria dari Negeri Sunda diutus untuk memasuki Majapahit, mereka bertemu dengan Gajah Mada yang memerintahkan agar dan Prabu Linggabuana dan rombogannya datang sendiri ke istana Majapahit untuk menyerahkan Dyah Pitaloka sebagai "upeti" dari Negeri Sunda. Hal ini membuat Prabu Linggabuana dan seluruh rombongannya tersinggung. Harga diri dan kebesaran Negeri Sunda terasa tercabik-cabik, Prabu Linggabuna menolak perintah Gajah Mada. Perang tak terhindarkan! Pertarungan yang tak seimbang antara harga diri Prabu Linggabuna dan ambisi Gajah Mada berkembang menjadi perang yang dashyat dan melagenda, dua kekuatan tak mau menyerah begitu saja. Dyah Pitaloka yang masih menggunakan pakaian pengantinnya ikut bertarung mempertahankan negeri dan harga dirinya sebagai seorang putri Sunda. Sejarah mencatar Perang ini sebagai Perang Bubat (1357).
Sejarah adalah merupakan satu fakta, atau sesuatu yang dapat dibuktikan dengan fakta. Sejarawan ma tidak mau terikat pada fakta- fakta yang pernah terjadi: dia tidak bebas dalam penggarapan bahan- bahan sejarah itu. Akan tetapi, seorang penulis novel sejarah dapat lebih bebas menciptakan ceritanya sendiri. Hermawan Aksan dalam novel perdananya ini mencoba mengangkat fakta sejarah Perang Bubat kedalam novel ini. Tokoh-tokoh sejarah seperti Dyah Pitaloka, Gajah Mada, Hayam Wuruk, Linggabuana dan lain-lain dideskripsikan menurut versi penulisnya. Dyah Pitaloka dalam novel ini dideskripsikan sebagai seorang putri yang cantik yang haus akan ilmu dan gemar membaca kitab-kitab sastra dan mempelajari ilmu kanarugan. Dyah juga sangat peduli tentang nasib kaum perempuan di negeri Sunda dan memiliki pandangan yang jauh kedepan mengenai peran seorang putri yang dibesarkan dalam lingkungan kerajaan. Karena berada dalam area fiksi deskripsi ini mungkin sah-sah saja, namun mungkin akan menimbulkan tanda tanya bagi pembacanya, apakah mungkin seorang putri yang hidup di abad 13 telah memiliki pandangan yang jauh kedepan terutama dalam hal-hal emansipasi?
Karakter Gajah Mada yang selama ini dikenal sebagai tokoh pemersatu Nusantara dalam novel ini digambarkan sebagai seorang patih ambisius yang rela memanfaatkan cinta rajanya (Hayam Wuruk) untuk memenuhi ambisinya mepersatukan Nusantara hingga harus mati-matian memerangi Prabu Lianggabuana dalam tragedi berdarah di Tegal Bubat. Sedangkan Hayam Wuruk sendiri digambarkan sebagai raja boneka yang mudah dipengaruhi oleh Gajah Mada.
Dari segi plot cerita, novel ini disajikan dengan sangat menarik. Nampaknya Novel ini dikerjakan dengan riset yang cukup mendalam, hal ini terbukti dengan gambaran Perang Bubat yang menjadi klimaks cerita yang disajikan dengan seru dan memikat. Deskripsi kota Trowulan – Majapahit disajikan dengan cukup detail seakan mengajak pembacanya berpetualang ke ibukota Majapahit. Novel ini juga memberi pemahaman pada pembacanya terhadap tokoh Dyah Pitaloka dan kaitannya dengan Perang Bubat yang merupakan awal dari redupnya kebesaran Gajah Mada setelah kejadian ini.
Sebagai Novel Sejarah sebenarnya novel ini sangat berpotensi untuk lebih mengangkat lagi budaya Sunda dan Jawa / Majapahit, sayangnya hal ini tidak tereksplorasi dengan baik. Kurangnya sketsa kehidupan sosial masyarakat Sunda dan Majapahit membuat novel ini lebih bernuansa istana-sentris karena hanya mengungkap kejaidan seputar istana Sunda dan Majapahit. Jika saja unsur-unsur sosial dan budaya masyarakat Sunda dan Majapahit terungkap dengan baik novel ini akan menjadi novel sejarah yang gemuk yang akan mengenayngkan pembacanya.
Namun terlepas hal-hal diatas novel perdana Hermawan Aksan ini patut dihargai setinggi-setingginya karena bagaimanapun novel ini mengungkap sepenggal peristiwa sejarah yang mungkin sudah terlupakan dan hanya ditemui dalam buku-buku teks sejarah kedalam sebuah novel yang memikat dan memiliki tingkat keterbacaan yang tinggi.
-------------- catetan: Hermawan Aksan teh urang sunda brebes, wewengkon nu geus asup jawa tengah tapi masih make basa sunda. ayeuna redaksi koran Tribun Jabar. sakolana kungsi ka Astronomi itb, tapi teu tamat.
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Ade Kusnaya (new)
Sabtu, 14 Maret 2009
F.C. Internazionale Milano From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Inter Full name Football Club Internazionale Milano SpA Nickname(s) Nerazzurri (the Black-Blues) La Beneamata (the Cherished) Il Biscione (the Big Grass Snake) Founded 9 March 1908 Ground Stadio Giuseppe Meazza, Milan, Italy (Capacity: 80,074 [1]) President Massimo Moratti Head Coach José Mourinho League Serie A 2007-08 Serie A, 1st Home colours Away colours
Current season
Football Club Internazionale Milano, commonly referred to as Internazionale and as just Inter in Italy, is an Italian professional football club based in Milan, Lombardy, founded in 1908.
Inter are the only side in Italian football to have spent their entire history in Serie A, making them the club with the most seasons spent in this top tier. Playing in black and blue striped shirts with black shorts, they have 16 Serie A titles to their name. Including the Coppa Italia and the Italian Super Cup, Inter have a total of 25 trophies won in Italy. Outside of their homeland, the club have also had success in European and World tournaments; they won the European Cup in two successive finals in 1964 and 1965. They have also won the UEFA Cup three times and the Intercontinental Cup twice.
Inter play their home games at the Stadio Giuseppe Meazza, also known as San Siro. The ground, which they share with rivals A.C. Milan, is the largest in Italian football, with a total capacity of 80,018. Inter train at the fields of sports center "Angelo Moratti" (better known as La Pinetina) in Appiano Gentile, near Como. The term Inter Milan is a nickname used primarily in the English-speaking world to differentiate it from other teams named "Inter", and is not used within Italy. History Main article: History of F.C. Internazionale Milano First Inter side to win the scudetto, in 1909–10.
The club was founded on 9 March 1908 as Football Club Internazionale Milano, following a "schism" from the Milan Cricket and Football Club (43 members). A group of Italians and Swiss (Giorgio Muggiani, a painter who also designed the club's logo, Bossard, Lana, Bertoloni, De Olma, Enrico Hintermann, Arturo Hintermann, Carlo Hintermann, Pietro Dell'Oro, Hugo and Hans Rietmann, Voelkel, Maner, Wipf, and Carlo Ardussi) were unhappy about the domination of Italians in the AC Milan team, and broke away from them, leading to the creation of Internazionale. From the beginning, the club was open to foreign players and thus lived up to its founding name. The club won its very first Scudetto (championship) in 1910 and its second in 1920. The captain and coach of the first Scudetto was Virgilio Fossati, who was killed in World War I. In 1922 Inter were in Group B of the Serie A and came in last place after picking up only 11 points in the season. The last place team of each group was to be automatically relegated. The second last place teams were placed in a pre-relegation 'salvation' tournament. Inter and La Gazzetta dello Sport's editor (Colombo) petitioned the FIGC to allow Inter to participate in Serie A the following year as a year in Serie B would have been financially detrimental. The FIGC saved Inter some weeks prior to the season starting by allowing them to remain in Serie A in 1923. [2]Venezia, who had come in 3rd last in Group B ahead of Inter, were relegated in Inter's place. In 1928, during the Fascist era, the club was forced to merge with the Milanese Unione Sportiva and was renamed Ambrosiana SS Milano.[3] They wore white shirts around this time with a red cross emblazoned on it. This shirt design was inspired by the flag and coat of arms of the city of Milan, which in turn is derived from the flag of the patron saint of Milan, St. Ambrose and dates back to the 4th century AD. The new upcoming President Oreste Simonotti decided to change name to A.S. Ambrosiana in 1929. However, supporters continued to call the team "Inter," and in 1931 new president Pozzani caved to shareholder pressure and changed the name to AS Ambrosiania-Inter.
Their first Coppa Italia (Italian Cup) was won in 1938-39, led by the great legend Giuseppe Meazza, after whom the San Siro stadium is officially named, and a fifth league championship followed in 1940, despite an injury to Meazza. After the end of World War II the club re-emerged under a name close to their original one, Internazionale FC Milano, which they have kept ever since.
[edit] La Grande Inter Main article: La Grande Inter
Following the war, Internazionale won their sixth championship in 1953 and the seventh in 1954. Following these titles, Inter were to embark upon the best years of their history, affectionately known as the era of La Grande Inter (The Great Inter). During this period with Helenio Herrera as head coach, the club won 3 league championships in 1963, 1965 and 1966. The most famous moments during this decade also include Inter's 2 back-to-back European Cup wins. In 1964, Inter won the first of those tournaments, playing against the famous Spanish club Real Madrid. The next season, playing in their home stadium, the San Siro, they defeated two-time former champions Benfica.
Following the golden era of the 1960s, Inter managed to win their eleventh league title in 1971 and their twelfth in 1980. Inter were defeated for the second time in five years in the final of the European Cup, going down 0-2 to Johan Cruijff's Ajax in 1972. During the 1970s and the 1980s, Inter also added two Coppa Italias to their tally in 1977-78 and 1981-82.
Led by the German duo of Andreas Brehme and Lothar Matthäus, and Argentine Ramón Díaz, Inter captured the 1989 Serie A championship. Fellow German Jürgen Klinsmann and the Italian Supercup were added the following season but to little avail as Inter did not manage to defend their title.
[edit] Anni Difficili
The 1990s were a period of disappointment for the club. Whilst their great rivals AC Milan and Juventus were achieving success both domestically and in Europe, Inter were left behind, with some mediocre positions in the standings, their worst finishes being in 1993-94 when they were just 1 point from relegation. Nevertheless, they achieved some European success in that decade with 3 UEFA Cup victories in 1991, 1994 and 1998.
With Massimo Moratti's takeover from Ernesto Pellegrini in 1995, Inter were promised more success with many high profile signings such as Ronaldo, Christian Vieri and Hernán Crespo, with Inter twice breaking the world record transfer fee in this period.[citation needed] €19.5 million for Ronaldo from Barcelona in 1997 and €31 million for Christian Vieri from Lazio in 1999. However the 1990s remained a decade of disappointment and is the only decade in Inter's history in which they failed to win a single Serie A championship. For Inter fans it was difficult to identify who in particular might be to blame for these troubled times and this led to some icy relations between president, managers and even some individual players.
Inter chairman Massimo Moratti later became a target for the fans, especially when he sacked much-loved coach Luigi Simoni after only a few games into the 1998/99 season, after having just received the Italian Manager of the Year award for 1998 the day before, Massimo Moratti decided to end his contract. In the 1998/99 season Inter failed to qualify for any European competition for the first time in almost 10 years, finishing in a poor eighth place.
In the 1999/00 season, Massimo Moratti made some major changes, once again with some high-profile signings. A major coup for Inter was the appointment of former Juventus manager Marcello Lippi. Inter were seen by the majority of the fans and press to have finally put together a winning formula. Other signings included Italian and French legends Angelo Peruzzi and Laurent Blanc together with other former Juventus players Christian Vieri and Vladimir Jugović. Inter were also seen to have an advantage in this season as they had no European "distraction". Once again they failed to win the elusive Scudetto. However they did manage to come close to their first domestic success since 1989 when they reached the Coppa Italia final only to be defeated by Lazio allowing them to win the Scudetto and domestic cup double.
The following season more disaster struck. Inter impressed in the Supercoppa Italia match against Lazio and took the lead through new signing Robbie Keane – however, they lost 4-3. Overall, though, they were looking good for the season that was about to start. What followed was another embarrassment, as they were eliminated in the preliminary round of the Champions League by Swedish club Helsingborgs. Alvaro Recoba was given the opportunity to draw the sides level with a last-minute penalty, yet he missed, hitting the post, and Inter found themselves back at square one as Marcello Lippi, the manager at the time, was sacked after only a single game of the new season following Inter's first ever Serie A defeat to Reggina. Throughout this period, Inter suffered mockery from their neighbours Milan; Milan were having a period of success both domestically and in Europe. They also seemed to be suffering from a series of non-ending defeats at the hands of their city rivals, including an unfortunate 0-6 defeat in the 2000/01 season -- their worst "home" result in history. Marco Tardelli, chosen to replace Lippi, failed to improve results, and is remembered by Inter fans as the manager that lost this match. Other members of the Inter squad during this period that suffered were the likes of Christian Vieri and Fabio Cannavaro, both of whom had their restaurants in Milan vandalised after defeats against Milan.
Inter fans' protests throughout this period ranged from vandalism to banners being unfurled in the stadium to protest against certain players. In some cases fans arranged for the Curva Nord, a section of the stadium to be empty for entire matches. Inter were in this period often deemed to be one of the favourites for the championship. This led to a popular AC Milan chant against Inter – "Luglio Agosto" (July and August); this was because during the summer months according to the press Inter had won the championship before it had even begun, only for them not to realise their promise.
In 2002, not only did Inter manage to make it to the UEFA cup semi-finals, they were also only 45 minutes away from capturing the Scudetto, when they needed to maintain a one-goal advantage over Lazio at Rome's Olimpico stadium in the final match of the season, and Inter were top of the Serie A table at kick-off. However, a defeat would see Juventus, who were second, or even Roma, in third place, take the title from them, should these sides win. As a result, some Lazio fans were actually openly supporting Inter during this match, as an Inter victory would prevent their bitter rivals Roma from winning the championship. Inter were 2-1 up after only 24 minutes. Lazio equalised during first half injury time and then scored two more goals in the second half to clinch victory that eventually saw Juventus win the championship after their 2-0 victory away to Udinese. The date of this match -- 5 May 2002 -- still haunts Inter.
2002/03 saw Inter take a respectable second place and also managed to make it to the 2003 Champions League semi finals against Milan. Although they drew on aggregate 1-1 with Milan, Inter lost on the away goals rule, even though both matches were played in the same stadium. It was another disappointment but they were finally on the right track.
However, once again Massimo Moratti's impatience got the better of him, Hernán Crespo was sold after just one season, and Hector Cuper was fired after only a few games. Alberto Zaccheroni stepped in, a life-long Inter fan but also the man who had been in charge of Lazio's 4-2 win over Inter in 2002 - the fans were sceptical. Zaccheroni brought nothing new to the side, apart from two fantastic wins over Juventus 3-1 in Turin and 3-2 at the San Siro and the season was again nothing special. They were eliminated from the UEFA Champions League in the first round after finishing 3rd in the group. Furthermore, they only just managed to qualify for the Champions League by finishing in 4th place, only a point ahead of Parma. Inter's only saving grace in 2003/04 was the arrival of Dejan Stanković and Adriano in January 2004, both solid players that filled the gap left by the departures of Hernán Crespo and Clarence Seedorf.
[edit] Resurrection
On 15 June 2005, Internazionale won the Coppa Italia, defeating Roma in the two-legged final 3-0 on aggregate (1-0 win in Milan and 2-0 win in Rome) and followed that up on 20 August 2005, by winning the Supercoppa Italiana after an extra-time 1-0 victory against original 04-05 Serie A champions Juventus (before being stripped of this title). This Super Cup win was Inter's first since 1989, coincidentally the same year since Inter last won the Scudetto before 2006. On 11 May 2006, Inter retained their Coppa Italia trophy by once again, defeating AS Roma with a 4-1 aggregate victory (A 1-1 scoreline in Rome and a 3-1 win at the Giuseppe Meazza, San Siro).
Inter were awarded the 2005-06 Serie A championship as they were the highest placed side in the season's final league table after points were stripped from Juventus and Milan - both sides being involved in the match fixing scandal that year. On 14 July 2006, The Italian Federal Appeal Commission found Serie A clubs Juventus, Lazio, Fiorentina, Reggina and Milan guilty of match-fixing and punished the 5 clubs involved, although all charges were later reduced to some extent. As a result, with the relegation of Juventus Turin to Serie B (for the first ever time in their history) and the 8-point deduction for city rivals Milan, Inter became favorites to retain their Serie A title for the upcoming 2006-07 Serie A season.
During the season, Inter went on a record-breaking run of 17 consecutive victories in Serie A, starting on 25 September 2006 with a 4-1 home win over Livorno, and ending on 28 February 2007, after a 1-1 draw at home to Udinese. The 5-2 away win at Catania on 25 February 2007 broke the original record of 15 matches held by both Bayern Munich and Real Madrid from the "Big 5" (the top flight leagues in England, Italy, Spain, France & Germany). The run lasted for almost 5 months and is among the best in European league football, with just Benfica (29 wins), Celtic (25 wins) and PSV (22 wins) bettering it. Inter's form dipped a little as they recorded 0-0 and 2-2 draws against relegation-battlers Reggina and slumping to Palermo (respectively), the latter game featuring a second-half comeback after Palermo went up 2-0 at halftime. They could not keep their invincible form up near the end of the season as well, as they lost their first game of the domestic season to Roma in the San Siro 3-1 thanks to two late Roma goals. Inter had enjoyed an unbeaten Serie A run for just under a year.
On 22 April 2007 Inter were crowned Serie A champions for the second consecutive season after defeating Siena 2-1 at Stadio Artemio Franchi. Italian World Cup winning defender Marco Materazzi scored both goals in the 18th and 60th minute, with the latter being a penalty. Inter started the 2007–08 season with the goal of winning both Serie A and UEFA Champions League. The team started well in the league, topping the table from the first round of matches, and also managed to qualify for the Champions League knockout stage; however, a late collapse leading to a 2-0 defeat with 10 men away to Liverpool on February 19 in the Champions League threw into question Mancini's future at Inter, and domestic form took a sharp turn of fortune with the team failing to win in the three following Serie A games (drawing with Sampdoria and major league opponents Roma, before losing away to Napoli their first domestic defeat of the season. After being eliminated by Liverpool in the Champions League, Mancini then announced his intention to leave his job, only to change his mind the following day.
An improvement in results then gave Inter the chance to wrap up their scudetto race twice, but a defeat to city rivals Milan and a home draw against Siena catapulted Roma to within just 1 point of Inter going into the final round of the Championship. Inter then managed to win at Parma thanks to two goals by Swedish striker Zlatan Ibrahimović, who was still recovering from a knee injury and came off the bench to score for his team.
Following this win, the club however decided to sack Mancini on 29 May, citing his declarations following the Champions League defeat to Liverpool as the reason.[4] On June 2 Inter announced on their official website that they had appointed former Porto and Chelsea boss José Mourinho as new head coach, with Giuseppe Baresi as his assistant. This makes Mourinho the only foreign coach in Italy for the forthcoming season.[5] Mourinho made only three additions to the squad during the summer transfer window of 2008 in the form of Alessandro Faiolhe Amantino,[6] Sulley Ali Muntari[7] and Ricardo Quaresma.[8]
[edit] Other historical information
Internazionale have never been relegated from the Italian top flight in their entire history, which dates back all the way to 1908; a fact Nerazzurri fans hold in high regard. By comparison, Milan have been relegated twice, despite winning one more scudetto. As of 2007, following Juventus' relegation to Serie B for the 2006-07 season following the "Calciopoli" scandal Inter is the only Italian club that holds this honour, and its century in the top flight (counting the upcoming season) is one of the longest unbroken runs of any club in the world.
The current president and owner of Internazionale is Massimo Moratti. His father, Angelo Moratti, was the president of Inter during the club's golden era of the 1960s.
[edit] Current squad
[edit] Players
As of 2 February 2009. [9]No. Position Player 1 GK Francesco Toldo 2 DF Ivan Cordoba (vice-captain) 4 DF Javier Zanetti (captain) 5 MF Dejan Stanković 6 DF Maxwell 7 MF Luís Figo 8 FW Zlatan Ibrahimović 9 FW Julio Cruz 10 FW Adriano 11 MF Luis Jiménez 12 GK Júlio César 13 DF Maicon 14 MF Patrick Vieira 16 DF Nicolás Burdisso No. Position Player 18 FW Hernán Crespo 19 MF Esteban Cambiasso 20 MF Sulley Ali Muntari 21 FW Victor Obinna 22 GK Paolo Orlandoni 23 DF Marco Materazzi (vice-captain) 24 DF Nelson Rivas 25 DF Walter Samuel 26 DF Cristian Chivu 33 MF Mancini 36 MF Francesco Bolzoni 37 DF Andrea Mei 39 DF Davide Santon 45 FW Mario Balotelli
[edit] Out on loanNo. Position Player 15 MF Olivier Dacourt (at Fulham) 29 FW David Suazo (at Benfica) 77 FW Ricardo Quaresma (at Chelsea) 17 FW Robert Acquafresca (at Cagliari) DF Rincón (at Ancona) DF Ivan Fatić (at Salernitana) MF Attila Filkor (at Sassuolo) DF Gabriele Puccio (at Verona) GK Enrico Alfonso (at Pisa) No. Position Player MF Luca Siligardi (at Bari) FW Jonathan Biabiany (at Modena) GK Giacomo Bindi (at Varese) DF Daniele Pedrelli (at Treviso) MF Ronny Diuk Toma (at Valenzana) MF Nicola Redomi (at Valenzana) DF Daniele Federici (at Grosseto) FW Gianluca Litteri (at Slavia Prague) DF Leonardo Bonucci (at Pisa)
{{Football squad player|no=|nat=Brazil|name=Philippe Coutinhopos=FW|other=at Vasco da Gama
[edit] Non-playing staffPosition Staff Manager José Mourinho Assistant Manager Giuseppe Baresi Physical fitness Coach Rui Faria Goalkeeping Coach Silvino Louro Technical assistant Andre Villas Boas Director in charge of transfers Marco Branca Transfer Market Consultant First-Team Representative Gabriele Oriali
Last updated: 3 June 2008 Source: F.C. Internazionale Milano Official Website
[edit] Retired numbers Main article: Retired numbers in football
3 – Giacinto Facchetti, left fullback, 1960–1978 (posthumous honour)
[edit] Noted players For a more detailed list, see List of F.C. Internazionale Milano players. For a list of all former and current Inter players with a Wikipedia article, see Category:F.C. Internazionale Milano players.
[edit] Presidential history
Inter have had numerous presidents over the course of their history, some of which have been the owners of the club, others have been honorary presidents, here is a complete list of them.[10] Name Years Giovanni Paramithiotti 1908–1909 Ettore Strauss 1909–1910 Carlo de Medici 1910–1912 Emilio Hirzel 1912–1914 Luigi Ansbacher 1914 Giuseppe Visconti di Modrone 1914–1919 Giorgio Hulss 1919–1920 Name Years Francesco Mauro 1920–1923 Enrico Olivetti 1923–1926 Senatore Borletti 1926–1929 Ernesto Torrusio 1929–1930 Oreste Simonotti 1930–1932 Ferdinando Pozzani 1932–1942 Carlo Masseroni 1942–1955 Name Years Angelo Moratti 1955–1968 Ivanoe Fraizzoli 1968–1984 Ernesto Pellegrini 1984–1995 Massimo Moratti 1995–2004 Giacinto Facchetti 2004–2006 Massimo Moratti 2006–present
[edit] Managerial history Main article: List of F.C. Internazionale Milano managers
In Internazionale's history, 55 coaches have coached the club. The first manager was Virgilio Fossati and the current manager is José Mourinho, who was appointed on 2 June 2008. Helenio Herrera had the longest reign as Internazionale coach, with 9 years (8 consecutive) in charge, and is the most successful coach in Inter history with 3 Scudetto, 2 European Cup and 2 Intercontinental Cup wins. Name Nationality Years Virgilio Fossati 1909–1915 Nino Resegotti Francesco Mauro 1919–1920 Bob Spotishwood 1922–1924 Paolo Schiedler 1924–1926 Árpád Weisz 1926–1928 József Viola 1928–1929 Árpád Weisz 1929–1931 István Tóth 1931–1932 Árpád Weisz 1932–1934 Gyula Feldmann 1934–1936 Albino Carraro 1936 Armando Castellazzi 1936–1938 Tony Cargnelli 1938–1940 Giuseppe Peruchetti 1940 Italo Zamberletti 1941 Ivo Fiorentini 1941–1942 Giovanni Ferrari 1942–1945 Carlo Carcano 1945–1946 Nino Nutrizio 1946 Giuseppe Meazza 1947–1948 Carlo Carcano 1948 Dai Astley 1948 Giulio Cappelli 1949–1950 Aldo Olivieri 1950–1952 Alfredo Foni 1952–1955 Aldo Campatelli 1955 Giuseppe Meazza 1955–1956 Annibale Frossi 1956 Luigi Ferrero 1957 Giuseppe Meazza 1957 Jesse Carver 1957–1958 Giuseppe Bigogno 1958 Aldo Campatelli 1959–1960 Camillo Achilli 1960 Name Nationality Years Giulio Cappelli 1960 Helenio Herrera 1960–1968 Alfredo Foni 1968–1969 Heriberto Herrera 1969–1971 Giovanni Invernizzi 1971–1973 Enea Masiero 1973 Helenio Herrera 1973 Enea Masiero 1974 Luis Suárez 1974–1975 Giuseppe Chiappella 1976–1977 Eugenio Bersellini 1977–1982 Rino Marchesi 1982–1983 Luigi Radice 1983–1984 Ilario Castagner 1984–1986 Mario Corso 1986 Giovanni Trapattoni 1986–1991 Corrado Orrico 1991 Luis Suárez 1992 Osvaldo Bagnoli 1992–1994 Giampiero Marini 1994 Ottavio Bianchi 1994–1995 Luis Suárez 1995 Roy Hodgson 1995–1997 Luciano Castellini 1997 Luigi Simoni 1997–1998 Mircea Lucescu 1999 Luciano Castellini 1999 Roy Hodgson 1999 Marcello Lippi 1999–2000 Marco Tardelli 2000–2001 Héctor Raul Cúper 2001–2003 Corrado Verdelli 2003 Alberto Zaccheroni 2003–2004 Roberto Mancini 2004–2008 José Mourinho 2008–
[edit] Colours, badge and nicknames Previous badge.
Ambrosiana kit
For the majority of their history Inter have worn black and blue stripes. When the club was first founded in 1908, black was chosen to represent night and blue was chosen to represent the sky.[11] After a merger in 1928 with Unione Sportiva Milanese, Inter changed its name to Ambrosiana SS Milano and its colours to a white shirt with a red cross on top of it, the new colours represented the flag of Milan.[12] After World War II the club changed their name and their colours back to the original incarnation, Inter continue on with the black and blue stripes to this day, leading to the nickname nerazzurri.[13] The Milanese flag kit has been revived occasionally as an away kit however.
One of the nicknames of Inter is I biscione which means "the big grass snake". It was chosen because in Milanese heraldry the snake is historically important; it features on the coat of arms of the House of Sforza (who ruled over Italy from Milan during the Renaissance period), the city of Milan, the historical Duchy of Milan (a four hundred year state of the Holy Roman Empire) and Insubria (a historical regional area which the city of Milan falls within).
[edit] Supporters and rivalries Inter created display in their curva at the Stadio Giuseppe Meazza.
Inter is the third most supported football club in Italy according to an August 2007 research by Italian newspaper La Repubblica,[14]. Historically the largest section of Inter fans from the city of Milan, have been the middle-class bourgeoisie Milanese, while Milan fans are typically working-class and a significant portion are migrants from Southern Italy.[13]
The traditional ultras group of Inter is Boys San, they hold a significant place in the history of the ultras scene in general due to the fact that they are one of the oldest; founded in 1969.[15] Politically the ultras of Inter are usually considered right-wing,[15] as thus they have good relationships with Verona and Lazio.[15] As well as the main group Boys San, there are four more significant groups; Viking, Irriducibili, Ultras, and Brianza Alcoolica. Inter fans celebrating in 2007.
Inter have several rivalries, two of which are highly significant in Italian football; firstly they participate in the inter-city Derby della Madonnina with Milan, the rivalry has existed ever since Inter splintered off from Milan in 1908.[13] The name of the derby refers to the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose statue atop the Milan Cathedral is one of the city's main attractions. The match usually creates a lively atmosphere, with numerous (often humorous or offensive) banners unfolded before the match. Flares are commonly present, but they also led to the abandonment of the second leg of the 2005 Champions League quarter-final matchup between Milan and Inter on 12 April, after a flare thrown from the crowd by an Inter supporter struck Milan keeper Dida on the shoulder.[16]
The other most significant rivalry is with Juventus, the two participate in the Derby d'Italia. Up until the 2006 Serie A match-fixing scandal, which saw Juventus relegated, the two were the only Italian clubs to have never played below Serie A. Clubs such as Bologna, Atalanta and Roma are also considered to be amongst their rivals.[15]
[edit] Honours
[edit] National titles Main article: F.C. Internazionale Milano honours, records and statistics
Serie A: Champions (16): 1909–10; 1919–20; 1929–30; 1937–38; 1939–40; 1952–53; 1953–54; 1962–63; 1964–65; 1965–66; 1970–71; 1979–80; 1988–89; 2005-06; 2006-07; 2007-08 Runners-up (14): 1932–33; 1933–34; 1934–35; 1940–41; 1945–46; 1948–49; 1950–51; 1961–62; 1963–64; 1966–67; 1969–70; 1992–93; 1997–98; 2002–03
Coppa Italia: Champions (5): 1938–39; 1977–78; 1981–82; 2004–05; 2005–06; Runners-up (6): 1958–59; 1964–65; 1976–77; 1999–00; 2006–07; 2007–08
Supercoppa Italiana: Champions (4): 1989; 2005; 2006; 2008 Runners-up (2): 2001; 2007
[edit] International titles
The following titles include only those which are recognised by UEFA and FIFA.
[edit] European titles
UEFA Champions League (former European Cup): Champions (2): 1963–64; 1964–65 Runners-up (2): 1966–67; 1971–72
UEFA Cup: Champions (3): 1990–91; 1993–94; 1997–98 Runners-up (1): 1996–97
Mitropa Cup: Runners-up (1): 1932–33
[edit] World-wide titles
Intercontinental Cup: [17] Champions (2): 1964; 1965
[edit] Regional Titles
[edit] Italy
Serie De Martino: Champions (6): 1958-59; 1960-61; 1961-62; 1962-63; 1965-66
Trofeo Tim: Champions (5): 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007
Birra Moretti Cup: Champions (3): 2001; 2002; 2007
Pirelli Cup: Winners: 2001 versus AS Roma
Diposting oleh
Ade Kusnaya (new)
Unlimited items Hm and Tm and berrys and poke balls Verified by: unverified Bogus Report:
Did you know that you can get to the Pokemon league without getting all badges? It is simple.Just type the gameshark code for ghost(CE2CCCB2FD8D8158) and you can get to ever-grande city without challenging the last two gyms!You also need not collect all badges to get past the two guards!
SHINY POKEMON CODE!!!!!! Verified by: chrisrocks555, dreemxweever, gameguru007 Bogus Report:
This gameshark code lets you find shiny Pokemon wild, but it will make your ID# Change to 00000. And you need the wild Pokemon male or female codes on too.
MASTER CODE 9839927F5FA2 0987C8AA34A7 4B0560A9F0C3
SHINY CODE 186246439083 098548AEB487
POKEMON MALE/QUIRKY 93566C4FFC35 0D89888ABA93 93566C4FFC35 4D888898FAC3
POKEMON FEMALE/QUIRKY 93566C4FFC35 0C8D888A9C97 93566C4FFC35 0C8F088E1CB7
And thats it!
P.S. You can enter this cheat in the wild Pokemon modifier, and it works with sapphire too. nearly everything all works Verified by: gameguru007, 0yashamaru0 Bogus Report:
Master Code for Ruby: 0000B138000A 1003A82A0007
CE2CCCB25D8D815D - GHOST (walk through anything except doors and can't go into something and in it from out side still have to enter through door:)
001 - BULBASAUR 39E924C4 4136A9DD AD86124F 2823D8DA
002 - IVYSAUR 39E924C4 4136A9DD AB84463B B2609644
003 - VENUSAUR 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3542F0A7 7D2E171F
004 - CHARMANDER 39E924C4 4136A9DD DB8C60CD 81FD6AA7
005 - CHARMELEON 39E924C4 4136A9DD 08506D61 55CBD9A8
006 - CHARIZARD 39E924C4 4136A9DD A56395D2 8AF46857
007 - SQUIRTLE 39E924C4 4136A9DD BCDCB406 2F2FD763
008 - WARTORTLE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 268349C8 63FF53CE
009 - BLASTOISE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 5FD24ABC 1FE3296A
010 - CATERPIE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 358CC2BF 9BFA3518
011 - METAPOD 39E924C4 4136A9DD DC725D4E 3A20792F
012 - BUTTERFREE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 33EFFB7C E1794F5B
013 - WEEDLE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 9A86D92A 635F8DBC
014 - KAKUNA 39E924C4 4136A9DD CCEC9F6E 5A2A0F12
015 - BEEDRILL 39E924C4 4136A9DD F3D99280 49F4EEDC
016 - PIDGEY 39E924C4 4136A9DD 139BBA32 2DC356C8
017 - PIDGEOTTO 39E924C4 4136A9DD 2F7B0F2F 257173EA
018 - PIDGEOT 39E924C4 4136A9DD 13659B39 95BD80E5
019 - RATTATA 39E924C4 4136A9DD E5C49E22 47B157F2
020 - RATICATE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 60C9DC15 1AD9B226
021 - SPEAROW 39E924C4 4136A9DD 2F5D7856 A5F7B4AE
022 - FEAROW 39E924C4 4136A9DD 23689847 DA918B8D
023 - EKANS 39E924C4 4136A9DD A5BA4CFA CA5D771C
024 - ARBOK 39E924C4 4136A9DD B75D69F0 7C3B3103
025 - PIKACHU 39E924C4 4136A9DD 9D4A1BFF 05120D39
026 - RAICHU 39E924C4 4136A9DD CE7B779B AE493550
027 - SANDSHREW 39E924C4 4136A9DD 7DFC4CBD 20BB83B6
028 - SANDSLASH 39E924C4 4136A9DD CFC711B9 0585971F
029 - NIDORAN Female 39E924C4 4136A9DD B6450111 C65005BC
030 - NIDORINA 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0BA329E0 CEB39484
031 - NIDOQUEEN 39E924C4 4136A9DD C3B010F5 6DB0ED0E
032 - NIDORAN Male 39E924C4 4136A9DD A38262A2 825F8CF0
033 - NIDORINO 39E924C4 4136A9DD 33D5E08A 037AB9C4
034 - NIDOKING 39E924C4 4136A9DD 82E3DD4B EBFEF864
035 - CLEFAIRY 39E924C4 4136A9DD E8EAB84F 26C8AB6B
036 - CLEFABLE 39E924C4 4136A9DD D15755D8 AF5BE6F1
037 - VULPIX 39E924C4 4136A9DD 276AF592 A3A635CC
038 - NINETALES 39E924C4 4136A9DD 27B815E0 B8CCC2DA
039 - JIGGLYPUFF 39E924C4 4136A9DD B18AC7E0 E667A184
040 - WIGGLYTUFF 39E924C4 4136A9DD 7CEDC4CF F95C5521
041 - ZUBAT 39E924C4 4136A9DD 47596727 51BB292A
042 - GOLBAT 39E924C4 4136A9DD FF3A0DD1 DF54EB13
043 - ODDISH 39E924C4 4136A9DD EF723724 F31E5F64
044 - GLOOM 39E924C4 4136A9DD A386B043 9DEB5064
045 - VILEPLUME 39E924C4 4136A9DD 4A2748A4 F888F1C9
046 - PARAS 39E924C4 4136A9DD EAD30258 3988D84F
047 - PARASECT 39E924C4 4136A9DD 74CFC9E9 82CD278E
048 - VENONAT 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0CC56D24 C9F5A33A
049 - VENOMOTH 39E924C4 4136A9DD DFDFFF0A 8919BB28
050 - DIGLETT 39E924C4 4136A9DD BA7199EC 664F9418
051 - DUGTRIO 39E924C4 4136A9DD BCC0FB44 1A047D3C
052 - MEOWTH 39E924C4 4136A9DD 5F38FD3F 5D7412A3
053 - PERSIAN 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0BEC25D3 787468AE
054 - PSYDUCK 39E924C4 4136A9DD 70CEC019 12F0A7B0
055 - GOLDUCK 39E924C4 4136A9DD 32E8BC37 7712CF08
056 - MANKEY 39E924C4 4136A9DD DAAB0C35 55611812
057 - PRIMEAPE 39E924C4 4136A9DD B82FBCB6 C954F4ED
058 - GROWLITHE 39E924C4 4136A9DD CD7047AB 42D861F2
059 - ARCANINE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3099D33C 49E66A04
060 - POLIWAG 39E924C4 4136A9DD AF0908F3 650FE1BD
061 - POLIWHIRL 39E924C4 4136A9DD C29C3277 063E67E9
062 - POLIWRATH 39E924C4 4136A9DD 8DC834CF BFECCA56
063 - ABRA 39E924C4 4136A9DD 5738CFE5 515C61CF
064 - KADABRA 39E924C4 4136A9DD 67CA1286 0E3A5D83
065 - ALAKAZAM 39E924C4 4136A9DD C91954D9 68AAD246
066 - MACHOP 39E924C4 4136A9DD 8AD2C8BB EB3D7A39
067 - MACHOKE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 95EFD5EA DD857E98
068 - MACHAMP 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3BF5B7C4 061AAA45
069 - BELLSPROUT 39E924C4 4136A9DD CF2E3B09 3B30426E
070 - WEEPINBELL 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0030C455 4F43BB12
071 - VICTREEBEL 39E924C4 4136A9DD 1DF3B8CA DC70EC58
072 - TENTACOOL 39E924C4 4136A9DD 65C4E9C5 24CA1894
073 - TENTACRUEL 39E924C4 4136A9DD 51DDE51A 00DE2CE3
074 - GEODUDE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 399F7170 D519951E
075 - GRAVELER 39E924C4 4136A9DD DDF655E3 9BDEE49C
076 - GOLEM 39E924C4 4136A9DD 103F567C 2F1A9043
077 - PONYTA 39E924C4 4136A9DD 877A6953 8F6209F2
078 - RAPIDASH 39E924C4 4136A9DD 195BAD3F C840CA28
079 - SLOWPOKE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 4CEC5478 ACBC593C
080 - SLOWBRO 39E924C4 4136A9DD FE7C44DB 7672B1D8
081 - MAGNEMITE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3C17AEA9 5DC9D705
082 - MAGNETON 39E924C4 4136A9DD B8BD13C5 E3E7D9B3
083 - FARFETCH'D 39E924C4 4136A9DD 9121060C 74B908E0
084 - DODUO 39E924C4 4136A9DD 920BE3C7 3E00359C
085 - DODRIO 39E924C4 4136A9DD 02258041 19ABFE29
086 - SEEL 39E924C4 4136A9DD 8EC19A12 FD47B55F
087 - DEWGONG 39E924C4 4136A9DD E18D1069 1053E30C
088 - GRIMER 39E924C4 4136A9DD EB7F9C3F DB3192F5
089 - MUK 39E924C4 4136A9DD 729160A9 F8F73577
090 - SHELLDER 39E924C4 4136A9DD 92A2030E 24F19E86
091 - CLOYSTER 39E924C4 4136A9DD FB078533 1A99C72A
092 - GASTLY 39E924C4 4136A9DD 99B8A848 91759EFF
093 - HAUNTER 39E924C4 4136A9DD 7F14537B 6C00E975
094 - GENGAR 39E924C4 4136A9DD BA9A9758 4221EBF4
095 - ONIX 39E924C4 4136A9DD 54D9A0DB 68FC768F
096 - DROWZEE 39E924C4 4136A9DD C5C4BBBB 55B1B77F
097 - HYPNO 39E924C4 4136A9DD F4BB6321 8E9265DB
098 - KRABBY 39E924C4 4136A9DD D83FACC2 7D31E557
099 - KINGLER 39E924C4 4136A9DD FF0F431F 400EF220
100 - VOLTORB 39E924C4 4136A9DD ABD2C0C0 FBC68A93
101 - ELECTRODE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0C2333CD 141730A7
102 - EXEGGCUTE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 8D2F9E72 8719250B
103 - EXEGGUTOR 39E924C4 4136A9DD 744AF614 12D8281B
104 - CUBONE 39E924C4 4136A9DD D9E3884F 37500E3F
105 - MAROWAK 39E924C4 4136A9DD CB4A8BD1 1D028DA2
106 - HITMONLEE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 9EDB950D 454533E5
107 - HITMONCHAN 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3535FA3A EBECD355
108 - LICKITUNG 39E924C4 4136A9DD F582757C 16122B78
109 - KOFFING 39E924C4 4136A9DD BF93F87F BC1AB791
110 - WEEZING 39E924C4 4136A9DD D966DA15 88BBB73A
111 - RHYHORN 39E924C4 4136A9DD 7DA9C8C7 8549C3D4
112 - RHYDON 39E924C4 4136A9DD 9071D41E 55259C19
113 - CHANSEY 39E924C4 4136A9DD AD38C4DB B5EBB8A7
114 - TANGELA 39E924C4 4136A9DD 100D1518 466A2D06
115 - KANGASKHAN 39E924C4 4136A9DD 8F4BE409 7110788B
116 - HORSEA 39E924C4 4136A9DD 02401CFF F2742052
117 - SEADRA 39E924C4 4136A9DD B0160E28 ED6B68EC
118 - GOLDEEN 39E924C4 4136A9DD 29061002 69BB68FF
119 - SEAKING 39E924C4 4136A9DD 676505B9 904C9DE3
120 - STARYU 39E924C4 4136A9DD D7D9A00C 7BFB7AAC
121 - STARMIE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0E2752FA 51091446
122 - MR.MIME 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0922D9A2 C1E680BA
123 - SCYTHER 39E924C4 4136A9DD 28BEFBB3 68DE4569
124 - JYNX 39E924C4 4136A9DD FB0FC84E D45216CF
125 - ELECTABUZZ 39E924C4 4136A9DD 1E6DE7CB DDDBAD78
126 - MAGMAR 39E924C4 4136A9DD C644F8D1 4159A2D6
127 - PINSIR 39E924C4 4136A9DD AEFBB853 03F4B721
128 - TAUROS 39E924C4 4136A9DD 1D5557F2 FACC2BA7
129 - MAGIKARP 39E924C4 4136A9DD 04658924 E67574E2
130 - GYARADOS 39E924C4 4136A9DD 56156F0A D2F071F2
131 - LAPRAS 39E924C4 4136A9DD 483AC796 E3850B8F
132 - DITTO 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3613AA25 2CC1B172
133 - EEVEE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 4B78A144 F02E1187
134 - VAPOREON 39E924C4 4136A9DD D82AEDF5 F23B27A4
135 - JOLTEON 39E924C4 4136A9DD 1850F0B1 AAFB142F
136 - FLAREON 39E924C4 4136A9DD AB622741 B3F84F8B
137 - PORYGON 39E924C4 4136A9DD 6EE60CB5 746DFF03
138 - OMANYTE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 1DBD6215 4FD65295
139 - OMASTAR 39E924C4 4136A9DD 23F20EC6 1368F543
140 - KABUTO 39E924C4 4136A9DD 32A2B3E0 40DB80D9
141 - KABUTOPS 39E924C4 4136A9DD 2058318E 392B7EE5
142 - AERODACTYL 39E924C4 4136A9DD C44B6463 DB3237C3
143 - SNORLAX 39E924C4 4136A9DD E9ADF485 15BE8FA7
144 - ARTICUNO 39E924C4 4136A9DD D7B594AF C1DA18AB
145 - ZAPDOS 39E924C4 4136A9DD 83E25054 9C927E5E
146 - MOLTRES 39E924C4 4136A9DD F8DEC3CC A014B094
147 - DRATINI 39E924C4 4136A9DD 47C69D5D 1AA59D6D
148 - DRAGONAIR 39E924C4 4136A9DD 8B3A1FF0 A3C0E786
149 - DRAGONITE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 796E6824 2B208DD5
150 - MEWTWO 39E924C4 4136A9DD 4C77BA3F CA4EDCB6
151 - MEW 39E924C4 4136A9DD B751BDF4 95CEF4CC
152 - Chikorita 025F2921710FE9F1
153 - Bayleef FEDD6E758BF7942D
154 - Meganium 09C6FA0D4F0F5773
155 - Cyndaquil F3595519C41CB89F
156 - Quilava B962659CFD1C1893
157 - Typhlosion 4281A0400FD71E37
158 - Totodile 658B55E601699F03
159 - Croconaw 7171EB15E4ADEA22
160 - Feraligatr 918632C39DDE2DBB
161 - Sentret 6BC6D1883A1559EB
162 - Furret D8607109AD28DB09
163 - Hoothoot 78A0CD579A371B1F
164 - Noctowl FBDBF52B3623B52C
165 - Ledyba 50757C7AA393D46A
166 - Ledian 349C7EAC1092228D
167 - Spinarak 1BCCE89836AE52D4
168 - Ariados F50447946C4C5098
169 - Crobat BA64CBD74C67DA0E
170 - Chinchou 741082FC8EF7B960
171 - Lanturn 13534CCF5BB92C8C
172 - Pichu AE371D2FDBA3CE4E
173 - Cleffa 586090DB2EAC760B
174 - Igglybuff E5C58F0E70ACBAAA
175 - Togepi F656D5214B02FC73
176 - Togetic 53F6DE66941BAC84
177 - Natu F4462DB1AF5C874E
178 - Xatu 51CAB7300E9283C0
179 - Mareep B3323FA400976EED
180 - Flaaffy 3FE2F064BB639BA3
181 - Ampharos 03DB2EDAF1498315
182 - Bellossom EE1B4201DA9C6E71
183 - Marill 76ECA4FF35F8C4F9
184 - Azumarill 24A676950E972009
185 - Sudowoodo 8A0F695E0306DC83
186 - Politoed 5BA115A03330A906
187 - Hoppip 3BED40A5C056C098
188 - Skiploom A200463BD753895E
189 - Jumpluff 4A91807F7E5AE2BC
190 - Aipom 8F7B8FA551BE6519
191 - Sunkern BCD70C60DC720840
192 - Sunflora EA4F4358A731A363
193 - Yanma 7D316ADF4B760643
194 - Wooper 91166348E9B56CFC
195 - Quagsire 6E59C1C960930723
196 - Espeon B33E1632D7F709D0
197 - Umbreon E6FCAD89AF77B153
198 - Murkrow F3BA401D74110D94
199 - Slowking D7E57A96CC7B875E
200 - Misdreavus 38744E791BFB4656
201 - Unown 1DEE8D9BC2C80AD7
202 - Wobbuffet 1922B64C93A475E6
203 - Girafarig AFD25289DC56A0CD
204 - Pineco AB82F0EE7D884FB9
205 - Foretress 1EAC10AAD4B2DF5D
206 - Dunsparce E5355F5F23DE47E9
207 - Gligar D48A22E1A90FC70A
208 - Steelix E5181BD87D70413E
209 - Snubbull 5EB71E4A7E4F4C2B
210 - Granbull D2F305AD7D077739
211 - Qwilfish 7148B7F0 D8D53003
212 - Scizor FA2F872FB24A679F
213 - Shuckle 919B1A5D72F996F6
214 - Heracross 088236A9C6933F92
215 - Sneasel 663BCF6FE0AC9C73
216 - Teddiursa 4536DAC419FE88AB
217 - Ursaring 5668474AF3AEF7A9
218 - Slugma 2B169F23E11514BC
219 - Magcargo 20CBDC4C87541E08
220 - Swinub 432D0CD9868F6A6A
221 - Piloswine 1AEE78F1D6412BED
222 - Corsola E3CBB814F78A0FF1
223 - Remoraid 4D67593131AC8869
224 - Octillery 9202ED83F6B41A95
225 - Delibird 8C2E6741D5F172A4
226 - Mantine F554A963EDA859B6
227 - Skarmory 7E5EFBAAF9D18289
228 - Houndour A99587CCA49BC248
229 - Houndoom 7FCE2C2638425484
230 - Kingdra FB5F56E3F2427C25
231 - Phanpy 8F5688F458987C65
232 - Donphan CBBEF9DC682596BC
233 - Porygon2 F24D39631DE32FEB
234 - Stantler F289D9072638EA9B
235 - Smeargle 36066CF966A42091
236 - Tyrogue 057BFEC07D24A566
237 - Hitmontop A5C5D439AE264439
238 - Smoochum D035F68752B30C9D
239 - Elekid C5D22480A2CCC775
240 - Magby C6A84B78810CD4FC
241 - Miltank A454BB281CEC3F83
242 - Blissey 0160D183A2A2A1B6
243 - Raikou BCFEE7CDB19EA1CF
244 - Entei ACE71E49475ACE5A
245 - Suicune 0C0BC2BE64E725C6
246 - Larvitar 4C3FD6DDA72A38D9
247 - Pupitar C9AC6A5E6A92796A
248 - Tyranitar D9A33817C2429A0C
249 - Lugia E57F3F7864F944D0
250 - Ho-oh 92BB8BD9629E2D58
251 - Celebi A3AFC93BCAE30FEC
252 - Treecko 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 5BAE22AD8F7D3013
253 - Grovyle 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 21F8BC366CC818B7
254 - Sceptile 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 5157CACF5EB25845
255 - Torchic 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 9DB4C3198219060A
256 - Combusken 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 7CAD36227FCCA6ED
257 - Blaziken 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 4A44AC2ED6B438D5
258 - Mudkip 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 2E05069411BC05B3
259 - Marshtomp 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 29BA2D42D510FFBA
260 - Swampert 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 B8C7D72F087B6595
261 - Poochyena 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 99A5DB56D3F68AE7
262 - Mightyena 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 37A90703F49DE0B4
263 - Zigzagoon 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 CBA3EA0392726DCC
264 - Linoone 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 61DBEB9F92DBFA58
265 - Wurmple 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 C3DA6AFF0F7B7083
266 - Silcoon 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 8183477EE90ADD46
267 - Beautifly 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 3866C190031535DD
268 - Cascoon 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 0A70DC5617BA6B8E
269 - Dustox 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 72F95810DB6FB4EF
270 - Lotad 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 2D5A7BBB525EF393
271 - Lombre 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 A755369B4BD7F6F1
272 - Ludicolo 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 A20A4542D79124D0
273 - Seedot 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 DB37D9E1B8BA4066
274 - Nuzleaf 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 189F92E1D21F4478
275 - Shiftry 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 8DC39BCF3F710E3E
276 - Nincada 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 55513D199B3DE2D4
277 - Ninjask 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 957DE792C4607DA8
278 - Shedinja 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 665C2F42369D779C
279 - Taillow 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 451597F6A1578DD9
280 - Swellow 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 1DA4F7E6F247F39A
281 - Shroomish 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 C5FFADC845F66362
282 - Breloom 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 1D47A9C60524F0F7
283 - Spinda 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 BB0893DA002DE3DF
284 - Wingull 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 55429ABD95D438C4
285 - Pelipper 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 1DB3DE68672324D6
286 - Surskit 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 C246C624FDB5125D
287 - Masquerain 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 BB6A3047431DFCFF
288 - Wailmer 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 6870774EDCCF5C26
289 - Wailord 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 A36ED36F10EDDF89
290 - Skitty 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 D7DF0A988D70EB4D
291 - Delcatty 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 601F8154A460B6A7
292 - Kecleon 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 C07D2D075B6C82F2
293 - Baltoy 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 90AF0D841C4A45C9
294 - Claydol 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 CA8B36FCDF163AA9
295 - Nosepass 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 C446CE3B97CD0DC3
296 - Torkoal 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 F85BC8EB7CF30E57
297 - Sableye 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 17592A4C2C72F873
298 - Barboatch 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 D99B190DCB5C3255
299 - Whiscash 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 B964DDC53615D4B1
300 - Luvdisc 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 938CB852F9BB4D41
301 - Corphish 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 23DAFA415B1ADBC8
302 - Crawdaunt 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 2E666CF332395439
303 - Feebas 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 D884D95282F6FD48
304 - Miltotic 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 8F700F622CA08221
305 - Carvanha 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 B5A578B46F1B591B
306 - Sharpedo 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 C62B84580FC8B29A
307 - Trapinch 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 F406B3200DAA38F6
308 - Vibrava 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 007CC3331A7F8A4A
309 - Flygon 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 B02489453BC0030F
310 - Makuhita 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 E1F4794A887F06BF
311 - Hariteyama 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 53D971FF007FAAEB
312 - Electrike 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 4E39C71B8B168004
313 - Manectric 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 3A4F2D33CBF5A1B4
314 - Numel 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 D2583A425BE8CB0E
315 - Camerupt 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 B5B5FCBBCFCC8751
316 - Spheal 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 D4515AC17C2BD132
317 - Sealeo 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 CE85182FFEAF53F9
318 - Walrein 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 C6B2B1226711B417 319 - Cacnea 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 C4741BAE97124E11
320 - Cacturne 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 7D2A47BB332D52F3
321 - Snorunt 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 2817970AE0F6D0E4
322 - Glalie 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 CB8E1E838A0B06FF
323 - Lunatone 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 372CE7DBA9C8EB5E
324 - Solrock 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 D2CE7A4B797F7E89
325 - Azurill 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 B42D1283C6EBBDBB
326 - Spoink 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 8EA4FCB93A913D4D
327 - Grumpig 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 8F6C9E12CB96CE33
328 - Plusle 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 84F628669F914B8B
329 - Minun 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 AC9122B26257AAE0
330 - Mawile 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 FC8A82EA704658D9
331 - Meditite 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 E9D1D48800D975CA
332 - Medicham 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 85B4AF9A41D7B768
333 - Swablu 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 0DA20954262C11C0
334 - Altaria 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 E482934074AE24CA
335 - Wynaut 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 4A9EBB58037F6B34
336 - Duskull 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 BD8E35D5CF92A431
337 - Dusclops 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 359F51861F36099C
338 - Roselia 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 B0DA39C505276564
339 - Slakoth 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 0F8A29BA2C2D1529
340 - Vigoroth 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 B3EE281789EA6EFC
341 - Slaking 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 2B48952F978365BD
342 - Gulpin 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 179DCADEC474D278
343 - Swalot 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 0A68434581A60674
344 - Tropius 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 0BB19CBCFA943A3E
345 - Whismur 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 D521BFDAF306CE43
346 - Loudred 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 67E17F195D6EDD71
347 - Exploud 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 A587A72ACAA20267
348 - Clampearl 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 944B4BE8D05C678B
349 - Huntail 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 5669AB79CAF18B71
350 - Borebyss 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 0F1B5F6C7656C3B9
351 - Absol 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 2CC860ECD40C584F
352 - Shuppet 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 5DBF2FCF30E8F421
353 - Banette 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 8E732451F6EF7BA4
354 - Seviper 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 6E2ED8A024431D98
355 - Zangoose 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 8CEF1F80060461DD
356 - Relicanth 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 7B29CACCD014F65D
357 - Aron 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 6557E79B19945642
358 - Lairon 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 D4EFF5BB1311E2E8
359 - Aggron 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 9F727E48188E88D7
360 - Castform 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 528A0B971B7D1DB1
361 - Volbeat 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 BC71207B319D605F
362 - Illuminise 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 6D88B6F968D141AB
363 - Lileep 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 4BEFDC30B4192001
364 - Cradily 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 A87F5761834F0FF9
365 - Anorith 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 761FA58F0C669A85
366 - Armaldo 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 C68621E0CE91EAF2
367 - Ralts 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 CA880BEE01C3CE5E
368 - Kirlia 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 9B8D1405198957C8
369 - Gardevoir 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 2BE7AED3B9751EC5
370 - Bagon 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 7BC26643F6351EA3
371 - Shelgon 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 5CFB59B9D08C1A10
372 - Salamence 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 F683728DA1CB7A38
373 - Beldum 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 662DB4A0150278A5
374 - Metang 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 72B850FD79DE57D2
375 - Metagross 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 E62FCE6B99A4823D
376 - Regirock 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 CE51186D3686F6D2
377 - Regice 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 6F5F7F3EFEA00143
378 - Registeel 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 349C482149728D68
379 - Kyogre 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 9EFEC4E6F24D5813
380 - Groudon 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 299CE04B43341CDD
381 - Rayquaza 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 C5946A0E65BE02B0
382 - Latias 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 EA64214226D6E5A6
383 - Latios 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 79870CB095729832
384 - Jirachi 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 FBC061A9072FC320
385 - Deoxys 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 8C5DE8C8A33E9D88
386 - Chimecho 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 145A57F6ADDF1B3A Catch ANY Pokémon Verified by: demented demon Bogus Report:
ONLY ONE code at a time.
Bulbasaur C7715E5D4B03490C Ivysaur AC386FDCE1057B11 Venusaur 6C0E650D9151DC36 Charmander 86FC5D2E2AB49BE7 Charmeleon 8EF2FF70229DABA2 Charizard 5F4739E594A6717F Squirtle F18A71B3474EF1FF Wartortle 600C15C97A07635B Blastoise 9DAC9AE70802D361 Caterpie 32D2BE301538D5E2 Metapod AF02EDC2534F3FF1 Butterfree 3D94CBE7806B75AA Weedle 0F02955878490C5D Kakuna 2C90148596BF028B Beedrill 4CD61B87F05305C0 Pidgey FB5B7B2ECB8F711B Pidgeotto B5A3B3244A2ABD7E Pidgeot ED21FD834D34C446 Rattata 3F2FF398386736A6 Raticate CBB024C33D4E94CF Spearow D50BE2E3E9AC080B Fearow 1B5E43BD9713080E Ekans 9746090A9B13D34A Arbok E8B3D4787DB12D1A Pikachu 76575913837E7434 Raichu 44DC46432E37823B Sandshrew A90E57848E3070F2 Sandslash DB655BDA4885F2BA NidoranF D98621833DC52ADF Nidorina 340466380412FF7B Nidoqueen A4115F36A58D2F6E NidoranM 115EE33A047E08D9 Nidorino E6FAC0215BFBC7E4 Nidoking 83AF0E64308DCF7A Clefairy 0A960AD32D88FB71 Clefable A245B05BDBA62586 Vulpix E9243AE60707C461 Ninetales 8B104BC53BBB0554 Jigglypuff 9D6FDEB59E31E1D8 Wigglytuff 55429ABD95D438C4 Zubat A5F54B4743289103 Golbat 3955CE261CBBE2B7 Oddish FD90C5C22B982804 Gloom 191292AD8DA00EED Vileplume 7B389B12790FFF7D Paras 28F47730F2BE0E37 Parasect 8F320452F34DE558 Venonat CC91885BA7BDA5D0 Venomoth 7498F3A37D8DE734 Diglett 4E0E095399832EC7 Dugtrio CFBDF08694AFF44C Meowth 4107EE5459F45AC6 Persian 574E9E37CF91E972 Psyduck 10CAB90DFBA1D606 Golduck E668AE7B6C41ABE6 Mankey 16FE10289A936148 Primeape 29B920D4925D9207 Growlithe 22B7647CF5951FC0 Arcanine C997ECED821D7BE8 Poliwag DDCAE2B248356075 Poliwhirl 7522AE0F219A6D01 Poliwrath 9895E70849248155 Abra 8EE6264B7FA5506A Kadabra 82A3DA434AFAFC8E Alakazam A52F239F157183AA Machop 754794BB393FBB5E Machoke 596DD0CA422404AF Machamp D03BF77285346D77 Bellsprout 0E6E78BE6553B936 Weepinbell 29CC9E0EF1D7F477 Victreebel D1797B9BBC093A3F Tentacool 36F4CD32ACE8CCB4 Tentacruel B3106F93C70F4300 Geodude F49F0B961CDA9CDE Graveler 33202BC84B640AB3 Golem 981E564320350C5C Ponyta 3EBEFE1EA8493773 Rapidash 3D7098F8603A63BA Slowpoke 33AD5E4E1F464A59 Slowbro 14A9A5E73C6D8285 Magnemite CCBFCC6A6B608D39 Magneton A772B75BC41A2001 Farfetch'd 0AD1026900EF2DDC Doduo C86D9E0AD50F5094 Dodrio CCF9E49B5E4CADA8 Seel 0C2314C919D3DAD8 Dewgong E4A84A01E8F5F70B Grimer 1C079E020E278333 Muk 88E7528B4EDE64E8 Shellder 1EA5B82C6AE3C655 Cloyster 6D655CDB8564F3D6 Gastly 5F526032B3FFFCE0 Haunter 973AB5D9C4DD3650 Gengar EA51AA85C39E59D4 Onix 43CBABBBB7155781 Drowzee BA6D6DF7DE9213D6 Hypno E4A57331BFD72F7E Krabby 3F1B3D68D4401611 Kingler 93F26FDC1621EFBB Voltorb 6FABB900F3EEEC61 Electrode BA4A7DEEB6786158 Exeggcute 771695BD9D8BE844 Exeggutor 84689B70FD33AE82 Cubone AF9A564317D23C50 Marowak B3A12885D5D4DA48 Hitmonlee 29025DA46C67823C Hitmonchan 513811EAEFBC54A8 Lickitung 5E065A174F8282B0 Koffing 3B75EE991DE0E837 Weezing 4878DB3CEA7C31E1 Rhyhorn A50BBA40C59DE2FE Rhydon 195DB2BBA4007417 Chansey 98A9EF2FD4933FE0 Tangela B1510A8B506644ED Kangaskhan F5CAF2C4EEB3D467 Horsea A4EBBAA472E72233 Seadra CFC5CD163BFE5AED Goldeen F29255BCBB65E9A6 Seaking C0BF93BBDF9273D4 Staryu 3B32D43049596504 Starmie 56831CCB1A47A4DC Mr. Mime 9FC2557019FFADC8 Scyther C4C02E8BCB6C0843 Jynx E9B195209876042D Electabuzz EE7D62E6377677A7 Magmar 608711AD052765EC Pinsir 525180240E93A551 Tauros 3ED3C52A46C14BD1 Magikarp 7C77F1892570754C Gyarados EA48F52876018F4F Lapras 24D3EE0E404F7B3D Ditto 5FD5479B25F61E5C Eevee 6817CACBB3725546 Vaporeon 418E41694A61E666 Jolteon 67F9841DE968DA3D Flareon B6691108227D02B3 Porygon D763E945C958628C Omanyte BA9282BB1ADDD98B Omastar F01152ED876CFF58 Kabuto F86734D5046D3F8F Kabutops 922559183F823AF8 Aerodactyl 11F5BC3EFD0E5DD3 Snorlax 65B08809FC26812C Articuno 9F9A431719B26CE8 Zapdos 9C30E2E21F157234 Moltres A265FB705EAE2980 Dratini 52F5EC2DDDD29409 Dragonair F4BD50DA1B890A51 Dragonite B67EB1994491FC62 Mewtwo 30621E6F164FED85 Mew 71E09BD117FDFD02 Chikorita 025F2921710FE9F1 Bayleef FEDD6E758BF7942D Meganium 09C6FA0D4F0F5773 Cyndaquil F3595519C41CB89F Quilava B962659CFD1C1893 Typhlosion 4281A0400FD71E37 Totodile 658B55E601699F03 Croconaw 7171EB15E4ADEA22 Feraligatr 918632C39DDE2DBB Sentret 6BC6D1883A1559EB Furret D8607109AD28DB09 Hoothoot 78A0CD579A371B1F Noctowl FBDBF52B3623B52C Ledyba 50757C7AA393D46A Ledian 349C7EAC1092228D Spinarak 1BCCE89836AE52D4 Ariados F50447946C4C5098 Crobat BA64CBD74C67DA0E Chinchou 741082FC8EF7B960 Lanturn 13534CCF5BB92C8C Pichu AE371D2FDBA3CE4E Cleffa 586090DB2EAC760B Igglybuff E5C58F0E70ACBAAA Togepi F656D5214B02FC73 Togetic 53F6DE66941BAC84 Natu F4462DB1AF5C874E Xatu 51CAB7300E9283C0 Mareep B3323FA400976EED Flaaffy 3FE2F064BB639BA3 Ampharos 03DB2EDAF1498315 Bellossom EE1B4201DA9C6E71 Marill 76ECA4FF35F8C4F9 Azumarill 24A676950E972009 Sudowoodo 8A0F695E0306DC83 Politoed 5BA115A03330A906 Hoppip 3BED40A5C056C098 Skiploom A200463BD753895E Jumpluff 4A91807F7E5AE2BC Aipom 8F7B8FA551BE6519 Sunkern BCD70C60DC720840 Sunflora EA4F4358A731A363 Yanma 7D316ADF4B760643 Wooper 91166348E9B56CFC Quagsire 6E59C1C960930723 Espeon B33E1632D7F709D0 Umbreon E6FCAD89AF77B153 Murkrow F3BA401D74110D94 Slowking D7E57A96CC7B875E Misdreavus 38744E791BFB4656 Unown 1DEE8D9BC2C80AD7 Wobbuffet 1922B64C93A475E6 Girafarig AFD25289DC56A0CD Pineco AB82F0EE7D884FB9 Forretress 1EAC10AAD4B2DF5D Dunsparce E5355F5F23DE47E9 Gligar D48A22E1A90FC70A Steelix E5181BD87D70413E Snubbull 5EB71E4A7E4F4C2B Granbull D2F305AD7D077739 Qwilfish 7148B7F0D8D53003 Scizor FA2F872FB24A679F Shuckle 919B1A5D72F996F6 Heracross 088236A9C6933F92 Sneasel 663BCF6FE0AC9C73 Teddiursa 4536DAC419FE88AB Ursaring 5668474AF3AEF7A9 Slugma 2B169F23E11514BC Magcargo 20CBDC4C87541E08 Swinub 432D0CD9868F6A6A Piloswine 1AEE78F1D6412BED Corsola E3CBB814F78A0FF1 Remoraid 4D67593131AC8869 Octillery 9202ED83F6B41A95 Delibird 8C2E6741D5F172A4 Mantine F554A963EDA859B6 Skarmory 7E5EFBAAF9D18289 Houndour A99587CCA49BC248 Houndoom 7FCE2C2638425484 Kingdra FB5F56E3F2427C25 Phanpy 8F5688F458987C65 Donphan CBBEF9DC682596BC Porygon2 F24D39631DE32FEB Stantler F289D9072638EA9B Smeargle 36066CF966A42091 Tyrogue 057BFEC07D24A566 Hitmontop A5C5D439AE264439 Smoochum D035F68752B30C9D Elekid C5D22480A2CCC775 Magby C6A84B78810CD4FC Miltank 8F700F622CA08221 Blissey 0160D183A2A2A1B6 Raikou BCFEE7CDB19EA1CF Entei ACE71E49475ACE5A Suicune 0C0BC2BE64E725C6 Larvitar 4C3FD6DDA72A38D9 Pupitar C9AC6A5E6A92796A Tyranitar D9A33817C2429A0C Lugia E57F3F7864F944D0 Ho-oh 92BB8BD9629E2D58 Celebi A3AFC93BCAE30FEC Treecko 5BAE22AD8F7D3013 Grovyle 21F8BC366CC818B7 Sceptile 5157CACF5EB25845 Torchic 9DB4C3198219060A Combusken 7CAD36227FCCA6ED Blaziken 4A44AC2ED6B438D5 Mudkip 2E05069411BC05B3 Marshtomp 29BA2D42D510FFBA Swampert B8C7D72F087B6595 Poochyena 99A5DB56D3F68AE7 Mightyena 37A90703F49DE0B4 Zigzagoon CBA3EA0392726DCC Linoone 61DBEB9F92DBFA58 Wurmple C3DA6AFF0F7B7083 Silcoon 8183477EE90ADD46 Beautifly 3866C190031535DD Cascoon 0A70DC5617BA6B8E Dustox 72F95810DB6FB4EF Lotad 2D5A7BBB525EF393 Lombre A755369B4BD7F6F1 Ludicolo A20A4542D79124D0 Seedot DB37D9E1B8BA4066 Nuzleaf 189F92E1D21F4478 Shiftry 8DC39BCF3F710E3E Taillow 451597F6A1578DD9 Swellow 1DA4F7E6F247F39A Wingull D521BFDAF306CE43 Pelipper 1DB3DE68672324D6 Ralts CA880BEE01C3CE5E Kirlia 9B8D1405198957C8 Gardevoir 2BE7AED3B9751EC5 Surskit C246C624FDB5125D Masquerain BB6A3047431DFCFF Shroomish C5FFADC845F66362 Breloom 1D47A9C60524F0F7 Slakoth 0F8A29BA2C2D1529 Vigoroth B3EE281789EA6EFC Slaking 2B48952F978365BD Nincada 55513D199B3DE2D4 Ninjask 957DE792C4607DA8 Shedinja 665C2F42369D779C Whismur FF704C3BBDE35BC2 Loudred 67E17F195D6EDD71 Exploud A587A72ACAA20267 Makuhita E1F4794A887F06BF Hariyama 53D971FF007FAAEB Azurill B42D1283C6EBBDBB Nosepass C446CE3B97CD0DC3 Skitty D7DF0A988D70EB4D Delcatty 601F8154A460B6A7 Sableye 17592A4C2C72F873 Mawile FC8A82EA704658D9 Aron 6557E79B19945642 Lairon D4EFF5BB1311E2E8 Aggron 9F727E48188E88D7 Meditite E9D1D48800D975CA Medicham 85B4AF9A41D7B768 Electrike 4E39C71B8B168004 Manectric 3A4F2D33CBF5A1B4 Plusle 84F628669F914B8B Minun AC9122B26257AAE0 Volbeat BC71207B319D605F Illumise 6D88B6F968D141AB Roselia B0DA39C505276564 Gulpin 179DCADEC474D278 Swalot 0A68434581A60674 Carvanha B5A578B46F1B591B Sharpedo C62B84580FC8B29A Wailmer 6870774EDCCF5C26 Wailord A36ED36F10EDDF89 Numel D2583A425BE8CB0E Camerupt B5B5FCBBCFCC8751 Torkoal F85BC8EB7CF30E57 Spoink 8EA4FCB93A913D4D Grumpig 8F6C9E12CB96CE33 Spinda BB0893DA002DE3DF Trapinch F406B3200DAA38F6 Vibrava 007CC3331A7F8A4A Flygon B02489453BC0030F Cacnea C4741BAE97124E11 Cacturne 7D2A47BB332D52F3 Swablu 0DA20954262C11C0 Altaria E482934074AE24CA Zangoose 8CEF1F80060461DD Seviper 6E2ED8A024431D98 Lunatone 372CE7DBA9C8EB5E Solrock D2CE7A4B797F7E89 Barboach D99B190DCB5C3255 Whiscash B964DDC53615D4B1 Corphish 23DAFA415B1ADBC8 Crawdaunt 2E666CF332395439 Baltoy 90AF0D841C4A45C9 Claydol CA8B36FCDF163AA9 Lileep 4BEFDC30B4192001 Cradily A87F5761834F0FF9 Anorith 761FA58F0C669A85 Armaldo C68621E0CE91EAF2 Feebas D884D95282F6FD48 Milotic A454BB281CEC3F83 Castform 528A0B971B7D1DB1 Kecleon C07D2D075B6C82F2 Shuppet 5DBF2FCF30E8F421 Banette 8E732451F6EF7BA4 Duskull BD8E35D5CF92A431 Dusclops 359F51861F36099C Tropius 0BB19CBCFA943A3E Chimecho 145A57F6ADDF1B3A Absol 2CC860ECD40C584F Wynaut 4A9EBB58037F6B34 Snorunt 2817970AE0F6D0E4 Glalie CB8E1E838A0B06FF Spheal D4515AC17C2BD132 Sealeo CE85182FFEAF53F9 Walrein C6B2B1226711B417 Clamperl 944B4BE8D05C678B Huntail 5669AB79CAF18B71 Gorebyss 0F1B5F6C7656C3B9 Relicanth 7B29CACCD014F65D Luvdisc 938CB852F9BB4D41 Bagon 7BC26643F6351EA3 Shelgon 5CFB59B9D08C1A10 Salamence F683728DA1CB7A38 Beldum 662DB4A0150278A5 Metang 72B850FD79DE57D2 Metagross E62FCE6B99A4823D Regirock CE51186D3686F6D2 Regice 6F5F7F3EFEA00143 Registeel 349C482149728D68 Latias EA64214226D6E5A6 Latios 79870CB095729832 Kyogre 9EFEC4E6F24D5813 Groudon 299CE04B43341CDD Rayquaza C5946A0E65BE02B0 Jirachi FBC061A9072FC320 Deoxys 8C5DE8C8A33E9D88
(M) code 1: Use if the Pokémon appeared in the earlier games [Bulbasaur to Celebi] FF57AEB3C8992DF9 45216134ED3AEB49 492A710538EDD2D9
(M) code 2: For Treecko to Deoxys FF57AEB3C8992DF9 45216134ED3AEB49 492A710538EDD2D9 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149
The 2 Master codes are not needed on an emulator.
Lv modifier + Pokemon modifier Verified by: Unverified Bogus Report:
[M] Must Be On 9839927F5FA2 0987C8AA34A7 4B0560A9F0C3 Level 50 DAA1E752DFE3 3195D42AA51C Level 100 DAA1E752DFE3 879E208E3C37 Wild Pokemon Modifier: Bulbasaur DAA1E752DFE3 6500D0B9F840 Ivysaur DAA1E752DFE3 250350AF3830 Venusaur DAA1E752DFE3 650350BD7860 Charmander DAA1E752DFE3 3100F42BB010 Charmeleon DAA1E752DFE3 7100F439F040 Charizard DAA1E752DFE3 3103742F3030 Squirtle June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 7103743D7060 Wartortle June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 2D20D3A3B890 Blastoise June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 6D20D3B1F8C0 Caterpie June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 2D2353A738B0 Metapod June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 6D2353B578E0 Butterfree June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 3920F723B090 Weedle June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 7920F731F0C0 Kakuna June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 3923772730B0 Beedrill June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 7923773570E0 Pidgey June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 0700D0ABA91A Pidgeotto June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 4700D0B9E94A Pidgeot June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 070350AF293A Rattata June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 470350BD696A Raticate June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 1300F42BA11A Spearow June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 5300F439E14A Fearow June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 1303742F213A Ekans June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 5303743D616A Arbok June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 0F20D3A3A99A Pikachu June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 4F20D3B1E9CA Raichu June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 0F2353A729BA Sandshrew June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 4F2353B569EA Sandslash June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 1B20F723A19A Nidoran June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 5B20F731E1CA Nidorina June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 1B23772721BA Nidoqueen June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 5B23773561EA Nidoran June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 25D0D8EAB810 Nidorino June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 65D0D8F8F840 Nidoking June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 25D358EE3830 Clefairy June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 65D358FC7860 Clefable June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 31D0FC6AB010 Vulpix June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 71D0FC78F040 Ninetails June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 31D37C6E3030 Jigglypuff June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 71D37C7C7060 Wigglytuff June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 2DF0DBE2B890 Zubat June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 6DF0DBF0F8C0 Golbat June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 2DF35BE638B0 Oddish June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 6DF35BF478E0 Gloom June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 39F0FF62B090 Vileplume June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 79F0FF70F0C0 Paras June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 39F37F6630B0 Parasect June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 79F37F7470E0 Venonat June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 07D0D8EAA91A Venomoth June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 47D0D8F8E94A Diglett June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 07D358EE293A Dugtrio June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 47D358FC696A Meowth June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 13D0FC6AA11A Persian June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 53D0FC78E14A Psyduck June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 13D37C6E213A Golduck June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 53D37C7C616A Mankey June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 0FF0DBE2A99A Primeape June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 4FF0DBF0E9CA Growlithe June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 0FF35BE629BA Arcanine June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 4FF35BF469EA Poliwag June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 1BF0FF62A19A Poliwhirl June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 5BF0FF70E1CA Poliwrath June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 1BF37F6621BA Abra June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 5BF37F7461EA Kadabra June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 A508808BB811 Alakazam June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 E5088099F841 Machop June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 A50B008F3831 Machoke June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 E50B009D7861 Machamp June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 B108A40BB011 Bellsprout June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 F108A419F041 Weepinbell June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 B10B240F3031 Victreebel June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 F10B241D7061 Tentacool June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 AD288383B891 Tentacruel June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 ED288391F8C1 Geodude June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 AD2B038738B1 Graveler June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 ED2B039578E1 Golem June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 B928A703B091 Ponyta June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 F928A711F0C1 Rapidash June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 B92B270730B1 Slowpoke June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 F92B271570E1 Slowbro June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 8708808BA91B Magnemite June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 C7088099E94B Magneton June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 870B008F293B Farfetch'd June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 C70B009D696B Doduo June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 9308A40BA11B Dudrio June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 D308A419E14B Seel June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 930B240F213B Dewgong June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 D30B241D616B Grimer June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 8F288383A99B Muk June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 CF288391E9CB Shellder June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 8F2B038729BB Cloyster June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 CF2B039569EB Gastly June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 9B28A703A19B Haunter June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 DB28A711E1CB Gengar June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 9B2B270721BB Onix June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 DB2B271561EB Drowzee June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 A5D888CAB811 Hypno June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 E5D888D8F841 Krabby June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 A5DB08CE3831 Kingler June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 E5DB08DC7861 Voltorb June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 B1D8AC4AB011 Electrode June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 F1D8AC58F041 Exeggecute June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 B1DB2C4E3031 Exeggutor June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 F1DB2C5C7061 Cubone June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 ADF88BC2B891 Marowak June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 EDF88BD0F8C1 Hitmonlee June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 ADFB0BC638B1 Hitmonchan June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 EDFB0BD478E1 Lickitung June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 B9F8AF42B091 Koffing June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 F9F8AF50F0C1 Weezing June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 B9FB2F4630B1 Rhyhorn June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 F9FB2F5470E1 Rhydon June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 87D888CAA91B Chansey June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 C7D888D8E94B Tangela June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 87DB08CE293B Kangaskhan June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 C7DB08DC696B Horsea June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 93D8AC4AA11B Seadra June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 D3D8AC58E14B Goldeen June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 93DB2C4E213B Seaking June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 D3DB2C5C616B Staryu June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 8FF88BC2A99B Starmie June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 CFF88BD0E9CB Mr. Mime June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 8FFB0BC629BB Scyther June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 CFFB0BD469EB Jynx June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 9BF8AF42A19B Electrabuzz June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 DBF8AF50E1CB Magmar June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 9BFB2F4621BB Pinsir June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 DBFB2F5461EB Tauros June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 2404D0AB9E14 Magikarp June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 6404D0B9DE44 Lapras June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 240750AF1E34 Gyrados June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 640750BD5E64 Ditto June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 3004F42B9614 Eevee June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 7004F439D644 Vaporeon June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 3007742F1634 Jolteon June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 7007743D5664 Flareon June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 2C24D3A39E94 Porygon June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 6C24D3B1DEC4 Omanyte June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 2C2753A71EB4 Omastar June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 6C2753B55EE4 Kabuto June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 3824F7239694 Kabutops June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 7824F731D6C4 Aerodactyl June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 3827772716B4 Snorlax June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 7827773556E4 Articuno June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 0604D0AB8F1E Zapdos June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 4604D0B9CF4E Moltres June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 060750AF0F3E Dratini June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 460750BD4F6E Dragonair June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 1204F42B871E Dragonite June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 5204F439C74E Mewtwo June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 1207742F073E Mew June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 5207743D476E Chikorita June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 0E24D3A38F9E Bayleef June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 4E24D3B1CFCE Meganium June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 0E2753A70FBE Cyndaquil June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 4E2753B54FEE Quilava June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 1A24F723879E Typhlosion June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 5A24F731C7CE Feraligatr June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 1A27772707BE Croconaw June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 5A27773547EE Feraligatr June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 24D4D8EA9E14 Sentret June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 64D4D8F8DE44 Furret June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 24D758EE1E34 Hoothoot June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 64D758FC5E64 Noctowl June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 30D4FC6A9614 Ledyba June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 70D4FC78D644 Ledian June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 30D77C6E1634 Spinarak June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 70D77C7C5664 Ariados June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 2CF4DBE29E94 Crobat June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 6CF4DBF0DEC4 Chinchou June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 2CF75BE61EB4 Lanturn June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 6CF75BF45EE4 Pichu June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 38F4FF629694 Cleffa June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 78F4FF70D6C4 Igglybuff June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 38F77F6616B4 Togepi June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 78F77F7456E4 Togetic June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 06D4D8EA8F1E Natu June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 46D4D8F8CF4E Xatu June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 06D758EE0F3E Mareep June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 46D758FC4F6E Flaaffy June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 12D4FC6A871E Ampharos June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 52D4FC78C74E Bellossom June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 12D77C6E073E Marill June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 52D77C7C476E Azumarill June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 0EF4DBE28F9E Sudowoodo June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 4EF4DBF0CFCE Politoed June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 0EF75BE60FBE Hoppip June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 4EF75BF44FEE Skiploom June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 1AF4FF62879E Jumpluff June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 5AF4FF70C7CE Aipom DAA1E752DFE3 1AF77F6607BE Sunkern DAA1E752DFE3 5AF77F7447EE Sunflora DAA1E752DFE3 A40C808B9E15 Yanma DAA1E752DFE3 E40C8099DE45Wooper June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 A40F008F1E35 Quagsire June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 E40F009D5E65 Espeon June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 B00CA40B9615 Umbreon June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 F00CA419D645 Murkrow June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 B00F240F1635 Slowking June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 F00F241D5665 Misdreavus June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 AC2C83839E95 Unown June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 EC2C8391DEC5 Wobbuffet June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 AC2F03871EB5 Girafarig June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 EC2F03955EE5 Pineco June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 B82CA7039695 Forretress June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 F82CA711D6C5 Dunsparce June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 B82F270716B5 Gligar June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 F82F271556E5 Steelix June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 860C808B8F1F Snubbull June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 C60C8099CF4F Granbull June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 860F008F0F3F Qwilfish June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 C60F009D4F6F Scizor June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 920CA40B871F Shuckle June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 D20CA419C74F Heracross June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 920F240F073F Sneasel June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 D20F241D476F Teddiursa June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 8E2C83838F9F Ursaring June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 CE2C8391CFCF Slugma June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 8E2F03870FBF Magcargo June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 CE2F03954FEF Swinub June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 9A2CA703879F Piloswine June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 DA2CA711C7CF Corsola June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 9A2F270707BF Remoraid June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 DA2F271547EF Octillery June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 A4DC88CA9E15 Delibird June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 E4DC88D8DE45 Mantine June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 A4DF08CE1E35 Skarmory June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 E4DF08DC5E65 Houndour June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 B0DCAC4A9615 Houndoom June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 F0DCAC58D645 Kingdra June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 B0DF2C4E1635 Phanpy June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 F0DF2C5C5665 Donphan June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 ACFC8BC29E95 Porygon2 June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 ECFC8BD0DEC5 Stantler June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 ACFF0BC61EB5 Smeargle June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 ECFF0BD45EE5 Tyrogue June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 B8FCAF429695 Hitmontop June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 F8FCAF50D6C5 Smoochum June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 B8FF2F4616B5 Elekid June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 F8FF2F5456E5 Magby June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 86DC88CA8F1F Miltank June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 C6DC88D8CF4F Blissey June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 86DF08CE0F3F Raikou June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 C6DF08DC4F6F Entai June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 92DCAC4A871F Suicune June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 D2DCAC58C74F Larvitar June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 92DF2C4E073F Pupitar June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 D2DF2C5C476F Tyranitar June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 8EFC8BC28F9F Lugia June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 CEFC8BD0CFCF Ho-oh June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 8EFF0BC60FBF Calebi June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 CEFF0BD44FEF Treecko June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 5300F43BE14A Grovyle June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 1303742D213A Sceptile June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 5303743F616A Torchic June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 0F20D3A1A99A Combusken June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 4F20D3B3E9CA Blaziken June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 0F2353A529BA Mudkip June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 4F2353B769EA Marshtomp June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 1B20F721A19A Swampert June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 5B20F733E1CA Poochyena June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 1B23772521BA Mightyena June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 5B23773761EA Zigzagoon June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 25D0D8E8B810 Linoone June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 65D0D8FAF840 Wurmple June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 25D358EC3830 Silcoon June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 65D358FE7860 Beautifly June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 31D0FC68B010 Cascoon June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 71D0FC7AF040 Dustox June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 31D37C6C3030 Lotad June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 71D37C7E7060 Lombre June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 2DF0DBE0B890 Ludicolo June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 6DF0DBF2F8C0 Seedot June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 2DF35BE438B0 Nuzleaf June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 6DF35BF678E0 Shiftry June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 39F0FF60B090 Nincada June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 79F0FF72F0C0 Ninjask June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 39F37F6430B0 Shedinja June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 79F37F7670E0 Taillow June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 07D0D8E8A91A Swellow June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 47D0D8FAE94A Shroomish June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 07D358EC293A Breloom June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 47D358FE696A Spinda June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 13D0FC68A11A Wingull June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 53D0FC7AE14A Pelipper June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 13D37C6C213A Surskit June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 53D37C7E616A Masquerain June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 0FF0DBE0A99A Wailmer June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 4FF0DBF2E9CA Wailord June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 0FF35BE429BA Skitty June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 4FF35BF669EA Delcatty June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 1BF0FF60A19A Kecleon June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 5BF0FF72E1CA Baltoy June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 1BF37F6421BA Claydol June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 5BF37F7661EA Nosepass June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 A5088089B811 Torkoal June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 E508809BF841 Sableye June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 A50B008D3831 Barboach June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 E50B009F7861 Whiscash June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 B108A409B011 Luvdisc June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 F108A41BF041 Corphish June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 B10B240D3031 Crawdaunt June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 F10B241F7061 Feebas June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 AD288381B891 Milotic June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 ED288393F8C1 Carvanha June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 AD2B038538B1 Sharpedo June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 ED2B039778E1 Trapinch June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 B928A701B091 Vibrava June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 F928A713F0C1 Flygon June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 B92B270530B1 Makuhita June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 F92B271770E1 Hariyama June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 87088089A91B Electrike June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 C708809BE94B Manectric June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 870B008D293B Numel June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 C70B009F696B Camerupt June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 9308A409A11B Spheal June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 D308A41BE14B Sealeo June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 930B240D213B Walrein June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 D30B241F616B Cacnea June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 8F288381A99B Cacturne June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 CF288393E9CB Snorunt June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 8F2B038529BB Glalie June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 CF2B039769EB Lunatone June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 9B28A701A19B Solrock June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 DB28A713E1CB Azurill June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 9B2B270521BB Spoink June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 DB2B271761EB Grumpig June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 A5D888C8B811 Plusle June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 E5D888DAF841 Minun June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 A5DB08CC3831 Mawile June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 E5DB08DE7861 Meditite June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 B1D8AC48B011 Medicham June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 F1D8AC5AF041 Swablu June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 B1DB2C4C3031 Altaria June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 F1DB2C5E7061 Wynaut June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 ADF88BC0B891 Duskull June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 EDF88BD2F8C1 Dusclops June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 ADFB0BC438B1 Roselia June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 EDFB0BD678E1 Slakoth June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 B9F8AF40B091 Vigoroth June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 F9F8AF52F0C1 Slaking June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 B9FB2F4430B1 Gulpin June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 F9FB2F5670E1 Swalot June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 87D888C8A91B Tropius June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 C7D888DAE94B Whismur June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 87DB08CC293B Loudred June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 C7DB08DE696B Exploud June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 93D8AC48A11B Clamperl June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 D3D8AC5AE14B Huntail June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 93DB2C4C213B Gorebyss June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 D3DB2C5E616B Absol June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 8FF88BC0A99B Shuppet June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 CFF88BD2E9CB Banette June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 8FFB0BC429BB Seviper June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 CFFB0BD669EB Zangoose June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 9BF8AF40A19B Relicanth June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 DBF8AF52E1CB Aron June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 9BFB2F4421BB Lairon June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 DBFB2F5661EB Aggron June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 2404D0A99E14 Castform June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 6404D0BBDE44 Volbeat June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 240750AD1E34 Illumise June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 640750BF5E64 Lileep June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 3004F4299614 Cradily June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 7004F43BD644 Anorith June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 3007742D1634 Armaldo June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 7007743F5664 Ralts June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 2C24D3A19E94 Kirlia June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 6C24D3B3DEC4 Gardevoir June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 2C2753A51EB4 Bagon June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 6C2753B75EE4 Shelgon June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 3824F7219694 Salamence June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 7824F733D6C4 Beldum June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 3827772516B4 Metang June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 7827773756E4 Metagross June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 0604D0A98F1E Regirock June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 4604D0BBCF4E Regice June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 060750AD0F3E Registeel June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 460750BF4F6E Kyogre June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 1204F429871E Groudon June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 5204F43BC74E Rayquaza June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 1207742D073E Latias June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 5207743F476E Latios June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 0E24D3A18F9E Jirachi June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 4E24D3B3CFCE Deoxys June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 0E2753A50FBE Chimecho June 08, 2005 DAA1E752DFE3 4E2753B74FEE
P.S these are for GSSP! Get a secret POKemon Verified by: Unverified Bogus Report: ShinyMasterDoragon
(m) 0000B138000A 1003AB2A0007
Code: 83007D2200FE (may need to try multiple times b/c may freeze once or twice but promise it wont mess up your game) All Hoenn Pokemon Verified by: unverified Bogus Report:
252 - Treecko 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 5BAE22AD8F7D3013
253 - Grovyle 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 21F8BC366CC818B7
254 - Sceptile 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 5157CACF5EB25845
255 - Torchic 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 9DB4C3198219060A
256 - Combusken 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 7CAD36227FCCA6ED
257 - Blaziken 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 4A44AC2ED6B438D5
258 - Mudkip 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 2E05069411BC05B3
259 - Marshtomp 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 29BA2D42D510FFBA
260 - Swampert 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 B8C7D72F087B6595
261 - Poochyena 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 99A5DB56D3F68AE7
262 - Mightyena 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 37A90703F49DE0B4
263 - Zigzagoon 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 CBA3EA0392726DCC
264 - Linoone 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 61DBEB9F92DBFA58
265 - Wurmple 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 C3DA6AFF0F7B7083
266 - Silcoon 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 8183477EE90ADD46
267 - Beautifly 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 3866C190031535DD
268 - Cascoon 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 0A70DC5617BA6B8E
269 - Dustox 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 72F95810DB6FB4EF
270 - Lotad 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 2D5A7BBB525EF393
271 - Lombre 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 A755369B4BD7F6F1
272 - Ludicolo 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 A20A4542D79124D0
273 - Seedot 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 DB37D9E1B8BA4066
274 - Nuzleaf 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 189F92E1D21F4478
275 - Shiftry 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 8DC39BCF3F710E3E
276 - Nincada 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 55513D199B3DE2D4
277 - Ninjask 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 957DE792C4607DA8
278 - Shedinja 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 665C2F42369D779C
279 - Taillow 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 451597F6A1578DD9
280 - Swellow 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 1DA4F7E6F247F39A
281 - Shroomish 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 C5FFADC845F66362
282 - Breloom 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 1D47A9C60524F0F7
283 - Spinda 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 BB0893DA002DE3DF
284 - Wingull 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 55429ABD95D438C4
285 - Pelipper 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 1DB3DE68672324D6
286 - Surskit 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 C246C624FDB5125D
287 - Masquerain 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 BB6A3047431DFCFF
288 - Wailmer 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 6870774EDCCF5C26
289 - Wailord 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 A36ED36F10EDDF89
290 - Skitty 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 D7DF0A988D70EB4D
291 - Delcatty 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 601F8154A460B6A7
292 - Kecleon 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 C07D2D075B6C82F2
293 - Baltoy 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 90AF0D841C4A45C9
294 - Claydol 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 CA8B36FCDF163AA9
295 - Nosepass 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 C446CE3B97CD0DC3
296 - Torkoal 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 F85BC8EB7CF30E57
297 - Sableye 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 17592A4C2C72F873
298 - Barboatch 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 D99B190DCB5C3255
299 - Whiscash 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 B964DDC53615D4B1
300 - Luvdisc 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 938CB852F9BB4D41
301 - Corphish 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 23DAFA415B1ADBC8
302 - Crawdaunt 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 2E666CF332395439
303 - Feebas 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 D884D95282F6FD48
304 - Miltotic 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 8F700F622CA08221
305 - Carvanha 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 B5A578B46F1B591B
306 - Sharpedo 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 C62B84580FC8B29A
307 - Trapinch 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 F406B3200DAA38F6
308 - Vibrava 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 007CC3331A7F8A4A
309 - Flygon 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 B02489453BC0030F
310 - Makuhita 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 E1F4794A887F06BF
311 - Hariteyama 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 53D971FF007FAAEB
312 - Electrike 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 4E39C71B8B168004
313 - Manectric 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 3A4F2D33CBF5A1B4
314 - Numel 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 D2583A425BE8CB0E
315 - Camerupt 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 B5B5FCBBCFCC8751
316 - Spheal 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 D4515AC17C2BD132
317 - Sealeo 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 CE85182FFEAF53F9
318 - Walrein 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 C6B2B1226711B417 319 - Cacnea 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 C4741BAE97124E11
320 - Cacturne 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 7D2A47BB332D52F3
321 - Snorunt 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 2817970AE0F6D0E4
322 - Glalie 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 CB8E1E838A0B06FF
323 - Lunatone 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 372CE7DBA9C8EB5E
324 - Solrock 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 D2CE7A4B797F7E89
325 - Azurill 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 B42D1283C6EBBDBB
326 - Spoink 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 8EA4FCB93A913D4D
327 - Grumpig 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 8F6C9E12CB96CE33
328 - Plusle 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 84F628669F914B8B
329 - Minun 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 AC9122B26257AAE0
330 - Mawile 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 FC8A82EA704658D9
331 - Meditite 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 E9D1D48800D975CA
332 - Medicham 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 85B4AF9A41D7B768
333 - Swablu 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 0DA20954262C11C0
334 - Altaria 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 E482934074AE24CA
335 - Wynaut 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 4A9EBB58037F6B34
336 - Duskull 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 BD8E35D5CF92A431
337 - Dusclops 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 359F51861F36099C
338 - Roselia 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 B0DA39C505276564
339 - Slakoth 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 0F8A29BA2C2D1529
340 - Vigoroth 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 B3EE281789EA6EFC
341 - Slaking 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 2B48952F978365BD
342 - Gulpin 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 179DCADEC474D278
343 - Swalot 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 0A68434581A60674
344 - Tropius 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 0BB19CBCFA943A3E
345 - Whismur 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 D521BFDAF306CE43
346 - Loudred 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 67E17F195D6EDD71
347 - Exploud 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 A587A72ACAA20267
348 - Clampearl 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 944B4BE8D05C678B
349 - Huntail 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 5669AB79CAF18B71
350 - Borebyss 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 0F1B5F6C7656C3B9
351 - Absol 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 2CC860ECD40C584F
352 - Shuppet 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 5DBF2FCF30E8F421
353 - Banette 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 8E732451F6EF7BA4
354 - Seviper 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 6E2ED8A024431D98
355 - Zangoose 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 8CEF1F80060461DD
356 - Relicanth 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 7B29CACCD014F65D
357 - Aron 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 6557E79B19945642
358 - Lairon 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 D4EFF5BB1311E2E8
359 - Aggron 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 9F727E48188E88D7
360 - Castform 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 528A0B971B7D1DB1
361 - Volbeat 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 BC71207B319D605F
362 - Illuminise 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 6D88B6F968D141AB
363 - Lileep 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 4BEFDC30B4192001
364 - Cradily 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 A87F5761834F0FF9
365 - Anorith 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 761FA58F0C669A85
366 - Armaldo 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 C68621E0CE91EAF2
367 - Ralts 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 CA880BEE01C3CE5E
368 - Kirlia 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 9B8D1405198957C8
369 - Gardevoir 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 2BE7AED3B9751EC5
370 - Bagon 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 7BC26643F6351EA3
371 - Shelgon 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 5CFB59B9D08C1A10
372 - Salamence 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 F683728DA1CB7A38
373 - Beldum 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 662DB4A0150278A5
374 - Metang 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 72B850FD79DE57D2
375 - Metagross 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 E62FCE6B99A4823D
376 - Regirock 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 CE51186D3686F6D2
377 - Regice 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 6F5F7F3EFEA00143
378 - Registeel 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 349C482149728D68
379 - Kyogre 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 9EFEC4E6F24D5813
380 - Groudon 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 299CE04B43341CDD
381 - Rayquaza 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 C5946A0E65BE02B0
382 - Latias 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 EA64214226D6E5A6
383 - Latios 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 79870CB095729832
384 - Jirachi 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 FBC061A9072FC320
385 - Deoxys 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 8C5DE8C8A33E9D88
386 - Chimecho 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 145A57F6ADDF1B3A
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Verified by: unverified Bogus Report:
Type in gameshark
Helpful codes for game shark sp Verified by: Arceus493, benhamini1992, Diegytto Bogus Report:
These codes require seperate master code.
This Master code is for finding Pokemon in the wild. (m) 0000b138000a 1003a82a0007 When you use this code you must first find the three numbers of the Pokemon you 83007d220xxx Eg.of code. (actual code )83007d220088 This code happens to be Omastar. Go to the wild and find it.Sometime I'll type them all but right now I'm not good enough to type them all!!!! This master code is for the moves you want to teach them. I'm not going to type them all I'm just giving examples. (m) 0000b138000a 100004280007 This is the code for Aero Blast 8201702000b1 Now any of your Pokemon can learn this move. Remember to have heart scales for the move tutor.
Keep your requests to a maximum of 10 codes. Requests will not be filled if above 10
These are for game shark SP ONLY Verified by: ShinyMasterDoragon, rayandtink Bogus Report:
(M) Must be on 97726cae9184 8f7aaa5c15fe B85e5a770386
This code will give you 999:59 as your playtime. Ac8dd34460d1 448fdf440083
Max stats Edf9bf404889 C8b4c66c910f
I hope these help! If you need any any cheats for gameshark sp email me at Thanks .Please verify
Good codes Verified by: Dhananjay1 Bogus Report: Dja1333434
These codes are all for Gameshark.
Pokemon Ruby Master Code DE00AAFD 2EBD05D0 530823D9 16558191
Pokemon Gender Codes
Always Female Pokémons Code 0C3D5307 ABB44D7C 78DA95DF 44018CB4
Always Male Pokémons Code 0C3D5307 ABB44D7C 141BB87C 83D7018F
Max Stat Codes
HP Stat 28330312 B9E777D4 141BB87C 83D7018F
Attack Stat BD34E89C 46AC3FDD 141BB87C 83D7018F
Defense Stat C5F9E49A 1DC472F1 141BB87C 83D7018F
Speed Stat 05DF5C70 440053F5 25260C8D 25207DAE
Special Attack Stat 0526A00A F717AC06 141BB87C 83D7018F
Special Defense Stat 3362EF2D D6B8C92E 141BB87C 83D7018F
All Stat Maxed Out AB5FF5EF A7716843 4B5258BD DBEA8F6E
Pokerus Code
Pokerus is a virus that youre Pokemon may catch. It is not harmful, infact it is very useful it doubles the stat points a Pokemon gains.
C784FC61 63EBC3B6 117279A9 85478753
This should make youre Pokemon catch pokerus after a battle.
Pokemon encounter codes.
These codes will make you able to catch the old Pokemon e.g scyther, ditto etc Never activate two of theses codes at one time. The Pokemon that you chose may not a appear straight away it maye be 2 battles or even 12 before you find it it's all about luck
001 - BULBASAUR 39E924C4 4136A9DD AD86124F 2823D8DA
002 - IVYSAUR 39E924C4 4136A9DD AB84463B B2609644
003 - VENUSAUR 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3542F0A7 7D2E171F
004 - CHARMANDER 39E924C4 4136A9DD DB8C60CD 81FD6AA7
005 - CHARMELEON 39E924C4 4136A9DD 08506D61 55CBD9A8
006 - CHARIZARD 39E924C4 4136A9DD A56395D2 8AF46857
007 - SQUIRTLE 39E924C4 4136A9DD BCDCB406 2F2FD763
008 - WARTORTLE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 268349C8 63FF53CE
009 - BLASTOISE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 5FD24ABC 1FE3296A
010 - CATERPIE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 358CC2BF 9BFA3518
011 - METAPOD 39E924C4 4136A9DD DC725D4E 3A20792F
012 - BUTTERFREE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 33EFFB7C E1794F5B
013 - WEEDLE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 9A86D92A 635F8DBC
014 - KAKUNA 39E924C4 4136A9DD CCEC9F6E 5A2A0F12
015 - BEEDRILL 39E924C4 4136A9DD F3D99280 49F4EEDC
016 - PIDGEY 39E924C4 4136A9DD 139BBA32 2DC356C8
017 - PIDGEOTTO 39E924C4 4136A9DD 2F7B0F2F 257173EA
018 - PIDGEOT 39E924C4 4136A9DD 13659B39 95BD80E5
019 - RATTATA 39E924C4 4136A9DD E5C49E22 47B157F2
020 - RATICATE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 60C9DC15 1AD9B226
021 - SPEAROW 39E924C4 4136A9DD 2F5D7856 A5F7B4AE
022 - FEAROW 39E924C4 4136A9DD 23689847 DA918B8D
023 - EKANS 39E924C4 4136A9DD A5BA4CFA CA5D771C
024 - ARBOK 39E924C4 4136A9DD B75D69F0 7C3B3103
025 - PIKACHU 39E924C4 4136A9DD 9D4A1BFF 05120D39
026 - RAICHU 39E924C4 4136A9DD CE7B779B AE493550
027 - SANDSHREW 39E924C4 4136A9DD 7DFC4CBD 20BB83B6
028 - SANDSLASH 39E924C4 4136A9DD CFC711B9 0585971F
029 - NIDORAN Female 39E924C4 4136A9DD B6450111 C65005BC
030 - NIDORINA 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0BA329E0 CEB39484
031 - NIDOQUEEN 39E924C4 4136A9DD C3B010F5 6DB0ED0E
032 - NIDORAN Male 39E924C4 4136A9DD A38262A2 825F8CF0
033 - NIDORINO 39E924C4 4136A9DD 33D5E08A 037AB9C4
034 - NIDOKING 39E924C4 4136A9DD 82E3DD4B EBFEF864
035 - CLEFAIRY 39E924C4 4136A9DD E8EAB84F 26C8AB6B
036 - CLEFABLE 39E924C4 4136A9DD D15755D8 AF5BE6F1
037 - VULPIX 39E924C4 4136A9DD 276AF592 A3A635CC
038 - NINETALES 39E924C4 4136A9DD 27B815E0 B8CCC2DA
039 - JIGGLYPUFF 39E924C4 4136A9DD B18AC7E0 E667A184
040 - WIGGLYTUFF 39E924C4 4136A9DD 7CEDC4CF F95C5521
041 - ZUBAT 39E924C4 4136A9DD 47596727 51BB292A
042 - GOLBAT 39E924C4 4136A9DD FF3A0DD1 DF54EB13
043 - ODDISH 39E924C4 4136A9DD EF723724 F31E5F64
044 - GLOOM 39E924C4 4136A9DD A386B043 9DEB5064
045 - VILEPLUME 39E924C4 4136A9DD 4A2748A4 F888F1C9
046 - PARAS 39E924C4 4136A9DD EAD30258 3988D84F
047 - PARASECT 39E924C4 4136A9DD 74CFC9E9 82CD278E
048 - VENONAT 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0CC56D24 C9F5A33A
049 - VENOMOTH 39E924C4 4136A9DD DFDFFF0A 8919BB28
050 - DIGLETT 39E924C4 4136A9DD BA7199EC 664F9418
051 - DUGTRIO 39E924C4 4136A9DD BCC0FB44 1A047D3C
052 - MEOWTH 39E924C4 4136A9DD 5F38FD3F 5D7412A3
053 - PERSIAN 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0BEC25D3 787468AE
054 - PSYDUCK 39E924C4 4136A9DD 70CEC019 12F0A7B0
055 - GOLDUCK 39E924C4 4136A9DD 32E8BC37 7712CF08
056 - MANKEY 39E924C4 4136A9DD DAAB0C35 55611812
057 - PRIMEAPE 39E924C4 4136A9DD B82FBCB6 C954F4ED
058 - GROWLITHE 39E924C4 4136A9DD CD7047AB 42D861F2
059 - ARCANINE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3099D33C 49E66A04
060 - POLIWAG 39E924C4 4136A9DD AF0908F3 650FE1BD
061 - POLIWHIRL 39E924C4 4136A9DD C29C3277 063E67E9
062 - POLIWRATH 39E924C4 4136A9DD 8DC834CF BFECCA56
063 - ABRA 39E924C4 4136A9DD 5738CFE5 515C61CF
064 - KADABRA 39E924C4 4136A9DD 67CA1286 0E3A5D83
065 - ALAKAZAM 39E924C4 4136A9DD C91954D9 68AAD246
066 - MACHOP 39E924C4 4136A9DD 8AD2C8BB EB3D7A39
067 - MACHOKE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 95EFD5EA DD857E98
068 - MACHAMP 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3BF5B7C4 061AAA45
069 - BELLSPROUT 39E924C4 4136A9DD CF2E3B09 3B30426E
070 - WEEPINBELL 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0030C455 4F43BB12
071 - VICTREEBEL 39E924C4 4136A9DD 1DF3B8CA DC70EC58
072 - TENTACOOL 39E924C4 4136A9DD 65C4E9C5 24CA1894
073 - TENTACRUEL 39E924C4 4136A9DD 51DDE51A 00DE2CE3
074 - GEODUDE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 399F7170 D519951E
075 - GRAVELER 39E924C4 4136A9DD DDF655E3 9BDEE49C
076 - GOLEM 39E924C4 4136A9DD 103F567C 2F1A9043
077 - PONYTA 39E924C4 4136A9DD 877A6953 8F6209F2
078 - RAPIDASH 39E924C4 4136A9DD 195BAD3F C840CA28
079 - SLOWPOKE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 4CEC5478 ACBC593C
080 - SLOWBRO 39E924C4 4136A9DD FE7C44DB 7672B1D8
081 - MAGNEMITE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3C17AEA9 5DC9D705
082 - MAGNETON 39E924C4 4136A9DD B8BD13C5 E3E7D9B3
083 - FARFETCH'D 39E924C4 4136A9DD 9121060C 74B908E0
084 - DODUO 39E924C4 4136A9DD 920BE3C7 3E00359C
085 - DODRIO 39E924C4 4136A9DD 02258041 19ABFE29
086 - SEEL 39E924C4 4136A9DD 8EC19A12 FD47B55F
087 - DEWGONG 39E924C4 4136A9DD E18D1069 1053E30C
088 - GRIMER 39E924C4 4136A9DD EB7F9C3F DB3192F5
089 - MUK 39E924C4 4136A9DD 729160A9 F8F73577
090 - SHELLDER 39E924C4 4136A9DD 92A2030E 24F19E86
091 - CLOYSTER 39E924C4 4136A9DD FB078533 1A99C72A
092 - GASTLY 39E924C4 4136A9DD 99B8A848 91759EFF
093 - HAUNTER 39E924C4 4136A9DD 7F14537B 6C00E975
094 - GENGAR 39E924C4 4136A9DD BA9A9758 4221EBF4
095 - ONIX 39E924C4 4136A9DD 54D9A0DB 68FC768F
096 - DROWZEE 39E924C4 4136A9DD C5C4BBBB 55B1B77F
097 - HYPNO 39E924C4 4136A9DD F4BB6321 8E9265DB
098 - KRABBY 39E924C4 4136A9DD D83FACC2 7D31E557
099 - KINGLER 39E924C4 4136A9DD FF0F431F 400EF220
100 - VOLTORB 39E924C4 4136A9DD ABD2C0C0 FBC68A93
101 - ELECTRODE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0C2333CD 141730A7
102 - EXEGGCUTE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 8D2F9E72 8719250B
103 - EXEGGUTOR 39E924C4 4136A9DD 744AF614 12D8281B
104 - CUBONE 39E924C4 4136A9DD D9E3884F 37500E3F
105 - MAROWAK 39E924C4 4136A9DD CB4A8BD1 1D028DA2
106 - HITMONLEE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 9EDB950D 454533E5
107 - HITMONCHAN 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3535FA3A EBECD355
108 - LICKITUNG 39E924C4 4136A9DD F582757C 16122B78
109 - KOFFING 39E924C4 4136A9DD BF93F87F BC1AB791
110 - WEEZING 39E924C4 4136A9DD D966DA15 88BBB73A
111 - RHYHORN 39E924C4 4136A9DD 7DA9C8C7 8549C3D4
112 - RHYDON 39E924C4 4136A9DD 9071D41E 55259C19
113 - CHANSEY 39E924C4 4136A9DD AD38C4DB B5EBB8A7
114 - TANGELA 39E924C4 4136A9DD 100D1518 466A2D06
115 - KANGASKHAN 39E924C4 4136A9DD 8F4BE409 7110788B
116 - HORSEA 39E924C4 4136A9DD 02401CFF F2742052
117 - SEADRA 39E924C4 4136A9DD B0160E28 ED6B68EC
118 - GOLDEEN 39E924C4 4136A9DD 29061002 69BB68FF
119 - SEAKING 39E924C4 4136A9DD 676505B9 904C9DE3
120 - STARYU 39E924C4 4136A9DD D7D9A00C 7BFB7AAC
121 - STARMIE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0E2752FA 51091446
122 - MR.MIME 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0922D9A2 C1E680BA
123 - SCYTHER 39E924C4 4136A9DD 28BEFBB3 68DE4569
124 - JYNX 39E924C4 4136A9DD FB0FC84E D45216CF
125 - ELECTABUZZ 39E924C4 4136A9DD 1E6DE7CB DDDBAD78
126 - MAGMAR 39E924C4 4136A9DD C644F8D1 4159A2D6
127 - PINSIR 39E924C4 4136A9DD AEFBB853 03F4B721
128 - TAUROS 39E924C4 4136A9DD 1D5557F2 FACC2BA7
129 - MAGIKARP 39E924C4 4136A9DD 04658924 E67574E2
130 - GYARADOS 39E924C4 4136A9DD 56156F0A D2F071F2
131 - LAPRAS 39E924C4 4136A9DD 483AC796 E3850B8F
132 - DITTO 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3613AA25 2CC1B172
133 - EEVEE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 4B78A144 F02E1187
134 - VAPOREON 39E924C4 4136A9DD D82AEDF5 F23B27A4
135 - JOLTEON 39E924C4 4136A9DD 1850F0B1 AAFB142F
136 - FLAREON 39E924C4 4136A9DD AB622741 B3F84F8B
137 - PORYGON 39E924C4 4136A9DD 6EE60CB5 746DFF03
138 - OMANYTE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 1DBD6215 4FD65295
139 - OMASTAR 39E924C4 4136A9DD 23F20EC6 1368F543
140 - KABUTO 39E924C4 4136A9DD 32A2B3E0 40DB80D9
141 - KABUTOPS 39E924C4 4136A9DD 2058318E 392B7EE5
142 - AERODACTYL 39E924C4 4136A9DD C44B6463 DB3237C3
143 - SNORLAX 39E924C4 4136A9DD E9ADF485 15BE8FA7
144 - ARTICUNO 39E924C4 4136A9DD D7B594AF C1DA18AB
145 - ZAPDOS 39E924C4 4136A9DD 83E25054 9C927E5E
146 - MOLTRES 39E924C4 4136A9DD F8DEC3CC A014B094
147 - DRATINI 39E924C4 4136A9DD 47C69D5D 1AA59D6D
148 - DRAGONAIR 39E924C4 4136A9DD 8B3A1FF0 A3C0E786
149 - DRAGONITE 39E924C4 4136A9DD 796E6824 2B208DD5
150 - MEWTWO 39E924C4 4136A9DD 4C77BA3F CA4EDCB6
151 - MEW 39E924C4 4136A9DD B751BDF4 95CEF4CC
Phew, thats all for just now I will add some more later.
Action Replay Cheat Codes (Pokemon Ruby)
What is Action Replay? Answer Here by: (M) de00aafd 2ebd05d0 530823d9 16558191 Quick Level Up a5e4b9cd f84e3b47 Infinite Money e51e97c3 7858e4eb One Hit Kill 9895dd46 94ab8b3d Max Stats Pokemon 1 1d402457 62ef847e 45e7aab2 52553e86 8d4686f5 149a4baa cb4da209 d4fac5dc Rare Candy in PC 280ea266 88a62e5c Potion in PC a3cd9f55 4a0d960d Antidote in PC 63885016 0d38247c Burn Heal in PC dde0011d 3f072333 Ice Heal in PC 97a9b783 cfc52e4b Awakening in PC aa0b6232 2151f53a Prlyz Heal in PC da535cbe 0bdc6e0f Full Restore in PC f6d63594 20b33e32 Max Potion in PC b08eda7e a87d63d3 Hyper Potion in PC 08bdbbf4 4ff4c719 Super Potion in PC 87a80e42 33708a3a Full Heal in PC 5d73ef60 d4ee441c Revive in PC f2d41f01 62f78cc9 Max Revive in PC 9c51c651 033feef8 Fresh Water in PC c7d5af06 b49f1eca Soda Pop in PC 6dbd701f 302e78ac Lemonade in PC 00261af5 7b62eda3 Moomoo Milk in PC b0f1f5d8 62e04ca2 EnergyPowder in PC dc4fc024 199873d5 Energy Root in PC 5279ff87 ef04f361 Heal Powder in PC f6116f9d c607dd51 Revival Herb in PC a6a12e82 62adfb80 Ether in PC 6f68837c 5d4dca24 Max Ether in PC b3ac040a 4c0c5aba Elixir in PC 9b3a4a03 fe706d9f Max Elixir in PC 612a0d7a 864b1d29 Lava Cookie in PC 14bffd56 6e8cb395 Blue Flute in PC 46fee43a 9a859daf Yellow Flute in PC 94775111 7a490ed1 Red Flute in PC 0deecfe4 f9007419 Black Flute in PC 4eba1e65 2d1b2d8d White Flute in PC 762917d1 2baadcb9 Berry Juice in PC 4345c521 6d375411 Sacred Ash in PC 344bc7c4 e55afaf4 Shoal Salt in PC 2012431b 94bdb28f Shoal Shells in PC 1c80d1ac 89248469 Red Shard in PC c279f319 53a95176 Blue Shard in PC 6cb8c417 68869b11 Yellow Shard in PC 4799de9c f2eeb53a Green Shard in PC c6d679f9 59217e7f HP Up in PC ef059a66 1b91fa78 Protein in PC 3aed720e ff66565d Iron in PC 53d76827 dc9a4fd5 Carbos in PC a5d07084 3f37875f Calcium in PC 674ea957 454a04ef PP Up in PC 79e495d9 5221d703 Zinc in PC d0686c71 1f6e14f7 PP Max in PC 7a74d52c 460da729 Guard Spec. in PC 62599853 eec406a8 Dire Hit in PC cd05e311 f4dcae67 X Attack in PC 1670c28a ec8d1032 X Defend in PC 5ec420d3 e7257858 X Speed in PC 06ca7bea 5ef433ed X Accuracy in PC 71fc053e 467adec4 X Special in PC 726d2643 9ecaf258 Poke Doll in PC 8cefcf6d d6126ef2 Fluffy Tail in PC 804e38df 6fbd4b90 Super Repel in PC 98955089 3930b7fd Max Repel in PC 08da1807 097673f4 Escape Rope in PC 088d15f0 d5affc6d Repel in PC 8413d556 05b0a8e7 Sun Stone in PC 50c1cd99 d96b58b4 Moon Stone in PC d708816f c1207eb6 Fire Stone in PC f6aafa8b 4d2c5f22 ThunderStone in PC 23abbf10 041ccbbe Water Stone in PC 45734f06 591ecd99 Leaf Stone in PC f668b3c9 14db1264 Tiny Mushroom in PC e8183698 3824e31a Big Mushroom in PC 9dd7eb17 2fb12733 Pearl in PC 436bc4df 89bed2fc Big Pearl in PC 2c895f4b c0c6ae9b StarDust in PC c5a21f18 7f5c2018 Star Piece in PC 37e60b65 2c503315 Nugget in PC 2663fe10 673311eb Heart Scale in PC 000d4dd5 ebc33f52 Orange Mail in PC 4bf1b54e b3c7b72b Harbor Mail in PC 390f6e05 850b8de5 Glitter Mail in PC faa3ccb7 8949309f Mech Mail in PC bfafa35d 2094294e Wood Mail in PC bfebfb65 d8f96d15 Wave Mail in PC a4f13c30 7a4ea077 Bead Mail in PC 3b8a7bbc 2bafca20 Shadow Mail in PC 4b5a5d4a 1d3d9a45 Tropic Mail in PC 677b4c09 56d2964d Dream Mail in PC 9f024f1d 2194b20c Fab Mail in PC f7913598 8f9308d2 Retro Mail in PC b8c93252 ce9096a7 BrightPowder in PC ea956364 3d7176fc White Herb in PC f2fec283 99ed9040 Macho Brace in PC 4ec9887d 122f0757 Exp. Share in PC b964a353 b1c57054 Quick Claw in PC 20b7d908 3c8c9fe7 Soothe Bell in PC a5c80201 3e9d4506 Mental Herb in PC c6ea991b d2a3b95c Choice Band in PC 75c5
Altaria (other than evolution)
Found at the Sky Pillar.
Amulet coin *Pokemon Ruby*
After you finish your dad's gym at Petalberg city,go back to your house at littleroot town and talk to your mother.your mom will be overjoyed seeing that badge and will give you an amulet coin.
Azurill (Pokemon Ruby)
When you get the Sea Incense from Mt. Pyre, breed two Marill (male and female). Give the female Marill the Sea Incense and put the two Pokemon in the Daycare Center. When you get the egg, you will get only male Azurills. If you gave the Sea Incense to the male Marill, you will only get female Azurills.
Bagon (Pokemon Ruby)
Bagon is the first stage of Salamence (Dake's best Pokemon, which is Dragon and Flying type). You can find it in the smallest room in Meteor Falls. On the rectangular piece of land, you will find TM02 (Dragon Claw), which gives Attack 80 and Accuracy 100. Bagon evolves into Shellgon, then into Salamence. Salamence is like a fire dragon; cannot learn water attacks, but can learn Flying, Fire, and Dragon attacks.
Battle Tower Prizes *Pokemon Ruby*
Complete tasks in the Battle Tower to earn the following prizes:
1-5 Victories: Calcium Carbos HP Up Iron Protein Zinc
6 or more Victories: Bright Powder Choice Band Focus Band King's Rock Leftovers Mental Herb Quick Claw Scope Lens White Herb
50 Victories in a row: Award Ribbon Silver Shield
100 Victories in a row: Gold Shield
Beat the Pokemon champion easy! (Pokemon Ruby)
Train your pokemon that knows surf up to level 65 or over. His pokemon are all weak on water. I have got a Kyorge level 83 that knows surf. I went the the whole pokemon league without getting hurt. I have beat the pokemon league champion 6 and still going times. You try.
After you defeat Steven (the champion), go to his house in Mossdeep City. Read the book (Letter) on the table. It says to take the Pokeball. It contains a Beldum, at level 5. It is a Steel/Psychic type that knows Take Down.
Berry Blender: Speed up (Pokemon Ruby)
Instead of pressing A once, press it several times on the first turn. You can get up to 40 RPM on the first turn if done correctly. After that, keep double hitting on every turn until about 80 RPM, where it gets too fast. This should increase speeds phenomenally. It is possible to get up to 150 RPM in three player on the first hut, with Laddie and the old man.
Blaziken: Recommended moves
The best moves for it are Blaze Kick, Brick Break, Bulk Up, and Sky Uppercut.
Castform: Recommended moves *Pokemon Ruby*
The best moves for Castform are Blizzard, Fireblast, Thunder, and Solar Beam.
Castform -Pokemon Ruby
After you save the weather institute, talk to the man blocking the doorway. He will give you the Castform. It changes form, depending on the weather. It knows Hail, Powder Snow, Rain Dance, and Sunny Day. It is a Normal type and is at level 25.
Changing glitch block (Japanese version)
Go to the fifth city and Surf on the route that has a sign on the water. Next to it is a glitched block. Swim back and forth and it will change.
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Chimecho Pokemon Ruby
Found at Mt. Pyre (outside area, on the very top).
Cradily *Pokemon Ruby*
Go up from Mauville until you reach the desert which will be Northeast to you. Carry on going Northeast over the desert until you reach in the trop right and corner, two fossils. You can pick one up and then the other one will disappear. Once you have picked up the fossil, go to rustboro city.Go north from the pokemon centre. On your left, at the top of rustboro city you'll see a big palace. It has two large doors on either side. Go inside it. Go all the way East then up North and up the stairs. The first row of computers that you face, there will be a man who likes fossils. Go down to him.Once you have spoke to him, just mess about in that room for a bit. About 2 minutes late go and speak to him again. He'll say thank-you for waiting. You have to make sure you have an empty space in your 6 pokemon list. He will give you a pokemon called lileep. Evolve that into Cradily. Cradily is a rare fossil type pokemon. That fossils turn into it. The Pokemon champion has it as his 3rd pokemon. Enjoy the strenght of it!
Deoxys and Jirachi
You cannot get Jirachi and Deoxys during the game. They are given away through a Nintendo event, much like Mew and Celebi were in previous Pokemon games.
Dodrio -Pokemon Ruby
Other than by evolution, it can be found in the Safari Zone.
Fallarbor Town: Egg
Go to the hot spring and talk to the old lady to get an egg.
Faster Leveling up!!
by: melzycute If you want faster leveling up, battle with Interviewer Gabby & Ty with your best Pokemon and the Pokemon you want to level up with exp. share
Feebas -[Pokemon Ruby ]
Feebas can only be found on Route 119, and is very hard to find. Feebas only appears in six tiles on the route. The tiles are random, depending on the popular phrase you used in Dewford. Catching this Pokemon requires a lot of time and patience. However, when evolved into Milotic this Pokemon is very useful. To capture Feebas try using "Mudkip Ball" as your popular phrase in Dewford. Later it turns to "Natural Flowers". Wait until "Natural Flowers" is the popular phrase or attempt to change it yourself. To find Feebas, get to Route 119. Start at the bottom and move north. Stop at the first little lake, immediately after the large patch of tall grass, and go as far left on the lake shore as you can. Surf, move one tile north, and fish with a Super Rod. Note: The tile locations may vary from game to game.
Flygon -Pokemon Ruby
Go to lavaridge town and then go to the desert and catch an Trapinch train it to level 35 and it will evolve into Vibrava then train Vibrava to level 45 and it will evolve into Flygon with the types dragon / ground and the abitity LEVITATE this ability prevents that ground attacks hit.
For a really strong unbeatable party have the following pokemon. Your starter pokemon at last stage
Regice Regirock Registeel Rayquazza Salemence
FREE Game Contest *Pokemon Ruby*
Everytime you login to Cheat Masters and view the contest page you will be awarded 1 point towards winning in the next drawing (Limited to once every 24 hours). By referring people to Cheat Masters you will receive an extra 5 point for each one that creates an account.
It is just that easy, just create a simple account View the current contest at Cheat Masters Contest
Free Premier Ball
First buy at least ten Pokeballs and you will get a free Premier Ball.
Get all three begining Pokemon (Pokemon Ruby)
Wait until you can buy a Pokeball and catch at least one Pokemon. Trade with a friend at the Pokecenter. Make sure that your friend has a Pokemon to give away. Trade the Pokemon you selected in the start of the game, then start the game again. Continue this process until you have all three (Torchic, Treecko, and Mudkip). Make sure that when you trade to your friend, he has kept the Pokemon you have given him or her. When you have chosen the last begining Pokemon, catch two Pokemon. Trade with your friend again to get back the two other begining Pokemon you previously gave him. You should now have Torchic Mudkip and Treecko.
Getting a female starter (Pokemon Ruby)
Keep begining the game over repeatedly until you get a female starter.
It could allow you to leave it at the Day Care with a Pokemon of the same Egg Group. Eventually, it will breed an egg. This allows you to have more of the same Pokemon.
The Pokemon that will hatch from the egg will be the same species as the female.
Getting the Mental Herb! *Pokemon Ruby*
NOTE: Before attempting this, make sure your either you've have passed Fortree cityand on the way to Mossdeep city (It doesn't matter if you have done anything else you just have to be up to the part where you have passed Mossdeep city.
Firstly go to the last tree house in Fortree city, that has the guy next to it that says Sniff... You, uh...smell singed. Where you at a volcano or something? Next go to the Kid that has the Wingull next to him talk to him then talk to his Wingull (If the Wingull went when you talked to the boy its O.K.). It will fly off to Mossdeep city. When you fly/reach Mossdeep city, go to the house where the staris are to Mossdeep Space Center "The closest place to place". There is a guy and a girl in the house. Talk to the girl then talk to the Wingull (If the Wingull went when you talked to the girl its O.K.) Then fly back to Fortree City and talk to the boy. You will get the Mental Herb!
Golduck *Pokemon Ruby*
Other than by evolution, it can be found in the Safari Zone.
Gorebyss and Huntail
Get the scanner in the abandoned ship. Now, go to Slateport City. Go to the where the ferry is located and give the scanner to Mr. Stern. He will ask you to trade for his Deepseascale and the Deepsea Tooth. Choose either one of them, then give it to a Clamperl. This will raise its stats and allow it to evolve when traded. To get Gorebyss, give Clamperl the Deepseascale then trade it to a friend with a link cable. Now, have them trade it back to get Gorebyss. To get Huntail. give Clamperl the Deepseatooth and do the same thing.
Found in the Fiery Path.
Groudon (Pokemon Ruby)
To find Groudon, go to the Cave Of Origin in Sootopolis City. It will be on Level 45 when you catch it. Groudon is a Ground type. Its ability is Drought and it summons Sunlight in battle. Its attacks are Slash: (Power 70, Accuracy 100), Bulk Up (Power -, Accuracy -), Earthquake (Power 100, Accuracy100), and Fire Blast (Power120, Accuracy 85). You can only find Groundon in Pokemon Ruby.
Gym tactics (Pokemon Ruby)
First, try using Kyamome or a Water/Grass starter. Now, try Water/Fire starter Grass at level 20 to 25. Finally, try Sandshrew with lots of Ground attack.
Heart Scale! (Pokemon Ruby)
by: Chille To find, the Heart Scale, go to Mauville. Then travel east untill you come to the place where you can use surf. Around there, you will see rocks. Go up to them and click on them. One will have a Heart Scale. After you obtain this item, you can give it to the move teacher and he will teach a move to one of your pokemon.
Heart Scales! -Pokemon Ruby
by: Cheat Masters Everyone read..To get a lot of heart scales fish for luvdisc on evergrande city..the one with the pokemon center.Keep fishing until you get a luvdisc..once you caught it look if it is holding a heart scale..Everytime you catch a luvdisc they wont be holding a heart scale everytime.
Heracross *Pokemon Ruby*
Found in the Safari Zone.
HM list -Pokemon Ruby
HM 01 (Cut): Cuts down small bushes. Found inside the house to the left of the Pokemon Center in Kanazumi City. HM 02 (Fly): Can fly to cities: Found in the town with the sixth Gym. HM 03 (Surf): Can Swim. Found in the house left of the fourth Gym. HM 04 (Strength): Allows you to push some rocks. Found in the town with fourth Gym. HM 05 (Flash) Lights up dark areas. Found in the cave on the island with the second Badge. HM 06 (Rock Smash): Smashes some rocks: Found in the house to the left of the third Gym. HM 07 (Waterfall) Allows you to climb waterfalls. Found in the cave with the Legendary Pokemon in Rune. HM 08 (Dive): Allows you to submerge under the ocean. Found in Tokusane City after beating the seventh Gym.
HM list
HM 01 (Cut): Cuts down small bushes. Found inside the house to the left of the Pokemon Center in Kanazumi City. HM 02 (Fly): Can fly to cities: Found in the town with the sixth Gym. HM 03 (Surf): Can Swim. Found in the house left of the fourth Gym. HM 04 (Strength): Allows you to push some rocks. Found in the town with fourth Gym. HM 05 (Flash) Lights up dark areas. Found in the cave on the island with the second Badge. HM 06 (Rock Smash): Smashes some rocks: Found in the house to the left of the third Gym. HM 07 (Waterfall) Allows you to climb waterfalls. Found in the cave with the Legendary Pokemon in Rune. HM 08 (Dive): Allows you to submerge under the ocean. Found in Tokusane City after beating the seventh Gym.
How to catch the three Regi Pokemon (Pokemon Ruby) by: Ahmed Green Okay here's how to catch the three Regi pokemon first surf to the sealed chamber after you beat the pokemon league go to the big tile and use dig a hole will open up then go through it there will be another room go to that big tile it will have more dots than the other big tile. It says Relicanth in front(catch by diving around not inside Sootopolis city)and Wailord in back(evolve a Wailmer at level 40) after you have those two pokemon read the big tile in the scecond room there will be an earthquake then you'll here doors open then it will say "you can here doors opening from far away"now you have to catch the three pokemon in Hoenn.
Illumise and Volbeat *Pokemon Ruby*
Found on Route 117 only.
In-game reset (Pokemon Ruby)
Hold Select + Start + A + B during game play.
Itemfinder -[Pokemon Ruby ]
While using the Itemfinder, if it rings look near trees and rocks . For example, sneak behind the Berry Master's house and look by the trees to find a Revive. Also go by the ocean shore in Mauville, Mossdeep, and Lilycove. All around the water you can find Heart Scales . After you have Surf, go to Dewford and surf north. You will find some land. Search all around it and you will find a Heart scale . Look by the Daycare Center to see some grass blocked by a tree. Cut it down and search all around inside to find an item.
Koffing Pokemon Ruby
Found in the Fiery Path. It may be a shiny version.
Latias Cannot Escape
When you get the Go-Goggles and defeat the Elite Four, catch a Trapinch in the desert. Keep it up the top of your party until you run into Latias. Trapinch's special abilaty is 'Arena Trap' which means the foe cannot escape. So if you used the master ball on Grondon/Kyogre you still have a chance. But make sure you train it to a high level like 70 so you can weaken it first.
Latios and Latias (Pokemon Ruby)
When you get the Master Ball in Team Aqua's/Magma's lair, do not use it on Kyogre/Groudon. Latios and Latias will eventually appear in your game, and they are extremely difficult to catch. They will run from route to route.
Just after you finish the game, on television there will be a report about a one-of-an-kind Pokemon that is now loose in Hoenn. It will show up all over Hoenn in the grassy areas. You will only have one chance to catch it. It rarely appears. It depends on which game you are playing; Latios for Pokemon Ruby and Latias for Pokemon Sapphire.
When going after Latios and Latias, always use Repels so you are not interrupted by other Pokemon
Latios and Latias
by: alienrat When you get the Master Ball in Team Aqua's/Magma's lair, do not use it on Kyogre/Groudon. Latios and Latias will eventually appear in your game, and they are extremely difficult to catch. They will run from route to route.
Just after you finish the game, on television there will be a report about a one-of-an-kind Pokemon that is now loose in Hoenn. It will show up all over Hoenn in the grassy areas. You will only have one chance to catch it. It rarely appears. It depends on which game you are playing; Latios for Pokemon Ruby and Latias for Pokemon Sapphire.
When going after Latios and Latias, always use Repels so you are not interrupted by other Pokemon
Leveling up faster while you sleep!
If you have a nintendo ds or a gba sp then here's a treat for you. Ok put 2 pokemon in the day care that you want leveled up then put a pokemon in your party that knows rock smash make sure you have an arco bike and head over to the dessert on the top where the mud slide is plug in your ds or sp into an out let so it can charge while you sleep then turn on your arco bike then press up on the mud slide notice it pushes you down now find some way for your game to press up while you sleep once you do that turn the sound of and go to bed when you wake up in the morning your pokemon will have leveled up by alot.
Lilycove City: Fans (Pokemon Ruby)
When you complete the Pokemon League, you will have three or four fans. If you notice, the people on the top part of the building will say that they like other trainers better than you. However, once you capture about 185 Pokemon, two of those fans will become your fans. Once you have all 200 Pokemon, they will all become your fans.
Lilycove City: Game Freak (Pokemon Ruby)
After defeating the Elite Four, go to Lilycove City. Go into the inn and talk to the man there. He talks about some people who call themselves Game Freak. If you go upstairs you will find them, just like in Celedon City in Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow. Also, go in front of the inn keeper watching television. He will get mad and yell, "Hey you, down in front! Move I can't see the television!".
Lilycove city: Items (Pokemon Ruby)
Once you go to Team Aqua's or Magma's hideout in Lilycove City, do not leave until you have collected the Master Ball, Electrode, and Nugget.
Magikarp -Pokemon Ruby
Magikarp can only be caught with an Old Rod.
Other than by evolution, it can be found in New Mauville.
After you defeat the champion at the pok�mon league go to Mossdeep city to Stevens house and there is a pok�ball on the table that contains a Beldum a Steel/Psychic pokemon that already knows the move Take Down give it exp.share that you can get in Rustboro city from Devon.corps after you deliverd the packedge to Capt.Stern just talk to M.Stone the president of Devon Corps train Beldum with the exp.share to level 20 and it will evolve to Metang also a Steel/Psychic pokemon and it will learn the moves: confusion and Metal claw train it further to level 45 and Metang will evolve to Metagross a very strong pokemon of the types Steel/Psychic.
Mew *Pokemon Ruby*
Mew is the only Pokemon that can learn all TMs and HMs. He can only be caught through a GameShark or CodeBreaker code.
Milotic Pokemon Ruby
This is a great Pokemon to have. It is a Water type which learns some Dragon moves and eventually Recover. Feebas does not evolve into Milotic they way a normal Pokemon does. To get Feebas to evolve, you must increase the beauty of it. To increase the beauty, it is best to use Indigo and Liteblue Pokeblocks. Save some Corn and Aguav Berries to make Pokeblocks with. Feed Feebas a number of Pokeblocks until its beauty is nearly at maximum. The next time Feebas grows another level, it will evolve into Milotic.
Minun and Plusle (Pokemon Ruby)
Found on Route 110.
Mudkip (Pokemon Ruby)
Mudkip is a Water type Pokemon. You can get it as a starter. Mudkip evolves in to Marshtomp at level 16 and it is a Water/Ground type Pokemon. Marshtomp evolves later at level 36 to Swampert, a Water/Ground type.
One of the best moves are Mud Shot, Earthquake, Blizzard, and Surf. Note: When you get Muddy Water, replace Water Gun with it. Now, when you get Surf, replace Muddy Water with it.
Mystery Events Club Pokemon Ruby
After defeating the fifth gym leader,go to the Pokemon Center in Petalburg city. Then go inside the Pokemon Center. Talk to the man standing beside the PC. He will ask you for your new profile. Type in MYSTERY EVENT IS EXITING. The man will say,"You know the secret saying! So that means you are a member of the MYSTERY EVENTS CLUB. You will then be able to access the MYSTERY EVENTS icon in your main menu.
Pelliper -Pokemon Ruby
Other than by evolution, it can be found in Slateport, Pacifidlog, Evergrande, Mossdeep, Lilycove, Dewford, Routes 103,105 through 109, 110, 115, 118, 119, 121 through 123, and 124 through 134.
Pikachu and Pinsir Pokemon Ruby
Found in the Safari Zone.
Pink Poochyena
First Go to Route 103 and start searching until you find it (it will work better early in the game).
This is a useful item with multiple functions.
Map: This will display a map of Houen. You can move the pointer with the D-pad and can also press A to zoom in. Poke-Info: This will display information about your Pokemon stats. These may show how much of a chance your Pokemon has of winning a Pokemon Contest. These can be raised with Poroks (the berries). Trainer-Dex: This will show information on all of the trainers you have fought. Hall Of Fame: After defeating the Elite 4, you can see your Pokemon that defeated them in the Hall of Fame.
Pokeblocks *Pokemon Ruby*
by: Chille If you go to Mossdeep, look in all the houses untill you see a karate guy. Talk to him and he will tell you what kind of pokeblocks the first pokemon in your party likes. Keep shifting your pokemon to find out each of they're favorites. This could be an advantage in contests!
Pokemon Contest Pokemon Ruby
In Pokemon Contest houses, you may enter your Pokemon into a contest for a chance to win a medal. However if you enter without any Porok level ups, you will have a very low chance of winning. The way to raise this is to go out and find the trees with berries on them, then press A. You will then receive 1 to 4 berries. If you now go to a Pokemon House, you will see small gray machines on the right. The empty one on the top is for multi-player. For now, find a house in a city that only has a man at the bottom. Go to the other side of the machine and press A. You will then be asked to pick a Porok (berry) and throw it in. The spinner will come down and start moving. The objective is to press A just when the spinner hits your arrow:
Circle Within A Circle: Direct hit (much faster) Circle: Near hit (slightly faster) X: Miss (slower )
The faster you (and your opponent) get the spinner moving, the better. Once the meter at the top hits the end, it is over and the results and the fastest RPM the spinner was moving will appear. You will then receive a Blended Porok. The level of it depends on how fast you got the machine going. The average appears to be 11. Next, open your Special Items Pocket and go to your "Pez dispenser" type item (which you must have to play the game -- it is obtained from the girl in the first contest house). You will then pick a Blended Porok and feed it to a pet, making one of his Pokemon Contest stats (viewable in the Poke-Navi) go up. Some can even raise multiple stats. The more you do this, the better chance you have of winning.
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Pokemon that cannot be captured (Pokemon Ruby)
203. Bulbasaur 204. Ivysaur 205. Venusaur 206. Charmander 207. Charmeleon 208. Charizard 209. Squirtle 210. Wartortle 211. Blastoise 212. Caterpie 213. Metapod 214. Butterfree 215. Weedle 216. Kakuna 217. Beedrill 218. Pidgey 219. Pidgeotto 220. Pidgeot 221. Rattata 222. Raticate 223. Spearow 224. Fearow 225. Ekans 226. Arbok 227. Nidoran (F) 228. Nidorina 229. Nidoqueen 230. Nidoran (M) 231. Nidorino 232. Nidoking 233. Clefairy 234. Clefable 235. Paras 236. Parasect 237. Venonat 238. Venomoth 239. Diglett 240. Dugtrio 241. Meowth 242. Persian 243. Mankey 244. Primeape 245. Growlithe 246. Arcanine 247. Poliwag 248. Poliwhirl 249. Poliwrath 250. Bellsprout 251. Weepinbell 252. Victreebel 253. Ponyta 254. Rapidash 255. Slowpoke 256. Slowbro 257. Farfetch'd 258. Seel 259. Dewgong 260. Shellder 261. Cloyster 262. Gastly 263. Haunter 264. Gengar 265. Onix 266. Drowzee 267. Hypno 268. Krabby 269. Kingler 270. Exeggcute 271. Exeggutor 272. Cubone 273. Marowak 274. Hitmonlee 275. Hitmonchan 276. Lickitung 277. Chansey 278. Tangela 279. Kangaskhan 280. Mr. Mime 281. Scyther 282. Jynx 283. Electabuzz 284. Magmar 285. Tauros 286. Lapras 287. Ditto 288. Eevee 289. Vaporeon 290. Jolteon 291. Flareon 292. Porygon 293. Omanyte 294. Omastar 295. Kabuto 296. Kabutops 297. Aerodactyl 298. Snorlax 299. Articuno 300. Zapdos 301. Moltres 302. Dratini 303. Dragonair 304. Dragonite 305. Mewtwo 306. Mew 307. Chikorita 308. Bayleef 309. Meganium 310. Cyndaquil 311. Quilava 312. Typhlosion 313. Totodile 314. Croconaw 315. Feraligatr 316. Sentret 317. Furret 318. Hoothoot 319. Noctowl 320. Ledyba 321. Ledian 322. Spinarak 323. Ariados 324. Cleffa 325. Togepi 326. Togetic 327. Mareep 328. Flaaffy 329. Ampharos 330. Sudowoodo 331. Politoed 332. Hoppip 333. Skiploom 334. Jumpluff 335. Aipom 336. Sunkern 337. Sunflora 338. Yanma 339. Wooper 340. Quagsire 341. Espeon 342. Umbreon 343. Murkrow 344. Slowking 345. Misdreavus 346. Unown 347. Pineco 348. Forretress 349. Dunsparce 350. Gligar 351. Steelix 352. Snubbull 353. Granbull 354. Qwilfish 355. Scizor 356. Shuckle 357. Sneasel 358. Teddiursa 359. Ursaring 360. Swinub 361. Piloswine 362. Remoraid 363. Octillery 364. Delibird 365. Mantine 366. Houndour 367. Houndoom 368. Porygon2 369. Stantler 370. Smeargle 371. Tyrogue 372. Hitmontop 373. Smoochum 374. Elekid 375. Magby 376. Miltank 377. Blissey 378. Raikou 379. Entei 380. Suicune 381. Larvitar 382. Pupitar 383. Tyranitar 384. Lugia 385. Ho-oh 386. Celebi
Pokemon (Pokemon Ruby)
To capture latias or latios, do not send out a tarpinch even if it is at a high level because it's special ability "Arena Trap" prevents escaing. But if the foe has a levitate ability, it can escape!
There is no way to clone pokemon in pokemon ruby!
To get Deoxys, Mew, Celebi, Lugia, Ho-Oh and other legendaries, you need an AR(action replay) or a nintendo event.
You cannot cature kyogre in pokemon ruby and groudon in pokemon sapphire unless you trade.
Mew is not the only pokemon who can learn every single move, Arceus can also learn evey single moves except attacks that need arms. Arceus is the god of ALL POKEMON AND CAN ONLY BE FOUND IN POKEMON DIAMOND OR PEARL! iT'S SPECIAL ABILITY IS MULTITYPE. There is also a new type of pokemon called cursed pokemon . Not much is known about it.
To get Feebas go to route 119 and surf and fish with and old rod and eventually it will appear.
Poochyena Pokemon Ruby
Pocheyena is found on the first route you go in.
To catch Ralts, a Psychic type Pokemon, early in the game, go into the grass directly outside of Petelsburg. You must have a positive disposition to encounter this Pokemon, which means your Pokemon must be attracted to you. This early in the game, it is almost impossible for them to really like you. It is weak at first, but a powerful Psychic type Pokemon can be very useful later in the game. Found in Route 102.
Rare Berries (Pokemon Ruby)
by: Cheat Code Master Say these phraes to the Berry master's wife to get some rare barries!
Super hustle cool Latios Challenge contest great battle overwhelming Latias
Go to Pacifldog Town. Now, surf to the east to Route 131 until you pass the boy and girl facing each other, that are separate. You will see an opening between some rocks. Go there and surf west. Keep going and you will see a cave opening. Go through it and enter the building. Go to the top of the building to find Rayquaza. Note: On the second and fourth floors, to pass the cracks you will need get the Mach bike to go at full speed.
Note: You need to beat the champion for Sky Pillar to be reachable.
Recommended begining Pokemon Pokemon Ruby
The best type of begining Pokemon (in order) are: Water, Grass, and Fire.
Recommended Party
Regice *Pokemon Ruby*
To find Regice, in Route 105, there is an island on the west side that has a mountain on it. Go there, enter, and stand in front of the tile. Press A, read it, press A again, and do not do anything else. The door will open after 2 or so minutes, and the last Regi is yours.
Note: The Braille writing for catching Regice is : "Stop and wait. Wait for time to pass twice".
To find Regirock, fly to lavaridge, bop down the mountain, and enter the desert. In the southern part of the desert, you will find a cavern. Enter it, then walk up to the center tile at the top of the room. Go two steps down and two steps right. Use strength to open the passage to Regirock.
Note: The Braille writing for catching Regirock is: "Right, right, down, down. Now, use strength".
Registeel (Pokemon Ruby)
To find Registeel, you can access a volcano in the southwest region of Route 120. Enter it, then move towards the center of the room. Use Fly to find Registeel.
Note: The Braille writing for catching Registeel is: "With new time, hope and love, aim to the sky in the middle".
Regis -Pokemon Ruby
Use the following steps to capture the three mysterious Pokemon called the Regis. Go to the southeast part of Route 134 and dive into the water. It is difficult to get to due to the currents, and it is the only deep part of that route. You will find a cave. At a part of the cave, there are some Braille writing on the wall. At that point, float to the top of the water, where you will end up in a cavern. Go into the last room by going forward, use Dig, and in the next room you must do something strange. Put a Relicanth in the front of your party, and a Wailord at the last place. Walk to the top of the room and read the Brail . You will trigger an earthquake, which will unlock the Regis. You can fish up a Wailmer to evolve at level 40 at Route 122, and find a Relicanth outside Sootopolis in the underwater grass (rarely, but it is there).
Relicanth and Feebas (Pokemon Ruby)
by: NorthernStar In Ruby and Saphire there are two pokemon I know of that change there locations Feebas and Relicanth. Go to Dewford town and talk to the guy who is up with the hip phrase if it isnt already change the phrase to Lacks Train. Now go catch a Oddish that knows Sweet Sceent so you can attract Pokemon To Battle
Relicanth Fly to Sootopolos City and go through the under water entrance Go to the right and look for a patch without seaweed in the shape of a cross where there was an item was buried. Keep heading north and go a little to the left then go north again. You should see a patch of Seaweed that goes "up right up right" go to the patch nearest to the endge where it starts going "up and left" Now stand there and use Sweet Scent Relicanth should appear
Feebas Head to Fortree City and go to Route 119 Go down and Surf in the river Next to the Wheather Institute. Go to the Right and until you reach the two Iceberges. Now fish around the One closest to the Trees where there is Grass in the Background Somewhere around there is a Feebas
There Now you have the two Hard to catch Sea Pokemon and as a victory dance you can Nickname your Relicanth Fishy and your Feebas Mobey Dick
Rotating people are attracted to you *Pokemon Ruby*
Note: You must have the Running Shoes. Walk, run, or ride on your bike up to a person that rotates (looks north, east, south, and west repeatedly). Now run (hold B) around the rotating person and he or she will watch you in every direction, as long as you are near.
(you need the HM move waterfall before doing this hint) Go to Fallarbor town and go from there to meteor falls go across the waterfall and go deeper into the cave until you reach an area where you can find TM 02 Dragon claw walk around on the little peace of land where you found that TM 02 and you may encounter a BAGON a dragon pok�mon (I found it from Level 30 and 35 (35 is the best)train it (with exp.share if you want this works faster than training.) an train it a level further and it will evolve into SHELGON (dragon type pok�mon) train it further to Level 50 and it will evolve into SALAMENCE and learns the move FLY (SALAMENCE IS A STRONG DRAGON/FLYING POK�MON)
Sharpedo -Pokemon Ruby
Once you are able to track down Sharpedo in your Pokedex, do whatever is necessary to capture it. It is an excellent Water/Dark Pokemon that already knows Crunch, Dark's most powerful attack. His speed is incredible and will be of great use later in the game.
This Pokemon is very easy to obtain, but is quite good. It is the only Bug and Ghost type Pokemon. It has 1 HP no matter how high its level, but its special power Wonder Guard makes it almost invincible. Wonder Guard protects against all attacks except for those that are super effective. For example, Bug is weak against Flying types; if someone uses a Flying type move on Shedinja, it is going to get hit. To get Shedinja, you will need a Nincada. You can catch one on Route 116. Make sure you have a free slot for a new Pokemon (Shedinja). That means you can have only five Pokemon, including Nincada. Make sure you have at least one of the type of Pokeball you used to catch Nincada with. For example, if you caught Nincada with a Great Ball, make sure you have at least one Great Ball. Get it to evolve at level 20 into a Ninjask and learns three new moves. Once you are back out to the normal screen, go to your Pokemon. You will see that you just got another Pokemon, Shedinja.
Shiny Swablu (Pokemon Ruby)
A shiny Swablu can be found just outside of Meteor Falls, where Zangoose is caught. You will find a lot of Swablus. Keep searching and you can find a yellow/gold one.
Skarmory (Pokemon Ruby)
Found on Route 113.
Skitty (Pokemon Ruby)
Other than trading for Pikachu, it can be found on Route 116.
Slakoth (Pokemon Ruby)
Found in Petalburg Woods.
Sun Stones *Pokemon Ruby*
by: melzycute Sunstones are used to evolve Gloom to Bellosom. If you want to have sunstone, go to Mossdeep Space Center then talk to the man in white coat. He will give you sunstone. You can also get sunstone by using thief or trick to Solrock which can be found at Meteor Fall. Not all Solrocks are holding sunstones so be patient...GoodLuck!!!
Surskit *Pokemon Ruby*
Found on Routes 102, 111, 114, 117, and 120.
Swampert (Pokemon Ruby)
To make it easier for Swampert to help defeat the Elite Four, teach it Surf, Ice Beam, and Earthquake, plus a move of your choice.
Swamper (Pokemon Ruby)
The best moves for a Swampert are Surf, Ice Beam, Earthquake and Muddy Water. Muddy Water is not essential, but with the other three moves and a decent health bar you can defeat the Elite Four with only one pokemon.
Tentacool -[Pokemon Ruby ]
Tentacool can only be caught with an Old Rod.
The Two Pokemon Of The Elements
When going after the legendary representing the team of your game (Team Aqua or Team Magma), bring about 30 Ultra Balls, quite a few Revives, and at least a level 50 Pokemon. The Pokemon will be at level 45, and will be extremely difficult to catch. The only sure way to catch it is if you bring a Pokemon with a move that will freeze or paralyze it. Try as hard as you can not to kill it, but get it down to a red zone so far down that you can barely see it. Now, go mad throwing Ultra Balls at it. Do not use other Pokeballs. The will help greatly against the Elite Four and the final Gym leader.
The Ultimate GROUDON -[Pokemon Ruby ]
by: melzycute If you want to catch groudon, you should have a level 40 gyaradous( evolution of magikarp ) that knows Dragon Rage and dive then use it to Groudon in order to lowens its Hp. Then catch it with timerball, ultra ball and Pokeball . I've catched Groudon with Pokeball, this one is really really true....
Tip Pokemon Ruby by: Brian If you don't want to change the text speed, just hold the "A" Button while the person is talking.
TM list (Pokemon Ruby)
TM 01 (Focus Punch): Found at Route 115. TM 02 (Dragon Claw): Found at Meteor Falls. TM 03 (Water Pulse): Found at Sootopolis City Gym. TM 04 (Calm Mind): Found at Mossdeep City Gym. TM 05 (Roar): Found at Route 114. TM 06 (Toxic): Found at Fiery Path. TM 07 (Hail): Found at Shoal Cave. TM 08 (Bulk Up): Found at Dewford Town Gym. TM 09 (Bullet Seed): Found at Route 104. TM 10 (Hidden Power): Found at Slateport City/Fortree City. Costs 3,000 TM 11 (Sunny Day): Found at Scorched Slab. TM 12 (Taunt): Found at Trick House. TM 13 (Ice Beam): Found at Mauvile City/ Abondoned Ship. Costs 4,000 TM 14 (Blizzard): Found at Lilycove Dept. Store. Costs 5,500 TM 15 (Hyper Beam): Found at Lilycove Dept. Store. Costs 7,500 TM 16 (Light Screen): Found at Lilycove Dept. Store. Costs 3,000 TM 17 (Protect): Found at Lilycove Dept. Store. Costs 3,000 TM 18 (Rain Dance): Found at Abondoned Ship. TM 19 (Giga Drain): Found at Route 123. TM 20 (Safeguard): Found at Lilycove Dept. Store. Costs 3,000 TM 21 (Frustration): Found at Pacifidlog Town. TM 22 (Solarbeam): Found at Safari Zone. TM 23 (Iron Tail): Found at Meteor Falls. TM 24 (Thunderbolt): Found at Mauville City. Costs 4,000 TM 25 (Thunder): Found at Lilycove Dept. Store. Costs 5,500 TM 26 (Earthquake): Found at Seafloor Cavern. TM 27 (Return): Found at Fallarbor Town/Pacifidlog Town. TM 28 (Dig): Found at Route 114. TM 29 (Psychic): Found at Mauville City/Victory Road. Costs 3,500 TM 30 (Shadow Ball): Found at Mt. Pyre. TM 31 (Brick Break): Found at Sootopolis City. TM 32 (Double Team ): Found at Mauville City. Costs 1,500 TM 33 (Reflect): Found at Lilycove Dept. Store. Costs 3,000 TM 34 (Shock Wave): Found at Mauville City Gym. TM 35 (Flamethrower): Found at Mauville City. Costs 4,000 TM 36 (Sludge Bomb): Found at Dewford Town. TM 37 (Sandstorm): Found at Route 111. TM 38 (Fire Blast): Found at Lilycove Dept. Store. Costs 5,5000 TM 39 (Rock Tomb): Found at Rustboro City Gym. TM 40 (Aerial Ace): Found at Fortree City Gym. TM 41 (Torment): Found at Slateport City. TM 42 (Facade): Found at Petalburg City Gym. TM 43 (Secret Power): Found at Slateport City/Route 111. Costs 3,000 TM 44 (Rest): Found at Lilycove City. TM 45 (Attract): Found at Verdanturf Town. TM 46 (Thief): Found at Slateport City. TM 47 (Steel Wing): Found at Granite Cave. TM 48 (Skill Swap): Found at Mt. Pyre. TM 49 (Snatch): Found at S.S. Tidal. TM 50 (Overheat): Found at Lavaridge Town Gym.
Torchic -Pokemon Ruby
Torchic is a Fire type Pokemon and you get it as a starter. Torchic evolves at level 16 and turns in to Combusken, a Fire/Fighting type. After that, it evolves at level 36 into Blaziken, a Fire/Fighting type.
To use Torchic and not get defeated by the first Gym Leader, train it until it evolves to its second stage. It will learn Double Kick. Use it against the first Gym Leader. It is very effective against Rock types.
Treecko -Pokemon Ruby
Treecko is a Grass type Pokemon. You can get it as a starter. Treecko evolves at level 16 and turns in to Grovyle, a Grass type. After that, it evolves again at level 36 to Sceptile, a Grass type.
Tropius (Pokemon Ruby)
Found on Route 119.
Unbeatable pokemon and Moves *Pokemon Ruby*
by: JemuelMaster Blaziken at level 100-Flamethower-double kick-earthquake-bulk up Machamp at level 70-Thunther bolt-thief-brick break-earthquake Rayqaza at level 85-Fly-dragon claw-surf-flamthower Aggron at level 85-Thunther bolt-surf-crunch-airial ace Vileplume at level 70-Solar beam=giga rain-sunny day-sludge bomb Jirachi at level 70-psychic-earthquake-surf-calm mind
Volbeat and Illumise (Pokemon Ruby)
Found on Route 117.
Wailmer *Pokemon Ruby*
Go to the house near the water in Mossdeep. There should be a man standing next to it. Get the Super Rod from the man inside the house. Go down the steps of Mossdeep to the shallow water, where you can walk. Stand at the edge and use the rod. Wailmer will almost automatically start biting.
Wailord (Pokemon Ruby)
Other than by evolution, it can be found on Route 129.
Watch TV For Hints
Watch television to see commercials advertising bargains and the like. Here are some occurences to keep your eyes peeled for: A commercial for the Mauville Game Corner. When it plays, head over there for increased prizes. A commercial for the Lilycove Department Store. Get a discount after you see the commercial. Pokemon sighting information. When the TV tells you a specific Pokemon is spotted, go to that location to find the monster in question. A commercial for the Slateport City energy guy. Go to him to get energy items at a reduced price.
Xatu -Pokemon Ruby
Other than by evolution, it can be found on Safari Zone.
Catch a Zigazoon as early as possible. Where ever you go and whatever you do, always keep the Zigazoon/Linoone in your party. Its Pickup ability will net you rare items throughout the game. Be sure to not to give him an item so he can pick things up. You can get anything ranging from Super Potions and Full Heals to Rare Candies, Full Restores, and even rare items such as King's Rock.
Master Code plus some Codes! Verified by: Unverified Bogus Report: twidi
(M) 9e6ac862 823ab7a8 46b7d9e4 a709e9e1
Root Fossil- aa1464a7 520edfff 99 Items in PC- d261dc6d 197b4dc2 (Note: If you push select in pc and swith and item around in the first spot they will keep going up to 99) Rate Above Submission:
Above submission added on: 27th Sep 2005 | id number: 6586 Author: ShootingStarBow69 | Verify above submission Valid | Bogus Tick to add to printer friendly selection. Root Fossil Slot 1 in Bag Verified by: Kesehma, tommy_master_3, Hitmontops89, Master_Hack Bogus Report:
For 8-digit codes only on gameshark
Aa1464a7 520edfff Rate Above Submission:
Above submission added on: 8th Sep 2005 | id number: 6470 Author: jImBoW89 | Verify above submission Valid | Bogus Tick to add to printer friendly selection. Inf. Usage Item Verified by: Kesehma, tommy_master_3, Master_Hack Bogus Report:
13825510 60ca339c Ff0f431f 400ef220 Rate Above Submission:
Above submission added on: 30th Aug 2005 | id number: 6420 Author: jImBoW89 | Verify above submission Valid | Bogus Tick to add to printer friendly selection. Verified by: unverified Bogus Report:
Pokemon: Metagross metagross
Box:1 Spot:1 68B76941704F8BDC CBEEADB123325D68 8110C07149FDE8AA 5377A6B997112B3B 1D31BE5674D25288 BB77041A174CD1C4 BCC765B2D9111FB1 485E5E197838E50D 802AB8026E5DB85D 76DB73080DFECED1 153CA7D8DA98AC1B A7493E2711841503 D6B6911266B51205 D3D7770BE4C478AD 414AF27BBF7B390E 8C8CB46ABBBBDA87 081E0C4C3D6568EB 68D8B8664B7C794C F4F61731AA5B8F05 F50B84DDA1A67121 Rate Above Submission:
Above submission added on: 25th Apr 2005 | id number: 4868 Author: xzibit_revenge | Verify above submission Valid | Bogus Tick to add to printer friendly selection. CODES Verified by: Unverified Bogus Report: jImBoW89
Pokemon: Blaziken blaziken Box:1 Spot:1 E3980D7AACB6F13D 7B0D49A237C8DBF7 0DDA032A837CFB2D 6A4E17BAFC3BECDE C4C33F6098219B1F 4E423C9BCBEE8151 4A4F070FD204C77B 8B7D97EC8F6B0AC6 DAB2B7469FD13478 838B880E98469116 47F839CDE5C58C59 3710AE74D69AB4A5 53A90BB188C15C7A AB2546325394A530 1A3A8D275865184C FBDE7147F9CC049F A334CD107D745AC2 02E6DE80B4BF9C66 2EC4E4E18539EE93 8F5DDBBA11025EAB Rate Above Submission:
Above submission added on: 24th Apr 2005 | id number: 4857 Author: xzibit_revenge | Verify above submission Valid | Bogus Tick to add to printer friendly selection. Wild pokemon modifier (Gameshark SP only) Verified by: gameshark, pokemon_provider_man, moltres4ever, rubypokemon, benhamini1992 Bogus Report: andtomwel
Master Code 0000B138000A 1003A82A0007
Pokemon : 83007D220xxx Replace xxx with numbers shown below example: 83007D220001 which will get you Bulbasaur.
Bulbasaur 001
Ivysaur 002
Venusaur 003
Charmander 004
Charmeleon 005
Charizard 006
Squirtle 007
Wartortle 008
Blastoise 009
Caterpie 00A
Metapod 00B
Butterfree 00C
Weedle 00D
Kakuna 00E
Beedrill 00F
Pidgey 010
Pidgeotto 011
Pidgeot 012
Rattata 013
Raticate 014
Spearow 015
Fearow 016
Ekans 017
Arbok 018
Pikachu 019
Raichu 01A
Sandshrew 01B
Sandslash 01C
Nidoran (F) 01D
Nidorina 01E
Nidoqueen 01F
Nidoran (M) 020
Nidorino 021
Nidoking 022
Clefairy 023
Clefable 024
Vulpix 025
Ninetales 026
Jigglypuff 027
Wigglytuff 028
Zubat 029
Golbat 02A
Oddish 02B
Gloom 02C
Vileplume 02D
Paras 02E
Parasect 02F
Venonat 030
Venomoth 031
Diglett 032
Dugtrio 033
Meowth 034
Persian 035
Psyduck 036
Golduck 037
Mankey 038
Primeape 039
Growlithe 03A
Arcanine 03B
Poliwag 03C
Poliwhirl 03D
Poliwrath 03E
Abra 03F
Kadabra 040
Alakazam 041
Machop 042
Machoke 043
Machamp 044
Bellsprout 045
Weepinbell 046
Victreebel 047
Tentacool 048
Tentacruel 049
Geodude 04A
Graveler 04B
Golem 04C
Ponyta 04D
Rapidash 04E
Slowpoke 04F
Slowbro 050
Magnemite 051
Magnetron 052
Farfetch'd 053
Doduo 054
Dodrio 055
Seel 056
Dewgong 057
Grimer 058
Muk 059
Shellder 05A
Cloyster 05B
Gastly 05C
Haunter 05D
Gengar 05E
Onix 05F
Drowzee 060
Hypno 061
Krabby 062
Kingler 063
Voltorb 064
Electrode 065
Exeggcute 066
Exegutor 067
Cubone 068
Marowak 069
Hitmonlee 06A
Hitmonchan 06B
Lickitung 06C
Koffing 06D
Weezing 06E
Rhyhorn 06F
Rhydon 070
Chansey 071
Tangela 072
Kangaskhan 073
Horsea 074
Seadra 075
Goldeen 076
Seaking 077
Staryu 078
Starmie 079
Mr. Mime 07A
Scyther 07B
Jynx 07C
Electabuzz 07D
Magmar 07E
Pinsir 07F
Tauros 080
Magicarp 081
Gyarados 082
Lapras 083
Ditto 084
Eevee 085
Vaporeon 086
Jolteon 087
Flareon 088
Porygon 089
Omanyte 08A
Omastar 08B
Kabuto 08C
Kabutops 08D
Aerodactyl 08E
Snorlax 08F
Articuno 090
Zapdos 091
Moltres 092
Dratini 093
Dragonair 094
Dragonite 095
Mewtwo 096
Mew 097
---------------------------------- XVII. 2nd Gen Pokemon ID Code ----------------------------------
Chikorita 098
Bayleef 099
Meganium 09A
Cynaquil 09B
Quilava 09C
Typhlosion 09D
Totodile 09E
Croconaw 09F
Feraligatr 0A0
Sentret 0A1
Furret 0A2
Hoothoot 0A3
Noctowl 0A4
Ledyba 0A5
Ledian 0A6
Spinarak 0A7
Ariados 0A8
Crobat 0A9
Chinchou 0AA
Lanturn 0AB
Pichu 0AC
Cleffa 0AD
Igglybuff 0AE
Togepi 0AF
Togetic 0B0
Natu 0B1
Xatu 0B2
Mareep 0B3
Flaaffy 0B4
Ampharos 0B5
Bellossom 0B6
Marill 0B7
Azumarill 0B8
Sudowoodo 0B9
Politoed 0BA
Hoppip 0BB
Skiploom 0BC
Jumpluff 0BD
Aipom 0BE
Sunkern 0BF
Sunflora 0C0
Yanma 0C1
Wooper 0C2
Quagsire 0C3
Espeon 0C4
Umbreon 0C5
Murkrow 0C6
Slowking 0C7
Misdreavus 0C8
Unknown 0C9
Wobbuffet 0CA
Girafarig 0CB
Pineco 0CC
Forretress 0CD
Dunsparce 0CE
Gligar 0CF
Steelix 0D0
Snubbull 0D1
Granbull 0D2
Qwilfish 0D3
Scizor 0D4
Shuckle 0D5
Heracross 0D6
Sneasel 0D7
Teddiursa 0D8
Ursaring 0D9
Slugma 0DA
Magcargo 0DB
Swinub 0DC
Piloswine 0DD
Corsola 0DE
Remoraid 0DF
Octillery 0E0
Delibird 0E1
Mantine 0E2
Skarmory 0E3
Houndour 0E4
Houndoom 0E5
Kingdra 0E6
Phanpy 0E7
Donphan 0E8
Porygon2 0E9
Stantler 0EA
Smeargle 0EB
Tyrogue 0EC
Hitmontop 0ED
Smoochum 0EE
Elekid 0EF
Magby 0F0
Miltank 0F1
Blissey 0F2
Raikou 0F3
Entei 0F4
Suicune 0F5
Larvitar 0F6
Pupitar 0F7
Tyranitar 0F8
Lugia 0F9
Ho-oh 0FA
Celebi 0FB
---------------------------------- XVIII. 3rd Gen Pokemon ID Code ----------------------------------
Treecko 115
Grovyle 116
Sceptile 117
Torchic 118
Combusken 119
Blaziken 11A
Mudkip 11B
Marshtomp 11C
Swampert 11D
Poochyena 11E
Mightyena 11F
Zigzagoon 120
Linoone 121
Wurmple 122
Silcoon 123
Beautifly 124
Cascoon 125
Dustox 126
Lotad 127
Lombre 128
Ludicolo 129
Seedot 12A
Nuzleaf 12B
Shiftry 12C
Taillow 130
Swellow 131
Wingull 135
Pelipper 136
Ralts 188
Kirlia 189
Gardevoir 18A
Surskit 137
Masquerain 138
Shroomish 132
Breloom 133
Slakoth 16C
Vigoroth 16D
Slaking 16E
Nincada 12D
Ninjask 12E
Shedinja 12F
Whismur 172
Loudred 173
Exploud 174
Makuhita 14F
Hariyama 150
Azurill 15E
Nosepass 140
Skitty 13B
Delcatty 13C
Sableye 142
Mawile 163
Aron 17E
Lairon 17F
Aggron 180
Meditite 164
Medicham 165
Electrike 151
Manectric 152
Plusle 161
Minun 162
Volbeat 182
Illumise 183
Roselia 16B
Gulpin 16F
Swalot 170
Carvanha 14A
Sharpedo 14B
Wailmer 139
Wailord 13A
Numel 153
Camerupt 154
Slugma 0DA
Magcargo 0DB
Torkoal 141
Spoink 15F
Grumpig 160
Spinda 134
Trapinch 14C
Vibrava 14D
Flygon 14E
Cacnea 158
Cacturne 159
Swablu 166
Altaria 167
Zangoose 17C
Seviper 17B
Lunatone 15C
Solrock 15D
Barboach 143
Whiscash 144
Corphish 146
Crawdaunt 147
Baltoy 13E
Claydol 13F
Lileep 184
Cradily 185
Anorith 186
Armaldo 187
Feebas 148
Milotic 149
Castform 181
Kecleon 13D
Shuppet 179
Banette 17A
Duskull 169
Dusclops 16A
Tropius 171
Chimecho 19B
Absol 178
Wynaut 168
Snorunt 15A
Glalie 15B
Spheal 155
Sealeo 156
Walrein 157
Clamperl 175
Huntail 176
Gorebyss 177
Relicanth 17D
Corsola 0DE
Chinchou 0AA
Lanturn 0AB
Luvdisc 145
Bagon 18B
Shelgon 18C
Salamence 18D
Beldum 18E
Metang 18F
Metagross 190
Regirock 191
Regice 192
Registeel 193
Latias 197
Latios 198
Kyogre 194
Groudon 195
Rayquaza 196
Jirachi 199
Deoxys 19A Note: To make theese cheats work, add game then type in Ruby and then use the master code shown above and then add cheat type in the name of the pokemon and click it.
Happy Cheating! Rate Above Submission:
Above submission added on: 3rd Mar 2005 | id number: 4462 Author: Dragonball_master40 | Verify above submission Valid | Bogus Tick to add to printer friendly selection. ?????????? Verified by: rubypokemon, the-one-u-all-fear Bogus Report:
For those of you who want real codes here are some:
Infinite Cash FC3A2D1A63E8 EC12AD996BD2 Faster Level Up 8855D2F00807 BFF831C27DD9
Infinte Items ( in your bag you will have 99 full restores, rare candies, and full heals.
The rest will be ????????s, when you get an item the ???????? will turn into that item.
Every time you use an item it will go back up to 99.)
041DC7592AD2 EFB8B684158D
Have all Pokeballs (Unlimated supplies of every type of ball, including Master ball)
8C0CC69D0384 FA9826EE9187 8C9DC7080881 FB9826AE9585
Have all Full Pokedex (This gives you the national dex and it fills it, but you don't own all the Pokemon and the thing in your card doesn't say that you completed your Pokedex)
CBDAAE69BFDS 8B4DD03454A1 533A3DB37FD9 EC4ABD5C4B38 8F76DA15170C 64A2B94C6BE1 DF9836061585 FC0E4912436A DF9836061585
There, now those were real cheats.
Hope they help. Rate Above Submission:
Above submission added on: 20th Feb 2005 | id number: 4371 Author: jayz7492 | Verify above submission Valid | Bogus Tick to add to printer friendly selection. Pokémon Encounter Codes Verified by: Unverified Bogus Report: Wargreymon
there cant be any codes exept (M) (the one below)& the pokemons code most pokemon will not appear on your pokedex Pokemon Ruby Master Code : 9E6AC862823AB7A8 46B7D9E4A709E9E1
Pokemon Sapphire Master Code: 9E6AC862823AB7A8 8365F8FA817CF3E9
Now enter the Scyther wild modifier code
123 - Scyther C4C02E8BCB6C0843
now encounter a wild poke and you'll fight a scyther!
Now to remove the codes:
For a real Gameboy Advance: Remove the code, save, turn off the GBA, turn it back on, re-load your save file.
For emulator users: Remove all codes from the cheat list, Save with the regular in-game save feature (just like you would on a real Gameboy Advance) (NOT THE F-KEYS!!!), Re-open the ROM ("File -> Open", then choose your ROM file) and re-load your regular save game (NOT THE F-KEY SAVE STATES!!!) The same way you would on a real GBA.
001 - Bulbasaur C7715E5D 4B03490C
002 - Ivysaur AC386FDC E1057B11
003 - Venusaur 6C0E650D 9151DC36
004 - Charmander 86FC5D2E 2AB49BE7
005 - Charmeleon 8EF2FF70 229DABA2
006 - Charizard 5F4739E5 94A6717F
007 - Squirtle F18A71B3 474EF1FF
008 - Wartortle 600C15C9 7A07635B
009 - Blastoise 9DAC9AE7 0802D361
010 - Caterpie 32D2BE30 1538D5E2
011 - Metapod AF02EDC2 534F3FF1
012 - Butterfree 3D94CBE7 806B75AA
013 - Weedle 0F029558 78490C5D
014 - Kakuna 2C901485 96BF028B
015 - Beedrill 4CD61B87 F05305C0
016 - Pidgey FB5B7B2E CB8F711B
017 - Pidgeotto B5A3B324 4A2ABD7E
018 - Pidgeot ED21FD83 4D34C446
019 - Rattata 3F2FF398 386736A6
020 - Raticate CBB024C3 3D4E94CF
021 - Spearow D50BE2E3 E9AC080B
022 - Fearow 1B5E43BD 9713080E
023 - Ekans 9746090A 9B13D34A
024 - Arbok E8B3D478 7DB12D1A
025 - Pikachu 76575913 837E7434
026 - Raichu 44DC4643 2E37823B
027 - Sandshrew A90E5784 8E3070F2
028 - Sandslash DB655BDA 4885F2BA
029 - Nidoran Female D9862183 3DC52ADF
030 - Nidorina 34046638 0412FF7B
031 - Nidoqueen A4115F36 A58D2F6E
032 - Nidoran Male 115EE33A 047E08D9
033 - Nidorino E6FAC021 5BFBC7E4
034 - Nidoking 83AF0E64 308DCF7A
035 - Clefairy 0A960AD3 2D88FB71
036 - Clefable A245B05B DBA62586
037 - Vulpix E9243AE6 0707C461
038 - Ninetales 8B104BC5 3BBB0554
039 - Jigglypuff 9D6FDEB5 9E31E1D8
040 - Wigglytuff FF704C3B BDE35BC2
041 - Zubat A5F54B47 43289103
042 - Golbat 3955CE26 1CBBE2B7
043 - Oddish FD90C5C2 2B982804
044 - Gloom 191292AD 8DA00EED
045 - Vileplume 7B389B12 790FFF7D
046 - Paras 28F47730 F2BE0E37
047 - Parasect 8F320452 F34DE558
048 - Venonat CC91885B A7BDA5D0
049 - Venomoth 7498F3A3 7D8DE734
050 - Diglett 4E0E0953 99832EC7
051 - Dugtrio CFBDF086 94AFF44C
052 - Meowth 4107EE54 59F45AC6
053 - Persian 574E9E37 CF91E972
054 - Psyduck 10CAB90D FBA1D606
055 - Golduck E668AE7B 6C41ABE6
056 - Mankey 16FE1028 9A936148
057 - Primeape 29B920D4 925D9207
058 - Growlithe 22B7647C F5951FC0
059 - Arcanine C997ECED 821D7BE8
060 - Poliwag DDCAE2B2 48356075
061 - Poliwhirl 7522AE0F 219A6D01
062 - Poliwrath 9895E708 49248155
063 - Abra 8EE6264B 7FA5506A
064 - Kadabra 82A3DA43 4AFAFC8E
065 - Alakazam A52F239F 157183AA
066 - Machop 754794BB 393FBB5E
067 - Machoke 596DD0CA 422404AF
068 - Machamp D03BF772 85346D77
069 - Bellsprout 0E6E78BE 6553B936
070 - Weepinbell 29CC9E0E F1D7F477
071 - Victreebel D1797B9B BC093A3F
072 - Tentacool 36F4CD32 ACE8CCB4
073 - Tentacruel B3106F93 C70F4300
074 - Geodude F49F0B96 1CDA9CDE
075 - Graveler 33202BC8 4B640AB3
076 - Golem 981E5643 20350C5C
077 - Ponyta 3EBEFE1E A8493773
078 - Rapidash 3D7098F8 603A63BA
079 - Slowpoke 33AD5E4E 1F464A59
080 - Slowbro 14A9A5E7 3C6D8285
081 - Magnemite CCBFCC6A 6B608D39
082 - Magneton A772B75B C41A2001
083 - Farfetch'd 0AD10269 00EF2DDC
084 - Doduo C86D9E0A D50F5094
085 - Dodrio CCF9E49B 5E4CADA8
086 - Seel 0C2314C9 19D3DAD8
087 - Dewgong E4A84A01 E8F5F70B
088 - Grimer 1C079E02 0E278333
089 - Muk 88E7528B 4EDE64E8
090 - Shellder 1EA5B82C 6AE3C655
091 - Cloyster 6D655CDB 8564F3D6
092 - Gastly 5F526032 B3FFFCE0
093 - Haunter 973AB5D9 C4DD3650
094 - Gengar EA51AA85 C39E59D4
095 - Onix 43CBABBB B7155781
096 - Drowzee BA6D6DF7 DE9213D6
097 - Hypno E4A57331 BFD72F7E
098 - Krabby 3F1B3D68 D4401611
099 - Kingler 93F26FDC 1621EFBB
100 - Voltorb 6FABB900 F3EEEC61
101 - Electrode BA4A7DEE B6786158
102 - Exeggcute 771695BD 9D8BE844
103 - Exeggutor 84689B70 FD33AE82
104 - Cubone AF9A5643 17D23C50
105 - Marowak B3A12885 D5D4DA48
106 - Hitmonlee 29025DA4 6C67823C
107 - Hitmonchan 513811EA EFBC54A8
108 - Lickitung 5E065A17 4F8282B0
109 - Koffing 3B75EE99 1DE0E837
110 - Weezing 4878DB3C EA7C31E1
111 - Rhyhorn A50BBA40 C59DE2FE
112 - Rhydon 195DB2BB A4007417
113 - Chansey 98A9EF2F D4933FE0
114 - Tangela B1510A8B 506644ED
115 - Kangaskhan F5CAF2C4 EEB3D467
116 - Horsea A4EBBAA4 72E72233
117 - Seadra CFC5CD16 3BFE5AED
118 - Goldeen F29255BC BB65E9A6
119 - Seaking C0BF93BB DF9273D4
120 - Staryu 3B32D430 49596504
121 - Starmie 56831CCB 1A47A4DC
122 - Mr.Mime 9FC25570 19FFADC8
123 - Scyther C4C02E8B CB6C0843
124 - Jynx E9B19520 9876042D
125 - Electabuzz EE7D62E6 377677A7
126 - Magmar 608711AD 052765EC
127 - Pinsir 52518024 0E93A551
128 - Tauros 3ED3C52A 46C14BD1
129 - Magikarp 7C77F189 2570754C
130 - Gyarados EA48F528 76018F4F
131 - Lapras 24D3EE0E 404F7B3D
132 - Ditto 5FD5479B 25F61E5C
133 - Eevee 6817CACB B3725546
134 - Vaporeon 418E4169 4A61E666
135 - Jolteon 67F9841D E968DA3D
136 - Flareon B6691108 227D02B3
137 - Porygon D763E945 C958628C
138 - Omanyte BA9282BB 1ADDD98B
139 - Omastar F01152ED 876CFF58
140 - Kabuto F86734D5 046D3F8F
141 - Kabutops 92255918 3F823AF8
142 - Aerodactyl 11F5BC3E FD0E5DD3
143 - Snorlax 65B08809 FC26812C
144 - Articuno 9F9A4317 19B26CE8
145 - Zapdos 9C30E2E2 1F157234
146 - Moltres A265FB70 5EAE2980
147 - Dratini 52F5EC2D DDD29409
148 - Dragonair F4BD50DA 1B890A51
149 - Dragonite B67EB199 4491FC62
150 - Mewtwo 30621E6F 164FED85
151 - Mew 71E09BD1 17FDFD02
152 - Chikorita 025F2921 710FE9F1
153 - Bayleef FEDD6E75 8BF7942D
154 - Meganium 09C6FA0D 4F0F5773
155 - Cyndaquil F3595519 C41CB89F
156 - Quilava B962659C FD1C1893
157 - Typhlosion 4281A040 0FD71E37
158 - Totodile 658B55E6 01699F03
159 - Croconaw 7171EB15 E4ADEA22
160 - Feraligatr 918632C3 9DDE2DBB
161 - Sentret 6BC6D188 3A1559EB
162 - Furret D8607109 AD28DB09
163 - Hoothoot 78A0CD57 9A371B1F
164 - Noctowl FBDBF52B 3623B52C
165 - Ledyba 50757C7A A393D46A
166 - Ledian 349C7EAC 1092228D
167 - Spinarak 1BCCE898 36AE52D4
168 - Ariados F5044794 6C4C5098
169 - Crobat BA64CBD7 4C67DA0E
170 - Chinchou 741082FC 8EF7B960
171 - Lanturn 13534CCF 5BB92C8C
172 - Pichu AE371D2F DBA3CE4E
173 - Cleffa 586090DB 2EAC760B
174 - Igglybuff E5C58F0E 70ACBAAA
175 - Togepi F656D521 4B02FC73
176 - Togetic 53F6DE66 941BAC84
177 - Natu F4462DB1 AF5C874E
178 - Xatu 51CAB730 0E9283C0
179 - Mareep B3323FA4 00976EED
180 - Flaaffy 3FE2F064 BB639BA3
181 - Ampharos 03DB2EDA F1498315
182 - Bellossom EE1B4201 DA9C6E71
183 - Marill 76ECA4FF 35F8C4F9
184 - Azumarill 24A67695 0E972009
185 - Sudowoodo 8A0F695E 0306DC83
186 - Politoed 5BA115A0 3330A906
187 - Hoppip 3BED40A5 C056C098
188 - Skiploom A200463B D753895E
189 - Jumpluff 4A91807F 7E5AE2BC
190 - Aipom 8F7B8FA5 51BE6519
191 - Sunkern BCD70C60 DC720840
192 - Sunflora EA4F4358 A731A363
193 - Yanma 7D316ADF 4B760643
194 - Wooper 91166348 E9B56CFC
195 - Quagsire 6E59C1C9 60930723
196 - Espeon B33E1632 D7F709D0
197 - Umbreon E6FCAD89 AF77B153
198 - Murkrow F3BA401D 74110D94
199 - Slowking D7E57A96 CC7B875E
200 - Misdreavus 38744E79 1BFB4656
201 - Unown 1DEE8D9B C2C80AD7
202 - Wobbuffet 1922B64C 93A475E6
203 - Girafarig AFD25289 DC56A0CD
204 - Pineco AB82F0EE 7D884FB9
205 - Foretress 1EAC10AA D4B2DF5D
206 - Dunsparce E5355F5F 23DE47E9
207 - Gligar D48A22E1 A90FC70A
208 - Steelix E5181BD8 7D70413E
209 - Snubbull 5EB71E4A 7E4F4C2B
210 - Granbull D2F305AD 7D077739
211 - Qwilfish 7148B7F0 D8D53003
212 - Scizor FA2F872F B24A679F
213 - Shuckle 919B1A5D 72F996F6
214 - Heracross 088236A9 C6933F92
215 - Sneasel 663BCF6F E0AC9C73
216 - Teddiursa 4536DAC4 19FE88AB
217 - Ursaring 5668474A F3AEF7A9
218 - Slugma 2B169F23 E11514BC
219 - Magcargo 20CBDC4C 87541E08
220 - Swinub 432D0CD9 868F6A6A
221 - Piloswine 1AEE78F1 D6412BED
222 - Corsola E3CBB814 F78A0FF1
223 - Remoraid 4D675931 31AC8869
224 - Octillery 9202ED83 F6B41A95
225 - Delibird 8C2E6741 D5F172A4
226 - Mantine F554A963 EDA859B6
227 - Skarmory 7E5EFBAA F9D18289
228 - Houndour A99587CC A49BC248
229 - Houndoom 7FCE2C26 38425484
230 - Kingdra FB5F56E3 F2427C25
231 - Phanpy 8F5688F4 58987C65
232 - Donphan CBBEF9DC 682596BC
233 - Porygon2 F24D3963 1DE32FEB
234 - Stantler F289D907 2638EA9B
235 - Smeargle 36066CF9 66A42091
236 - Tyrogue 057BFEC0 7D24A566
237 - Hitmontop A5C5D439 AE264439
238 - Smoochum D035F687 52B30C9D
239 - Elekid C5D22480 A2CCC775
240 - Magby C6A84B78 810CD4FC
241 - Miltank A454BB28 1CEC3F83
242 - Blissey 0160D183 A2A2A1B6
243 - Raikou BCFEE7CD B19EA1CF
244 - Entei ACE71E49 475ACE5A
245 - Suicune 0C0BC2BE 64E725C6
246 - Larvitar 4C3FD6DD A72A38D9
247 - Pupitar C9AC6A5E 6A92796A
248 - Tyranitar D9A33817 C2429A0C
249 - Lugia E57F3F78 64F944D0
250 - Ho-oh 92BB8BD9 629E2D58
251 - Celebi A3AFC93B CAE30FEC
catch all with masterball DCEEEC34 AFEADC26 Rate Above Submission:
Above submission added on: 14th Jan 2005 | id number: 4099 Author: leechless | Verify above submission Valid | Bogus Tick to add to printer friendly selection. Here The Codes to get some of the rarest pokemon Verified by: Unverified Bogus Report: latias_04
To use these codes you must go to route 101(where you meet the Professor Birch).
You may have to walk around for a while before you see the pokemon you want.
Treecko 350A04E5 ED0B0358 Torchic ADD67E8D 8EA25343 Mudkip BEF2EF5C D134EB04 Feebas 14266872 70F47111 Kyogre 8FF000FC 5C91FC03 Latias 178D784F E 0CE7995 Latios A96D4006 4D85B7F8 Jirachi 514BB137 3E2DEC8F Rate Above Submission:
Above submission added on: 8th Apr 2004 | id number: 2073 Author: ~GeminiTomboyGamer~ | Verify above submission Valid | Bogus Tick to add to printer friendly selection. This codes will help you so you can catch any Pokemon from the o Verified by: lilpokefan Bogus Report:
Catch any Pokemon from the older versions: Enter one of the following codes, and you will only encounter that kind of Pokemon until you have reloaded your game. This also effects the wild Pokemon encountered by walking in grass, caves, and while surfing. This will not work when fishing. Note: Only one code can be activated at once. The Pokedex numbers are displayed as the old numbering system.
001 - Bulbasaur: 39E924C4 4136A9DD AD86124F 2823D8DA 002 - Ivysaur: 39E924C4 4136A9DD AB84463B B2609644 003 - Venusaur: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3542F0A7 7D2E171F 004 - Charmander: 39E924C4 4136A9DD DB8C60CD 81FD6AA7 005 - Charmeleon: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 08506D61 55CBD9A8 006 - Charizard: 39E924C4 4136A9DD A56395D2 8AF46857 007 - Squirtle: 39E924C4 4136A9DD BCDCB406 2F2FD763 008 - Wartortle: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 268349C8 63FF53CE 009 - Blastoise: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 5FD24ABC 1FE3296A 010 - Caterpie: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 358CC2BF 9BFA3518 011 - Metapod: 39E924C4 4136A9DD DC725D4E 3A20792F 012 - Butterfree: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 33EFFB7C E1794F5B 013 - Weedle: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 9A86D92A 635F8DBC 014 - Kakuna: 39E924C4 4136A9DD CCEC9F6E 5A2A0F12 015 - Beedrill: 39E924C4 4136A9DD F3D99280 49F4EEDC 016 - Pidgey: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 139BBA32 2DC356C8 017 - Pidgeotto: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 2F7B0F2F 257173EA 018 - Pidgeot: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 13659B39 95BD80E5 019 - Rattata: 39E924C4 4136A9DD E5C49E22 47B157F2 020 - Raticate: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 60C9DC15 1AD9B226 021 - Spearow: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 2F5D7856 A5F7B4AE 022 - Fearow: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 23689847 DA918B8D 023 - Ekans: 39E924C4 4136A9DD A5BA4CFA CA5D771C 024 - Arbok: 39E924C4 4136A9DD B75D69F0 7C3B3103 025 - Pikachu: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 9D4A1BFF 05120D39 026 - Raichu: 39E924C4 4136A9DD CE7B779B AE493550 027 - Sandshrew: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 7DFC4CBD 20BB83B6 028 - Sandslash: 39E924C4 4136A9DD CFC711B9 0585971F 029 - Nidoran Female: 39E924C4 4136A9DD B6450111 C65005BC 030 - Nidorina: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0BA329E0 CEB39484 031 - Nidoqueen: 39E924C4 4136A9DD C3B010F5 6DB0ED0E 032 - Nidoran Male: 39E924C4 4136A9DD A38262A2 825F8CF0 033 - Nidorino: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 33D5E08A 037AB9C4 034 - Nidoking: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 82E3DD4B EBFEF864 035 - Clefairy: 39E924C4 4136A9DD E8EAB84F 26C8AB6B 036 - Clefable: 39E924C4 4136A9DD D15755D8 AF5BE6F1 037 - Vulpix: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 276AF592 A3A635CC 038 - Ninetales: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 27B815E0 B8CCC2DA 039 - Jigglypuff: 39E924C4 4136A9DD B18AC7E0 E667A184 040 - Wigglytuff: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 7CEDC4CF F95C5521 041 - Zubat: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 47596727 51BB292A 042 - Golbat: 39E924C4 4136A9DD FF3A0DD1 DF54EB13 043 - Oddish: 39E924C4 4136A9DD EF723724 F31E5F64 044 - Gloom: 39E924C4 4136A9DD A386B043 9DEB5064 045 - Vileplume: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 4A2748A4 F888F1C9 046 - Paras: 39E924C4 4136A9DD EAD30258 3988D84F 047 - Parasect: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 74CFC9E9 82CD278E 048 - Venonat: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0CC56D24 C9F5A33A 049 - Venomoth: 39E924C4 4136A9DD DFDFFF0A 8919BB28 050 - Diglett: 39E924C4 4136A9DD BA7199EC 664F9418 051 - Dugtrio: 39E924C4 4136A9DD BCC0FB44 1A047D3C 052 - Meowth: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 5F38FD3F 5D7412A3 053 - Persian: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0BEC25D3 787468AE 054 - Psyduck: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 70CEC019 12F0A7B0 055 - Golduck: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 32E8BC37 7712CF08 056 - Mankey: 39E924C4 4136A9DD DAAB0C35 55611812 057 - Primeape: 39E924C4 4136A9DD B82FBCB6 C954F4ED 058 - Growlithe: 39E924C4 4136A9DD CD7047AB 42D861F2 059 - Arcanine: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3099D33C 49E66A04 060 - Poliwag: 39E924C4 4136A9DD AF0908F3 650FE1BD 061 - Poliwhirl: 39E924C4 4136A9DD C29C3277 063E67E9 062 - Poliwrath: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 8DC834CF BFECCA56 063 - Abra: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 5738CFE5 515C61CF 064 - Kadabra: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 67CA1286 0E3A5D83 065 - Alakazam: 39E924C4 4136A9DD C91954D9 68AAD246 066 - Machop: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 8AD2C8BB EB3D7A39 067 - Machoke: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 95EFD5EA DD857E98 068 - Machamp: 39E924C4 4136A9DD: 3BF5B7C4 061AAA45 069 - Bellsprout: 39E924C4 4136A9DD CF2E3B09 3B30426E 070 - Weepinbell: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0030C455 4F43BB12 071 - Victreebel: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 1DF3B8CA DC70EC58 072 - Tentacool: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 65C4E9C5 24CA1894 073 - Tentacruel: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 51DDE51A 00DE2CE3 074 - Geodude: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 399F7170 D519951E 075 - Graveler: 39E924C4 4136A9DD DDF655E3 9BDEE49C 076 - Golem: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 103F567C 2F1A9043 077 - Ponyta: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 877A6953 8F6209F2 078 - Rapidash: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 195BAD3F C840CA28 079 - Slowpoke: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 4CEC5478 ACBC593C 080 - Slowbro: 39E924C4 4136A9DD FE7C44DB 7672B1D8 081 - Magnemite: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3C17AEA9 5DC9D705 082 - Magneton: 39E924C4 4136A9DD B8BD13C5 E3E7D9B3 083 - Farfetch'd: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 9121060C 74B908E0 084 - Doduo: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 920BE3C7 3E00359C 085 - Dodrio: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 02258041 19ABFE29 086 - Seel: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 8EC19A12 FD47B55F 087 - Dewgong: 39E924C4 4136A9DD E18D1069 1053E30C 088 - Grimer: 39E924C4 4136A9DD EB7F9C3F DB3192F5 089 - Muk: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 729160A9 F8F73577 090 - Shellder: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 92A2030E 24F19E86 091 - Cloyster: 39E924C4 4136A9DD FB078533 1A99C72A 092 - Gastly: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 99B8A848 91759EFF 093 - Haunter: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 7F14537B 6C00E975 094 - Gengar: 39E924C4 4136A9DD BA9A9758 4221EBF4 095 - Onix: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 54D9A0DB 68FC768F 096 - Drowzee: 39E924C4 4136A9DD C5C4BBBB 55B1B77F 097 - Hypno: 39E924C4 4136A9DD F4BB6321 8E9265DB 098 - Krabby: 39E924C4 4136A9DD D83FACC2 7D31E557 099 - Kingler: 39E924C4 4136A9DD FF0F431F 400EF220 100 - Voltorb: 39E924C4 4136A9DD ABD2C0C0 FBC68A93 101 - Electrode: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0C2333CD 141730A7 102 - Exeggcute: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 8D2F9E72 8719250B 103 - Exeggutor: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 744AF614 12D8281B 104 - Cubone: 39E924C4 4136A9DD D9E3884F 37500E3F 105 - Marowak: 39E924C4 4136A9DD CB4A8BD1 1D028DA2 106 - Hitmonlee: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 9EDB950D 454533E5 107 - Hitmonchan: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3535FA3A EBECD355 108 - Lickitung: 39E924C4 4136A9DD F582757C 16122B78 109 - Koffing: 39E924C4 4136A9DD BF93F87F BC1AB791 110 - Weezing: 39E924C4 4136A9DD D966DA15 88BBB73A 111 - Rhyhorn: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 7DA9C8C7 8549C3D4 112 - Rhydon: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 9071D41E 55259C19 113 - Chansey: 39E924C4 4136A9DD AD38C4DB B5EBB8A7 114 - Tangela: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 100D1518 466A2D06 115 - Kangaskhan: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 8F4BE409 7110788B 116 - Horsea: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 02401CFF F2742052 117 - Seadra: 39E924C4 4136A9DD B0160E28 ED6B68EC 118 - Goldeen: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 29061002 69BB68FF 119 - Seaking: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 676505B9 904C9DE3 120 - Staryu: 39E924C4 4136A9DD D7D9A00C 7BFB7AAC 121 - Starmie: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0E2752FA 51091446 122 - Mr. Mime: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0922D9A2 C1E680BA 123 - Scyther: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 28BEFBB3 68DE4569 124 - Jynx: 39E924C4 4136A9DD FB0FC84E D45216CF 125 - Electabuzz: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 1E6DE7CB DDDBAD78 126 - Magmar: 39E924C4 4136A9DD C644F8D1 4159A2D6 127 - Pinsir: 39E924C4 4136A9DD AEFBB853 03F4B721 128 - Tauros: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 1D5557F2 FACC2BA7 129 - Magikarp: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 04658924 E67574E2 130 - Gyarados: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 56156F0A D2F071F2 131 - Lapras: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 483AC796 E3850B8F 132 - Ditto: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3613AA25 2CC1B172 133 - Eevee: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 4B78A144 F02E1187 134 - Vaporeon: 39E924C4 4136A9DD D82AEDF5 F23B27A4 135 - Jolteon: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 1850F0B1 AAFB142F 136 - Flareon: 39E924C4 4136A9DD AB622741 B3F84F8B 137 - Porygon: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 6EE60CB5 746DFF03 138 - Omanyte: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 1DBD6215 4FD65295 139 - Omastar: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 23F20EC6 1368F543 140 - Kabuto: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 32A2B3E0 40DB80D9 141 - Kabutops: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 2058318E 392B7EE5 142 - Aerodactyl: 39E924C4 4136A9DD C44B6463 DB3237C3 143 - Snorlax: 39E924C4 4136A9DD E9ADF485 15BE8FA7 144 - Articuno: 39E924C4 4136A9DD D7B594AF C1DA18AB 145 - Zapdos: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 83E25054 9C927E5E 146 - Moltres: 39E924C4 4136A9DD F8DEC3CC A014B094 147 - Dratini: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 47C69D5D 1AA59D6D 148 - Dragonair: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 8B3A1FF0 A3C0E786 149 - Dragonite: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 796E6824 2B208DD5 150 - Mewtwo: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 4C77BA3F CA4EDCB6 151 - Mew: 39E924C4 4136A9DD B751BDF4 95CEF4CC 152 - Chikorita: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 539C7E13 DD795F72 153 - Bayleef: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 39D823E3 9EB6C9AA 154 - Meganium: 39E924C4 4136A9DD A2F7F837 7F974DEB 155 - Cyndaquil: 39E924C4 4136A9DD E4995046 3D00BF91 156 - Quilava: 39E924C4 4136A9DD B9CCC7BB D4C29E22 157 - Typhlosion: 39E924C4 4136A9DD B5592578 FBB9A4ED 158 - Totodile: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 6699EF70 D7B03D43 159 - Croconaw: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 33C5C90B D46AD9DC 160 - Feraligatr: 39E924C4 4136A9DD E1F0FEFA D0036CD4 161 - Sentret: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 6C2D5D5E 008A751F 162 - Furret: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 2B34A3C7 A829209F 163 - Hoothoot: 39E924C4 4136A9DD B33DAC5B 29EB7EB5 164 - Noctowl: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 8E0B9473 A4AE2B53 165 - Ledyba: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 5F2FD32D 941693B4 166 - Ledian: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 1CD7078F A7384A34 167 - Spinarak: 39E924C4 4136A9DD BF975E40 430B4806 168 - Ariados: 39E924C4 4136A9DD F3D55605 74AE5C52 169 - Crobat: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 56FC2792 3AEFE3F9 170 - Chinchou: 39E924C4 4136A9DD D70D1018 A021245F 171 - Lanturn: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 2D2CC458 21BDD10C 172 - Pichu: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 90AECEE5 A888F8AE 173 - Cleffa: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 08C2447D 2096B6AE 174 - Igglybuff: 39E924C4 4136A9DD D7F35EE0 D224ECDE 175 - Togepi: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 82269FC8 9579FD5A 176 - Togetic: 39E924C4 4136A9DD E3581C9B AE652F9A 177 - Natu: 39E924C4 4136A9DD B635603F B1E81481 178 - Xatu: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 459823AE 3F1683A4 179 - Mareep: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0783E965 C5165BF8 180 - Flaaffy: 39E924C4 4136A9DD F510A285 5288E291 181 - Ampharos: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3CE54322 74A86618 182 - Bellossom: 39E924C4 4136A9DD F0088391 0C65D5E3 183 - Marill: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 51EB125F EAA0FCBE 184 - Azumarill: 39E924C4 4136A9DD E832EF37 64D0E6A2 185 - Sudowoodo: 39E924C4 4136A9DD DDA1AC43 4A067FAE 186 - Politoed: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 5C6CD179 E18C31EF 187 - Hoppip: 39E924C4 4136A9DD B1BC8307 69EF9C2C 188 - Skiploom: 39E924C4 4136A9DD E32EA0FE CB37FF3B 189 - Jumpluff: 39E924C4 4136A9DD C03FCFEF 84CB37BA 190 - Aipom: 39E924C4 4136A9DD A45DFE4F F27A9D8D 191 - Sunkern: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 165C689B AF94A177 192 - Sunflora: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 36838BE7 E5367C3A 193 - Yanma: 39E924C4 4136A9DD E500846E 9A4FF5C7 194 - Wooper: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 6F071CA9 63FF4902 195 - Quagsire: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 67375392 E7F55C24 196 - Espeon: 39E924C4 4136A9DD EF8A105C 72CEF63E 197 - Umbreon: 39E924C4 4136A9DD EF708FD1 C5E8B000 198 - Murkrow: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 98F8C8F7 EEA657B9 199 - Slowking: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 43D2617C C2F14DFB 200 - Misdreavus: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 2E5E5AEB 22EBF9FF 201 - Unown: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 10998FB0 656B5C99 202 - Wobbuffet: 39E924C4 4136A9DD EC4EB940 2C63CA65 203 - Girafarig: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 41377A90 E36247DE 204 - Pineco: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 43C3A9BF 477AF067 205 - Foretress: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 55815067 03B03952 206 - Dunsparce: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 4F8D48EA 9336834B 207 - Gligar: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 729F34AB 5B1018D0 208 - Steelix: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 1FE62E14 130CD2F8 209 - Snubbull: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 77C7197D 502B8B56 210 - Granbull: 39E924C4 4136A9DD CF223304 929E964E 211 - Qwilfish: 39E924C4 4136A9DD C9551136 F45B0236 212 - Scizor: 39E924C4 4136A9DD F8D4BFAE D2C136F5 213 - Shuckle: 39E924C4 4136A9DD A94D8CB8 560257D4 214 - Heracross: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 779D6EBF 3139EFF6 215 - Sneasel: 39E924C4 4136A9DD C21BA23A 95AB64BD 216 - Teddiursa: 39E924C4 4136A9DD EDEB2FF0 88466B79 217 - Ursaring: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 2607FA8F 4BF940FA 218 - Slugma: 39E924C4 4136A9DD E2899947 9269834F 219 - Magcargo: 39E924C4 4136A9DD A58E1198 6E004BAD 220 - Swinub: 39E924C4 4136A9DD F949DADD BBC8B5CD 221 - Piloswine: 39E924C4 4136A9DD AA68D49C B33C8972 222 - Corsola: 39E924C4 4136A9DD DDEFF53A EC57A23F 223 - Remoraid: 39E924C4 4136A9DD A67D580A B44A4DF4 224 - Octillery: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 78BA5E9D BA836EEB 225 - Delibird: 39E924C4 4136A9DD BC1FE4EC 9F1818A1 226 - Mantine: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3AF8DB31 042E9DF9 227 - Skarmory: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 92DE3CD4 65C14106 228 - Houndour: 39E924C4 4136A9DD CABF0A0B B0E620D3 229 - Houndoom: 39E924C4 4136A9DD D8D99C49 B49D47DC 230 - Kingdra: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 2B185541 DB13ACF6 231 - Phanpy: 39E924C4 4136A9DD CBCB02D6 C41FE3F4 232 - Donphan: 39E924C4 4136A9DD B8A6C516 12ECADE5 233 - Porygon2: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 04EA10C3 8DB0146F 234 - Stantler: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 9C0B5F02 A2857BBC 235 - Smeargle: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 49D7E467 103D0D48 236 - Tyrogue: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 3D2030E2 B2A0CACE 237 - Hitmontop: 39E924C4 4136A9DD A357C435 8BC380D1 238 - Smoochum: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 8C287F7F E3950A6E 239 - Elekid: 39E924C4 4136A9DD A78E8FFA EDB5DA5C 240 - Magby: 39E924C4 4136A9DD D77AEB51 E63292DB 241 - Miltank: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 1A55F1D1 2FCDADEA 242 - Blissey: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 01EA07BF 793C86F2 243 - Raikou: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 43FF33D1 F368CDE6 244 - Entei: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 0C8037A6 BE1D9DB2 245 - Suicune: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 80755BDB E392B806 246 - Larvitar: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 2C8E4296 84D8D6E3 247 - Pupitar: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 8418E051 5C53CE38 248 - Tyranitar: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 32D66B09 40354103 249 - Lugia: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 545C676A 51FFDC1C 250 - Ho-Oh: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 437065EF 67DF37EF 251 - Celebi: 39E924C4 4136A9DD 4AEC27E8 A5FF1540 Rate Above Submission:
Above submission added on: 24th Mar 2004 | id number: 1977 Author: mimmi | Verify above submission Valid | Bogus Tick to add to printer friendly selection. Master Ball first slot of PC Verified by: Aeon-Flux, gameguru007 Bogus Report: twidi
DCEEEC34 AFEADC26 Rate Above Submission:
Above submission added on: 21st Mar 2004 | id number: 1938 Author: kewl147 | Verify above submission Valid | Bogus Tick to add to printer friendly selection. All Pokemon(including the old ones)in Pokedex Verified by: needapokemon Bogus Report: CHEATMASTER91
Master Code: 9E6AC862 823AB7A8 46B7D9E4 A709E9E1
Pokémon #001-032: 99A01FA2 3F08F830 EE74BECA AF807991 362E9B1F A0B784CB E8A0B086 E9578D38
Pokémon #033-064: 1AA3B176 4D33093E BC48ED82 8CEC0717 193DC7EC 4EF8B886 6FDB881B 8F5D8790
Pokémon #065-096: CDFDF9E5 1B77914D C9DEFDFF F308CAE4 870A34D6 56AA6344 2980457D 55CBE274
Pokémon #097-128: 348F929F 3B70A003 07753633 1D737450 2730760E B8C78129 7ECC99ED A18A2230
Pokémon #129-160: 548CCF25 3704DF7D DD7BBD22 201C52AF 8A69A8B2 2CDBBABC 24B0B4A1 9D933746
Pokémon #161-192: BDC7E7E5 850DF847 DBF14DEA A1585014 D5FF286F 8A3120AF 48616CCB 5910DF5D
Pokémon #193-224: A732450A 9AD013C2 982BF2B9 BE067FA1 F3BCF131 056FEDA3 E2F5F771 C16E375C
Pokémon #225-256: 8BEBE659 E9059F11 BD1EA490 65035CFC 43777FB7 E83DB646 39DA34D2 285275D3
Pokémon #257-288: 508D4561 3CAB0F04 BBF5743B 4076AABE AA1490CD 7A23FAF7 50979647 67714ADF
Pokémon #289-320: 2F369DC8 75A71EFF DEF64BBB 58F81A84 2A410615 163AC26F F8C5D2D2 E04D563E
Pokémon #321-352: 2864A834 E967D580 97C7A550 803BD53A C065E5AF 718A1FA7 0AD09D1B BF067D99
Pokémon #353-384: 0BDB86B6 9BA88E11 82BB07A1 C5D5D579 222EE537 F07B2595 026B9BB2 4256DA85
Pokémon #385-386: 6AC43F44 45C92236 158A3C39 10E68326 5DC7027C 54972591 773C36C1 921FB070 Rate Above Submission:
Above submission added on: 12th Mar 2004 | id number: 1866 Author: yapy | Verify above submission Valid | Bogus Tick to add to printer friendly selection. How to find dragonite in the grass Verified by: unverified Bogus Report:
Type in the master code:
Ruby: de00aafd 2ebd05d0 530823d9 16558191
Sapphire: de00aafd 2ebd05d0 b4564efe 23f44bf2
Then type the code: Ruby:e89009ef 103a1fab Sapp:51024322 ff7c88df
Have fun catching! Rate Above Submission:
Above submission added on: 25th Dec 2003 | id number: 1260 Author: mahdi | Verify above submission Valid | Bogus Tick to add to printer friendly selection. Master Code, Lotta Money Verified by: yapy, cuddles, Aeon-Flux, Wargreymon Bogus Report:
Master Code: [Must Be On For Code To Work]
9E6AC862 823AB7A8 46B7D9E4 A709E9E1
Lotta Money:
Rate Above Submission:
Above submission added on: 6th Dec 2003 | id number: 1133 Author: hobbez82 | Verify above submission Valid | Bogus Tick to add to printer friendly selection. Become Rich Verified by: coldangelofseath, yapy Bogus Report:
1B3E8B0C E075B270 Rate Above Submission:
Above submission added on: 30th Sep 2003 | id number: 771 Author: Ice ssj4 | Verify above submission Valid | Bogus Tick to add to printer friendly selection. Use an Item as Many Times as You Want Verified by: unverified Bogus Report:
A1D75FBC CEC709E8 Rate Above Submission:
Above submission added on: 30th Sep 2003 | id number: 770 Author: Ice ssj4 | Verify above submission Valid | Bogus Tick to add to printer friendly selection. Verified by: ~GeminiTomboyGamer~, epyon, Big_Mole, blade019 Bogus Report:
Gameshark codes for what pokemon to catch
C7715E5D 4B03490C
AC386FDC E1057B11
6C0E650D 9151DC36
86FC5D2E 2AB49BE7
8EF2FF70 229DABA2
5F4739E5 94A6717F
F18A71B3 474EF1FF
600C15C9 7A07635B
9DAC9AE7 0802D361
32D2BE30 1538D5E2
AF02EDC2 534F3FF1
3D94CBE7 806B75AA
013 - WEEDLE
0F029558 78490C5D
014 - KAKUNA
2C901485 96BF028B
4CD61B87 F05305C0
016 - PIDGEY
B5A3B324 4A2ABD7E
ED21FD83 4D34C446
3F2FF398 386736A6
CBB024C3 3D4E94CF
D50BE2E3 E9AC080B
022 - FEAROW
1B5E43BD 9713080E
023 - EKANS
9746090A 9B13D34A
024 - ARBOK
E8B3D478 7DB12D1A
76575913 837E7434
026 - RAICHU
44DC4643 2E37823B
A90E5784 8E3070F2
DB655BDA 4885F2BA
029 - NIDORAN Female
D9862183 3DC52ADF
34046638 0412FF7B
A4115F36 A58D2F6E
032 - NIDORAN Male
115EE33A 047E08D9
83AF0E64 308DCF7A
0A960AD3 2D88FB71
A245B05B DBA62586
037 - VULPIX
E9243AE6 0707C461
8B104BC5 3BBB0554
9D6FDEB5 9E31E1D8
041 - ZUBAT
A5F54B47 43289103
042 - GOLBAT
3955CE26 1CBBE2B7
043 - ODDISH
FD90C5C2 2B982804
044 - GLOOM
191292AD 8DA00EED
7B389B12 790FFF7D
046 - PARAS
28F47730 F2BE0E37
8F320452 F34DE558
CC91885B A7BDA5D0
7498F3A3 7D8DE734
4E0E0953 99832EC7
052 - MEOWTH
4107EE54 59F45AC6
574E9E37 CF91E972
10CAB90D FBA1D606
E668AE7B 6C41ABE6
056 - MANKEY
16FE1028 9A936148
29B920D4 925D9207
22B7647C F5951FC0
C997ECED 821D7BE8
DDCAE2B2 48356075
7522AE0F 219A6D01
9895E708 49248155
063 - ABRA
8EE6264B 7FA5506A
A52F239F 157183AA
066 - MACHOP
754794BB 393FBB5E
596DD0CA 422404AF
D03BF772 85346D77
0E6E78BE 6553B936
29CC9E0E F1D7F477
D1797B9B BC093A3F
B3106F93 C70F4300
33202BC8 4B640AB3
076 - GOLEM
981E5643 20350C5C
077 - PONYTA
3EBEFE1E A8493773
3D7098F8 603A63BA
33AD5E4E 1F464A59
14A9A5E7 3C6D8285
A772B75B C41A2001
0AD10269 00EF2DDC
084 - DODUO
C86D9E0A D50F5094
085 - DODRIO
086 - SEEL
0C2314C9 19D3DAD8
E4A84A01 E8F5F70B
088 - GRIMER
1C079E02 0E278333
089 - MUK
88E7528B 4EDE64E8
1EA5B82C 6AE3C655
6D655CDB 8564F3D6
092 - GASTLY
5F526032 B3FFFCE0
973AB5D9 C4DD3650
094 - GENGAR
EA51AA85 C39E59D4
095 - ONIX
43CBABBB B7155781
BA6D6DF7 DE9213D6
097 - HYPNO
E4A57331 BFD72F7E
098 - KRABBY
3F1B3D68 D4401611
93F26FDC 1621EFBB
BA4A7DEE B6786158
771695BD 9D8BE844
84689B70 FD33AE82
104 - CUBONE
AF9A5643 17D23C50
B3A12885 D5D4DA48
29025DA4 6C67823C
513811EA EFBC54A8
5E065A17 4F8282B0
3B75EE99 1DE0E837
4878DB3C EA7C31E1
112 - RHYDON
195DB2BB A4007417
98A9EF2F D4933FE0
B1510A8B 506644ED
116 - HORSEA
A4EBBAA4 72E72233
117 - SEADRA
F29255BC BB65E9A6
C0BF93BB DF9273D4
120 - STARYU
3B32D430 49596504
56831CCB 1A47A4DC
122 - MR.MIME
9FC25570 19FFADC8
C4C02E8B CB6C0843
124 - JYNX
E9B19520 9876042D
EE7D62E6 377677A7
126 - MAGMAR
608711AD 052765EC
127 - PINSIR
52518024 0E93A551
128 - TAUROS
3ED3C52A 46C14BD1
7C77F189 2570754C
EA48F528 76018F4F
131 - LAPRAS
24D3EE0E 404F7B3D
132 - DITTO
5FD5479B 25F61E5C
133 - EEVEE
6817CACB B3725546
418E4169 4A61E666
67F9841D E968DA3D
B6691108 227D02B3
D763E945 C958628C
F01152ED 876CFF58
140 - KABUTO
F86734D5 046D3F8F
92255918 3F823AF8
65B08809 FC26812C
9F9A4317 19B26CE8
145 - ZAPDOS
9C30E2E2 1F157234
A265FB70 5EAE2980
52F5EC2D DDD29409
F4BD50DA 1B890A51
B67EB199 4491FC62
150 - MEWTWO
30621E6F 164FED85
151 - MEW
71E09BD1 17FDFD02
025F2921 710FE9F1
FEDD6E75 8BF7942D
09C6FA0D 4F0F5773
F3595519 C41CB89F
B962659C FD1C1893
4281A040 0FD71E37
658B55E6 01699F03
7171EB15 E4ADEA22
918632C3 9DDE2DBB
6BC6D188 3A1559EB
162 - FURRET
D8607109 AD28DB09
78A0CD57 9A371B1F
FBDBF52B 3623B52C
165 - LEDYBA
50757C7A A393D46A
166 - LEDIAN
349C7EAC 1092228D
1BCCE898 36AE52D4
F5044794 6C4C5098
169 - CROBAT
741082FC 8EF7B960
13534CCF 5BB92C8C
172 - PICHU
173 - CLEFFA
586090DB 2EAC760B
175 - TOGEPI
F656D521 4B02FC73
53F6DE66 941BAC84
177 - NATU
F4462DB1 AF5C874E
178 - XATU
51CAB730 0E9283C0
179 - MAREEP
B3323FA4 00976EED
3FE2F064 BB639BA3
03DB2EDA F1498315
EE1B4201 DA9C6E71
183 - MARILL
76ECA4FF 35F8C4F9
24A67695 0E972009
8A0F695E 0306DC83
5BA115A0 3330A906
187 - HOPPIP
3BED40A5 C056C098
A200463B D753895E
4A91807F 7E5AE2BC
190 - AIPOM
8F7B8FA5 51BE6519
BCD70C60 DC720840
EA4F4358 A731A363
193 - YANMA
7D316ADF 4B760643
194 - WOOPER
91166348 E9B56CFC
6E59C1C9 60930723
196 - ESPEON
B33E1632 D7F709D0
E6FCAD89 AF77B153
F3BA401D 74110D94
D7E57A96 CC7B875E
38744E79 1BFB4656
201 - UNOWN
1922B64C 93A475E6
AFD25289 DC56A0CD
204 - PINECO
AB82F0EE 7D884FB9
E5355F5F 23DE47E9
207 - GLIGAR
D48A22E1 A90FC70A
E5181BD8 7D70413E
5EB71E4A 7E4F4C2B
D2F305AD 7D077739
7148B7F0 D8D53003
212 - SCIZOR
FA2F872F B24A679F
919B1A5D 72F996F6
088236A9 C6933F92
663BCF6F E0AC9C73
4536DAC4 19FE88AB
5668474A F3AEF7A9
218 - SLUGMA
2B169F23 E11514BC
20CBDC4C 87541E08
220 - SWINUB
432D0CD9 868F6A6A
1AEE78F1 D6412BED
E3CBB814 F78A0FF1
4D675931 31AC8869
9202ED83 F6B41A95
8C2E6741 D5F172A4
F554A963 EDA859B6
7E5EFBAA F9D18289
A99587CC A49BC248
7FCE2C26 38425484
FB5F56E3 F2427C25
231 - PHANPY
8F5688F4 58987C65
233 - PORYGON2
F24D3963 1DE32FEB
F289D907 2638EA9B
36066CF9 66A42091
057BFEC0 7D24A566
A5C5D439 AE264439
D035F687 52B30C9D
239 - ELEKID
C5D22480 A2CCC775
240 - MAGBY
C6A84B78 810CD4FC
A454BB28 1CEC3F83
0160D183 A2A2A1B6
243 - RAIKOU
244 - ENTEI
ACE71E49 475ACE5A
0C0BC2BE 64E725C6
4C3FD6DD A72A38D9
C9AC6A5E 6A92796A
D9A33817 C2429A0C
249 - LUGIA
E57F3F78 64F944D0
250 - HO-OH
92BB8BD9 629E2D58
251 - CELEBI
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